
[!! V.3 RELEASED !!] DDRMAX-Extreme Videos Recreation Project 2013-2022

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Post #21 · Posted at 2014-05-21 05:46:59am 10 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"

Last updated: 2014-05-21 05:49am
Mm... loving that fresh new page smell.

Quote: Daniel_BMS
Thought so. I have only kept version 2.

Really, though, had you downloaded this before V.2.1 was released, you'd only need V.1-V.1.1 for Ring6 and Kaliedoscope1 (Ring6 got lost, and Kaliedoscope1 outdated after an update was lost), but I fixed the two movies, so it's not a burden anymore.

Post #22 · Posted at 2014-05-21 03:54:50pm 10 years ago

Offline RGTM
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"BBCode Not Allowed"
Keep it up with your recreations, Mr. Cuzco, they're looking pretty good.

Unrelated question, but have you ever considered trying to make your own random videos in the style of DDRMAX-EXTREME? It seems to me you have the skills necessary to pull it off.
ZIv Mod Squad: "shark jumpscare"

Post #23 · Posted at 2014-05-21 06:20:15pm 10 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"

Last updated: 2018-05-16 05:06pm
Quote: xRGTMx
Unrelated question, but have you ever considered trying to make your own random videos in the style of DDRMAX-EXTREME? It seems to me you have the skills necessary to pull it off.

Actually, yes.


It's in the newest download this way. I based it off of Egg2, Tunnel1, Fireworks4, and, I know what you're thinking, even Wave2 (yay for completely different movies!). When modeling the textures, I just let myself make a looping 80 frame thingy.

Just as well, ever since I decided to try to re-create my very old movies from 2012, I had some ideas that I'm sure would look great in this pack.

Here are 2 of the videos I made from October 2012-January 2013 (i still have them!);


Speedometers1.avi. Pretty much similar to Kaliedoscope11 and Disco1 at the same time. Although, I might change the texture, considering how long it's taking for Kaliedoscope11 to even be made.


Marble1.avi (because why not make a new category?). This would be similar to Kaliedoscope14, however, I may make this movie different (Balls would have Texture3 and the background would have Texture13/14), however, it will always have the loop. Bonus may include a type of text animation that movies like Disturb1 and Text28/26 have that says "LOOP".

And I have some other ideas (I once thought of a Jacob's ladder movie but it was way too hard to make... c':). I can assure you that I am not limited to the 594 (estimated) movies I'm used to a lot.

Post #24 · Posted at 2014-05-21 09:15:27pm 10 years ago

Offline DDRmaster2007
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You're doing a nice job recreating the BG clips from MAX era.

The original clips are beauty but look so old nowadays (in terms of resolution). Keep doin this please.

Post #25 · Posted at 2014-05-22 01:43:56am 10 years ago

Offline Michael1991
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Nintendo Network ID: MAITANZA3DS Friend Code: 2353-3627-3100Game Center Nickname: MAITANZA
Nice job recreating the BG animations!!!

Post #26 · Posted at 2014-10-16 02:21:12am 9.6 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"

Last updated: 2018-05-08 03:07am

I've had this weird dream with an entirely new video my subconscious thought up.

Concept art;


There were these symmetrical thingies and fireworks1 was playing behind it...

I feel like this dream is somehow connected to some "The Geometry Center" videos I was watching earlier... Particularly this one;

This is an interesting idea that I'll have to consider, though...

Ahp. I just got my first request.

It's technically not in my range, but here's the request I got through a PM;

Quote: you should totally make this background · Sent at: 01:05pm Friday 30th May, 2014
TBLKitten; http://youtu.be/G43dV_Y8e5o?t=7s

gl hf with seizure enticing DSDCT bg's

This is an interesting video. My first goal is to find a digital captured video so that I can trace it correctly.

Update (September 30th);


I've decided to start this project up yet again.

There are long pauses between the spring and fall because I am not interested in DDR during that time, but for some reason, every October-January, I seem to get a likening for DDR.

