
AM Locations: Expanded to other machines?

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Post #1 · Posté à 2012-01-02 10:37:19am il y a 13.2 années

Offline TyTigeriku
TyTigeriku Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2006-08-26

"Magic Parade with me!"
While I was looking up old arcade machines on Wikipedia, I got curious and decided to see if there was an arcade location database out there as large as Zenius'. Turns out, Zenius showcases quite possibly one of the only arcade databases of its kind on the internet. Oh sure, there's other databases, but they are small, unorganized, and mostly on forums. What other organized databases are there? Simple: DDRFreak and Pump Haven. (There was also apparently one other, but if it existed, it's long gone.)

Yes, keeping tabs on music games is a fantastic way to showcase where there are arcades (as so many have them), but what other games do these places have? Do they have any other new games like H2Overdrive? How is their fighting game selection? What if one wants to get nostalgic, what options are there? Moreover, what condition are all the games in?

My suggestion is pretty much this: Considering the sheer size of this database already, why not have the ability to add listings for other games, to give people a better scope of what's there? They can be separated by type, to differentiate them from the music listings, and to provide easier access to the information. Not a whole lot to the actual system would have to be changed, simply the addition of other games to the dropdown list, mostly. The lists of games could be separated by type down to the dropdown boxes with the games in them, so there wouldn't be one huge list.

This is the largest arcade database on the internet, bar none. Even then, it's incomplete due to the (understandable) lack of arcades without music games. We can't be the only group of arcadegoers to want access to something like this.

It'd be a lot of work, and I wouldn't expect Alan to do something like this alone. There's just too many arcade games to list by one person. It'd be a big job, but once it starts, the impact of it would likely start showing very quickly. It wouldn't just be "our" database, meant for music game fans only; it would be a database for the rhythmic, the fighter, the driver, the shooter, the nostalgic, the immersed. It would be the database for one and all, an ultimate service to the world of arcade gaming.

Who wants to do this?
E. TN Machines!

Post #2 · Posté à 2012-01-02 10:50:25am il y a 13.2 années

Offline Mercury
Mercury Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2007-06-15

>(There was also apparently one other, but if it existed, it's long gone.)

If we expand it to non-music games, I think we should have a filter - for example: a "Show music games only" tickbox or similar.

Good idea though!

Post #3 · Posté à 2012-01-02 11:18:45am il y a 13.2 années

Offline al2k4
al2k4 Avatar Admin
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Reg. 2006-05-01

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
I am supporting this, but we must keep music games as priority as default though.

I'll probably add this tomorrow.

Post #4 · Posté à 2012-01-02 11:49:26am il y a 13.2 années

Offline yindesu
yindesu Avatar Member
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Reg. 2011-01-02

Quote: Mercury

If we expand it to non-music games, I think we should have a filter - for example: a "Show music games only" tickbox or similar.

Pretty sure I wrote this exact post a while ago in a topic talking about this.

By the way, a good practical reason to list "other" games in a separate list from the music games is that some arcades have so many "other" games which frequently change, making it hard to keep any list up to date. (e.g., Round1 in California)

Post #5 · Posté à 2012-01-02 11:53:14am il y a 13.2 années

Offline al2k4
al2k4 Avatar Admin
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Reg. 2006-05-01

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
The machine list can be grouped according to game series type, Music Game series' will always be on the top whereas all others will be on the bottom.
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