
Ranking System

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ポスト #1 · 2011-07-19 11:47:23amにポスト 13.1年前

Offline Dreamboy
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Last updated: 2011-07-20 09:28am
So, I thought of this ranking system to classify skill levels, and I was wondering what you guys might think of it. It was originally based on maximum level one can pass consistently. This system can apply either to Dance Dance Revolution foot-ratings or In The Groove block-ratings (the latter will probably be emphasized a little more here). The system is designed to account for misratings, so Sakura would be a 9-footer (if you disagree, that's okay -- this is just an example).

Disclaimer: This system is in no way designed to encourage elitism. Anyone who does not discard any elitist notions or attitudes forget about being a part of this -- better to be a rank 0 player than an elitist.

The system goes as follows:

Rank 0: can't pass 1-footers/blocks (games like Mario Mix or Dance Praise may have songs easier than one-footers in Dance Dance Revolution)

Rank 1: 0 - 2 footers/blocks (pretty much beginner mode)

Rank 2: 2 - 4 footers/blocks (encompasses most of light mode)

Rank 3: 4 - 6 footers/blocks (pretty much standard mode, the defining feature of 3rd rank is eighth notes -- anyone who cannot handle them is no higher than 2nd rank)

Rank 4: 6 - 8 footers/blocks (pretty much heavy mode)

Rank 5: 8 - 10 footers/blocks (upper heavy mode, 10-footers in Dance Dance Revolution might need to be rerated for better accuracy)

Rank 6: 10 - 12 blocks (pretty much expert mode)

Rank 7: 12 - 14 blocks (upper expert and about as tough as officials get)

Rank 8: 14 - 16 blocks (beyond official)

Rank 9: 16 - 18 blocks (Holy Guacamole, you're insane!)

As you may have noticed, the rank x ranges from 2x-2 to 2x. Yes, it can go further, I just stopped there because I haven't seen very many ratings beyond 18. Example: If someone can pass 12's, that person must take the toughest song s/he can pass and decide whether it falls in the lower half or upper half of the range that encompasses what makes a 12. I originally came up with a tier system in which 1 - 4 is 1st tier, 4 - 7 2nd tier, 7 - 10 3rd tier, and so on (0th tier would be not passing 1-footers/blocks). I personally consider anyone at 3rd rank not bad. All feedback is appreciatedHappy
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ポスト #2 · 2011-07-19 12:47:12pmにポスト 13.1年前

Offline -Viper-
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Last updated: 2011-07-19 12:48pm
Interesting. I'd probably cap the top rank at people who can pass 14s though, as I consider those about as hard as a stepchart should ever get. Who on earth actually plays 18s on feet? Or even 15s for that matter. Tongue

What would the ranks be used for?

ポスト #3 · 2011-07-19 01:08:34pmにポスト 13.1年前

Offline Dreamboy
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Last updated: 2011-07-19 01:09pm
The ranks are supposed to classify players based on the toughest songs they can pass. I guess the idea was to sort of create a comparison scale and include players of all skill levels. I'm 5th rank since I can't pass more than medium 10's. We can also add a + or - to denote how good one is at scoring in proportion to one's passing level. I guess someone who can star 9's at my level would be 5th rank+ (or maybe ++ I don't know exactly what is good or bad for each block level) for example.
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ポスト #4 · 2011-07-19 06:48:07pmにポスト 13.1年前

Offline Aegis
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More reasons for elitists to grow their e-pens.

But alas, this ranking system is flawed as there is no use for it.

Append: What is Hardcore of the North. I want to have the "Holy Guacamole You're BatshitInsane title"

ポスト #5 · 2011-07-19 09:16:55pmにポスト 13.1年前

Offline Pandemonium X
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Quote: Aegis
More reasons for elitists to grow their e-pens.

Append: What is Hardcore of the North. I want to have the "Holy Guacamole You're BatshitInsane title"
THIS. Also Hardcore of the North should be a 13 IMO.

ポスト #6 · 2011-07-20 12:05:17amにポスト 13.1年前

Offline Dreamboy
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Quote: Aegis
But alas, this ranking system is flawed as there is no use for it.