Except the most progress from that range.

I want to aim pack 2.2 to be released on November 1st 2014, though with my knack of making the movies starting to fade a tiny bit, not to mention the movies getting harder, I cannot promise it will have much.

So anyways, here are updates; I've made at least 4 videos for the pack; 3D-rendered Circle11, Square1, and Pentagon1, and groove1 (one of the easiest ones). You can expect those for sure.

Also, about TBLKitten's request, I've ran into a problem.

This song only exists on an ARCADE version (more specifically, Dancing Stage feat. Dreams Come True), so I cannot find a digitally captured version of the BG sequence.

This is as close as I can get;

So yeah. Not to mention the UI elements and arrows in the way, it's going to be a hassle. This is why I like to make the movies specifically from Max-Extreme; I have 80% of them memorized in my head and I have fool-proof digital copies of them. So expect some inaccuracies.

...but then again....

http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/817e/91hkll5c1q8mtn1fg.jpg Albeit I want to fix this lame movie, but complications with Blender...ugh.

Also, on my OTHER animation project, I've made quite a lot of progress in my animation skills. So I've decided to take on...this.


Yeah, the Spin the Disc BGs. Ebim (red guy on the left) seems to resemble the boy as a 12-year old, and doesn't seem too different from the girl either. Expect my versions to resemble him. Previously I tried using the HTF character Flaky for Girl1 (which I never finished), but I think now that I know a lot more to character animation, I think I'll give it a try.

I'll also see if I can do TBLKitten's requests, 50% of the backgrounds look easy to do.

4.2 hours later;


Ohp. The movies are going to be so cheesy... ^^;

This is why I want to hold off making movies like alice/emi/anything else with DDR character humans. They aren't my specialty (as opposed to stuff like Kaliedoscope12). At least I tried, though.

My goal is to get these two movies in Pack V.2.2;


These, for some reason, have been taking so long to make. They still aren't finished after a year. It might be because I don't have a clue what to do with them, or maybe that bad texture. The latter I am trying to solve;


These are obviously not solid colors, they are all made by a single gradient;


Unfortunately, there is around 110 visible pixels (I only got a tenth of them so far!), so they are obviously still gonna take longer. I cannot promise Disco1 will make it due to how complex it is, but I'm definitely sure Tunnel1 and some other WIPs like Tunnel8 ...which... I FUCKING LOST THE .ANME FILE FOR!! -____-; and Square2/Square5 will there.

My newest masterpiece.


....eehhhh it's not done yet. But it works if one of the textures I already made was use. I'm starting to suspect that the floor is actually a completely original texture and doesn't require me to render the eggs with a transparent background and...you know....

On another note, I've hit 100 random movies here. Wow. That's a lot. And it doesn't feel that long ago that I made these...

Once I hit 200, I am going to post something very interesting for users of Blender/Anime Studio. In the meantime, enjoy what you have with the stuff you can download. I've made like, 10 movies in the span of October 3-4. I really love some of them.

I am going to get to TBLKitten's request as soon as I'm done my other WIPs (Lava1, KL2, Egg2, Disco6 with interesting characters, and MAYBE Tunnel1's texture. No later than October 15th, though.

I haven't posted anything for a while, but I wasn't standing still;


Look at all of this stuff I made within, like, 15 days. 19 brand new videos, and 30 videos altogether (including massive/minor fixes). And every single one of these look beautiful and true to the original (except maybe boy3, but it's still better than I expected). And I still have another 14 days to go.

I can safely guarantee that there will be 0 delays with all of these videos. Who knows? It might even be released sooner...

A lot more BGscripts are coming together with this variety of videos (I've gotten the very popular circle11 and ring2). Unfortunately I haven't worked up to getting to TBLKitten's request yet (it might be because it's similar to (opinions alert) boring videos like hawaii1, frog1, bottle1, rocket2, etc.). I've determined that this script needs 7 videos.

In order, hoping star9 and cube14 won't overlap (like the sad story of text29 with wheel6); gob1, gob2, star9, cube14, dct1, dct2, and gob3. I'm probably going to do star9 since it vaguely resembles star7 and disco2 in a slight way, and I show a lot of interest for the 3D texture videos, as I said.

In the meantime, here;

I will upload 4-5 preview videos making sure to grab ALL of my current visuals this time once Pack 2.2 is released.

Post #27 · Posted at 2014-10-25 05:21:40am 9.6 years ago

Offline Keno9988
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"Hey'ing your PaRappas."
I want to see more of this.

This looks quite interesting. (I should know, Cuzco's been showing me his progress for a while now.) Green Grin
Why do your lips never touch when you say touch, but they do touch when you say separate?

Did I just blow your mind?

Post #28 · Posted at 2014-10-25 05:43:40am 9.6 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"
Where did the guy above me come from?


I've hit a healthy 80 MB, 46 videos, and 26 new videos. This pack is being released on the 28th-29th.

I'm kinda embarrassed I STILL didn't get around to at least 3 of the GOB videos/Disco1/Tunnel1/Tunnel5, but hey, this is better than the previous release (a little bland).

Post #29 · Posted at 2014-10-25 06:42:34am 9.6 years ago

Offline Keno9988
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"Hey'ing your PaRappas."
Quote: CuzcoBlocko
Where did the guy above me come from?

excuse me
Why do your lips never touch when you say touch, but they do touch when you say separate?

Did I just blow your mind?

Post #30 · Posted at 2014-10-29 04:09:50am 9.6 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"

Last updated: 2014-10-29 04:09am
Sorry, gonna ignore Keenan Avery-Dweebenheimer, and pay attention to my friend Keno9988. Nothing negative, just business. Lol.

Any video you want to request?

Chart of stuff;



My newest masterpiece.

The pack is being released on the 29th. If I feel the need to squeeze in just one more video, though, it might be the 30th... But that's it. No more than that.

I got at least one video from TBLKitten, star9. I am planning to do the one rainbow cubes movie next.

Also, after V.2.2, V.3 is being released, and all of the videos will be 750x422 with equal quality, because I feel like the quality of my videos can be likened to the actual sources, and if I was re-making videos with 304x176 resolution, there'd be no point, as we already have 304x176 videos. I'm doing this to avoid the sizes getting too high while improving the quality globally.

Also, I am not covering the riyu videos, as they require live-action capture. Even if I made it into animation, one time when I was looking at the videos, my brother thought I was doing something.... different... I'm worried he might think I'm going into unusual territory when I'm not. :/

This is the last chance to request videos and get them fast, within a 2 day range. So if you feel like you want to see how I make a certain movie, don't hesitate to ask.

To make the sizes fair, I've decided to take the number 800 (width of my movies) and divide it by 304 (width of beware's movies);


Then do this for the height of the movies (450 / 208);


Then, grab the difference between the two numbers...

2.631 - 2.163 = 0.468.

Then, divide it by two; 0.234.

Then, subtract 0.234 on 2.631, and we see the exact middle of the numbers;


And then, multiply, say, beware's kaliedoscope12 (901 KB) by 2.4;

2.16 MB

...no good. But then we divide it by 4 and multiply it x3;

1.62 MB

I am going to consider this a fair size because we need to remember these are 800 x 450 videos =/= 304 x 208 videos. Once pack V.2.2 is released, I will immediately recompress all of the videos with these settings. I might also start using 7Zip/WinRAR to squash down the file sizes.

Post #31 · Posted at 2014-10-29 04:36:10pm 9.6 years ago

Offline DDRmaster2007
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At least Riyu 1 & Riyu 11 would get some recreation/remastering. That would be awesome!

Post #32 · Posted at 2014-10-31 02:33:16am 9.6 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"

Last updated: 2014-10-31 02:46am

These two videos are made of glowing still images. Very cheesy, but whatever. Riyu11 has 'School Days'. I can give them a try, but trust me, they'd look very awkward (remember that Train animation puppet I made a few posts above?). ^.^;

I am going to release the pack either tomorrow or this evening. I must insist I have to get a specific video done for this pack. You'll find out why eventually.