Other than lack of usefulness, how is it flawed? I would appreciate it if anyone would point out any flaws, errors, mistakes, or anythingHappy

It might be more useful if there were more players that haven't advanced to expert in the community instead of everyone being 7th rank and 8th rank (I know there are players outside those ranks, but this is mostly what I see on community sites).

As for elitism, really the only way one could really have bragging rights is if that person achieved a lot in a short period of time -- someone who can pass really tough songs, but took longer to progress than average really has nothing of which to boast. Truth be told, I'm actually glad I'm not at an insanely high level yet -- I'd rather enjoy taking my time progressing through lower levels than achieve so much so quickly that I get bored of playing lower level songs (officials and home versions are still fun for meHappy).

Hm, here's an idea: how about we set up the system to be elitism-proof -- anyone who fails to exhibit good sportsmanship will be disqualified for ranking. So, I guess there are the aforementioned ranks and rank E for any elitist jerks who are not worthy to be considered ranking. Rank E works out quite nicely since E is a failing grade in Dance Dance Revolution -- elitists fail at this game because the real winners are the ones who have the most fun and display the best sportsmanship, rendering elitists the true losers;)
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ポスト #7 · 2011-07-20 12:21:48amにポスト 13.1年前

Offline Pandemonium X
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Quote: Dreamboy
Hm, here's an idea: how about we set up the system to be elitism-proof -- anyone who fails to exhibit good sportsmanship will be disqualified for ranking. So, I guess there are the aforementioned ranks and rank E for any elitist jerks who are not worthy to be considered ranking. Rank E works out quite nicely since E is a failing grade in Dance Dance Revolution -- elitists fail at this game because the real winners are the ones who have the most fun and display the best sportsmanship, rendering elitists the true losers;)
With that in mind you better knock off about 90% of ITG players. I agree that the real winners are the ones who have the most fun, but it will not up your fantastic count. Also people's idea on what's elitism and what's not is not the same. Some people might look at someone just passing a 12 as elitism. I've been called insane by passing DDR 6 footers, and I've been called a noob for passing VerTex hard.

I do like the idea of a ranking system, but I can't see a way that this will not encourage elitism. Also it would have to catch on for it to really be effective.

ポスト #8 · 2011-07-20 12:55:20amにポスト 13.1年前

Offline Aegis
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Hm, here's an idea: how about we set up the system to be elitism-proof -- anyone who fails to exhibit good sportsmanship will be disqualified for ranking.


ポスト #9 · 2011-07-20 09:25:46amにポスト 13.1年前

Offline Dreamboy
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Last updated: 2011-07-20 09:31am
Just passing a 12 is not elitism, passing a 12 and degrading others who haven't yet progressed that far is elitism. An elitist is someone who outwardly looks down on others just because the latter has yet to achieve a certain accomplishment.

The thing is that this ranking system isn't about who's better than whom -- in order to determine that, we would have to take into consideration the time and effort it took to progress to a certain point, and no one really cares about that. The ranks represent experience level -- a 9th rank player isn't better than a 2nd rank player, the former has just played a lot more than the latter has. When I see someone who can't handle novice/beginner, I actually do not think that that person is bad at the game; I understand that dance games take some getting used to, so I just consider less than 3rd rank inexperienced, which is where everyone starts, so there is no shame in that.

Elitists just need to grow up and learn to respect others. Anyone who can't be decent will be dealt with.
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ポスト #10 · 2011-07-20 07:06:18pmにポスト 13.1年前

Offline Aegis
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And how will they be "dealt" with?

"Oh noes, you've stripped me of my imaginary ranking"

ポスト #11 · 2011-07-21 08:40:09amにポスト 13.1年前

Offline Dreamboy
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Elitism is pretty much a form of harassment or bullying, so possible solutions would include ignoring, negotiating, help from authorities, etc.
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ポスト #12 · 2011-07-21 08:50:08amにポスト 13.1年前

Offline Aegis
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Bro, this is an imaginary system.