It is time.


Click the symbols wheel to download.

Pack V.2.2 has been released with a whole new variety of videos, ranging from text graphics to more 3DTextura movies to wireframe movies to... A sneak peek of the Spin the Disc BG. I've hidden more usernames of friends and other ZIv users in the pack.

I'm looking for better codecs because some of the movies look a little...bad...and lossy. Also, the pack is 100 MB. One solution would be to set back the movies to 700x394, but I don't want to resort to this unless I feel there's no other way.

Here are some movies I threw together myself for this pack;

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/OT0-oqpVqxxLypEBALNE4uxiSZpsW2GsTP2vU2-jpjI7YMH8Vtr5L5-VOawylax6bvCaRpj_KxF-r5DntcGYWutpMI1UkwLYNRBNaLZSMebnzF-l75dtETVyDnZBXl969Q Tunnel16; A very strange 3D workspace appeared in my dream (look a few posts above for what I dreamed of)... I later decided to adapt it into a 3DTextura movie. (I actually dreamed of two more original 3DTextura movies, and will get started on those very soon).

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/4npsTVHiPK2sf6B1igmoi6ObsIxViinweDXKGOohpQrc3u3DxW8u75MupDXnk5ICXcw0Zg2rsonyfi9yGi4t2zI27v5Cp7TonJK_h_kvBsDwl4dxwGkV8PGl4vJxkyuJqg Fireworks6; Made as a reminiscent of a childhood flipnote back in 2009-2010.

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/j0CFGYPSjkgDLSSC35FvmV5rurSv749IsDIx2psW8JAvI4o6Br9wbmvnsjnVg5E7d0TiCYdZn1Vkoi97RPn2pxc4plmZ7CwMl6n6y_JpIvtviTh3VxhikBknB_DuMTR_1Q Symbols4; This is what I feel the 3rd symbols wheel movie (in green) would look like. I like to vary my adaptions of certain movies.

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/lG9cgCLI0K7sv8So7ppovnxy5aZ8LMOu_FVDLGfA-3SOk7lVp7yAp28ryfKyUZPB26lygAp4_nCTZ1gqk11BP98rmd09OA69BarlMtxxK_cnpwHAfT567UrenC9Y83rA3g Star9; This was a request by TBLKitten out of 7 movies for 'Go on, baby!'. I haven't gotten around to making the other 6, but I can assure you, it'll be finished by V.3.

I've also introduced cube12br, something that should be in Beware's pack (Scorching Moon in DDR Extreme CS), and, for creative scripting, square5a-e(r) and r (these will be taken down if beware insists).

I've also gotten another request from DDRmaster2007 to make two of riyu's movies. I will get to this once I find a way to pull off the apparent live human pictures in the movies.

I'd like to thank silverdragon754 for his Bemani Fonts pack for the animated image above + Text31, Star9, and Groove1.

I'd also like to thank my best friends WhatIAm, Keno9988, and Hoodbytes for supporting me throughout the making of all of the movies above and helping me through some stressful issues with other people I've met along the way.

So...yeah. Get downloading!

Post #33 · Posted at 2014-10-31 02:38:14am 9.6 years ago

Offline chewi
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Last updated: 2014-10-31 02:38am
Any previews in gif form or video? (besides ones already posted)
Also, the BEMANI font pack was originally compiled by silverdragon754, not silenttype01.

Post #34 · Posted at 2014-10-31 02:45:53am 9.6 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"
Since you asked, I am now putting together a video set to a song that matches the total length of the videos I selected to be used (it's not all of them).

Post #35 · Posted at 2014-10-31 02:46:21am 9.6 years ago

Offline chewi
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Cool, can't wait to see it. Smile

Post #36 · Posted at 2014-10-31 03:06:05am 9.6 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"

Last updated: 2014-10-31 03:08am

Post #37 · Posted at 2014-11-03 04:13:07am 9.6 years ago

Offline DDRmaster2007
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Thanks for considering working on that RIYU videos.

Have you tried to recreate the DANGER animations from MAX, MAX2 & EXTREME? Were there BGA or videos. I'm not sure.

On Arcades they run at 24/30fps but on CS versions they run at 60fps.

Post #38 · Posted at 2014-11-03 04:14:53am 9.6 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"
I only have the EXTREME danger BGA. Everything else, I''ll have to take from gameplay footage, and I'm not sure if videos showcasing the danger screens exists (I don't have anything to capture gameplay footage myself). The MAX one looks easy, though.

Post #39 · Posted at 2014-11-03 04:20:14am 9.6 years ago

Offline DDRmaster2007
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Time to extract content, playing (doubt it since my PS2 is not working) or searching videos from MAX, MAX2 & EXTREME era.

I will download the pack asap

Post #40 · Posted at 2014-11-07 07:59:55am 9.6 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"

Last updated: 2018-12-20 07:31pm
Okay, cool. :3

I also appreciate people sending me videos of the movies in use.

I am in the middle of reviewing every movie from V.2 to see if they can have some improvements. I want things to be as accurate as possible, unless I feel the original movie itself needs some improvement (like most of the movies that use 3-5th mix era sprites). I am also moving a massive amount of 3DTextura movies I have that was made in Anime Studio into Blender because I feel this makes them more streamlined. The only ones to still use Anime Studio will be Bubble2 (although I want to fix that movie), Cyber2, Fabric1, Feather1, Lava1, Smoke1, Spiral1, and Tunnel8.

Stuff I need to convert;




*Light2 (done)

*Light7 (done)


*Star7 (done)

*Tunnel5 (especially this one)

*Tunnel9 (done)

*Wheel3 (done)

I kinda need help... ^.^;


I'm having problems with these videos. 14 of these are in the pack (19 if you count beta movies), but I personally think they need some slight fine-tuning. For starters, I can definitely pull off the 3D models (except for 5-6 of them), but I'm having lots of trouble trying to get those abstract pattern thingies. Ever since this became active again at the start of October, I've been desiring things to be as accurate as possible. And for most of the movies, well...


They kind of.... need work.

There are similar movies that I've already gotten accurate, though.


(Maybe I need to fix the colors, but that's about it.)

The reason why these movies stump me is because I want the textures to be as accurate as possible and they either come off as bad or hard to even get close to, so I need some sort of clue if these textures exist anywhere or some guidance (I'll make sure to credit you!), as in what you think the textures are. I will make sure to trace them if you send me them by finding them for a third party and not. There are some I might be able to make myself (amoeba3, amoeba4, cube5, and some others), but others are just....confusing.

So which ones in particular do I need most?

http://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/amoeba2.jpg; Flower texture in background

http://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/amoeba4.jpghttp://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/cyber2.jpghttp://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/disco1.jpghttp://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/pills1.jpghttp://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/pills2.jpghttp://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/tunnel4.jpg; The pixels texture (yes, it has two colors)

http://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/cross1.jpghttp://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/sphere2.jpg; The circus floor (sphere2) and the extended version seen in cross1

http://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/egg4.jpghttp://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/kaliedoscope14.jpghttp://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/kaliedoscope11.jpg; The polar-inversion pixel texture in Kaliedoscope14 (and the similar things in egg4) and the marble texture in Kaliedoscope11 (and the floor in egg4)

http://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/fireworks4.jpg; The warped texture in the fireworks4 ball

http://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/kaliedoscope3.jpghttp://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/spiral1.jpg; The wavy swirl texture in the backgrounds of both movies

http://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/kaliedoscope13.jpg; The monstrously complex texture in everything here

http://ddr.bircd.org/vidthumbs/spiral2.jpg; The blue texture with a lot of stuff in the ceiling/floor

If anyone has these, as well as any other textures in the similar movies (I'm curious), please tell me ASAP and I will give you mad credit for these.
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