ポスト #13 · 2011-07-21 08:56:50amにポスト 13.1年前

Offline Dreamboy
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I guess you got me. It seems the system wouldn't be very useful in the community, so I guess I was just wondering if it is accurate enough for me to use personally, or if there are like any flaws or inaccuracies of any kind.
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ポスト #14 · 2011-08-19 01:38:25amにポスト 13.1年前

Offline Lucie
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Last updated: 2011-08-19 03:22pm
I do`t get why you need ranks?
I mean... the songs have difficulties.
So if I say I can pass a few 11s, everyone knows what passing level I am at.
If I´d say I`m 6th rank... everyone would way what?? It would take a likg time till everyone would know what rank 6 or whatever is. And no beginner would understand it.
Just going by difficulties is way easier.

Pandemonium X wrote: I've been called insane by passing DDR 6 footers, and I've been called a noob for passing VerTex hard.
I know such moments, haha.
But I never passed VerTex hard....but replace it with any other hard 10...or easy 11....and replace you 6s with 7s. (I don`t play stuff lower than 7....it`s boring... just the ITG Hard 6s... just cause they are Hard 6... if the would be medium 6 I wouldn`t care for them)
I remember getting applause for just passing an 8 (DDR) last year... and just 2 days later people laughed at me cause me playing 9s looked very stupid back then.
I like talking to people who are passing 16s and 17s on Pad... but I hate people who are laughing about people just because they are not as good as themselves. That`s stupid. It`s not like all those people who can pass 15s and harder difficulties could do it from first day on.
So they should just think about it and shut up.
They should help others with suggestions how they can improve... not blame "low level players" for not being able passing higher levels.
That`s what I do...when I see a beginner and think he/she needs help, I try to give him/her suggerstions howe he/she can improve.

And passing 16s doens`t mean being elitist. yeah, most are... but not all.
there are still some nice people who are helping other players.

and now... I want my first 12!!!!! Big Grin

ポスト #15 · 2011-08-19 04:00:50amにポスト 13年前

Offline DancingNinja
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Last updated: 2011-08-19 04:10am
Agreed with everyone else, this is also pointless. As Lucie said, the difficulty of the songs you can pass give an idea of your level. Here's my take on it.

Many people here would be rank 7 (12-14) at MOST. 8 (14-16) is pointless since I've not seen anyone here play Dragonforce on pad and 9 (16+) is just retarded, just because a few people other than Mad Matt managed to pick up insane footspeed + stamina doesn't mean everyone else will. Dude, this is ZIV, not AIJ. Don't give me a reason to leave here damnit; the last thing I need is people looking down on me and waving their E-Penis because I'm rank 6 (would be 7 if I passed Uber Rave/Indulgence last year).

DQing people from your system won't make a difference, and we've been over this before. There's sod all the laws can do to prevent this kind of stupidity, either you ignore them or stand up to them. If they threaten you however, by all means report the fuckers. Smile

Quote: PandemoniumX
I've been called insane by passing DDR 6 footers, and I've been called a noob for passing VerTex hard.
Heh, I've had a crowd of 10 people when playing a 7 once in Troc (Maria I believe). XD Been called a no life once (thankfully my friend was joking), been told my EM2 AAs don't count because you can get a high great count (lol DDR:UK), was also told my Uber Rave KB score sucked on YT (it was like 96.xx, but now I have a 98.95 you elitist dicks!). The worst is when people think you're a professional no life, even though that should be aimed at the top end players who play very often and not those who play for fun.

Quote: Lucie
I hate people who are laughing about people just because they are not as good as themselves. That`s stupid. It`s not like all those people who can pass 15s and harder difficulties could do it from first day on.
And you wonder why I don't post on a certain forum? It's pointless unless it's a AAA/high 99/tough pass; posting in the DDR thread here is intimidating enough. Hell I try to help those if they're nice enough from time to time (and not chavvy).

On a lighter note...

and now... I want my first 12!!!!! Big Grin
Storm of Light was my first 12 (excuse the bad camera angle). Loituma was my 3rd I think (I passed Theme From The Rock before it LOL). Give SOL a try once you feel comfortable with 140BPM 16ths. Smile

ポスト #16 · 2011-08-19 04:04:13amにポスト 13年前

Offline Aegis
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Quote: Lucie

Aegis wrote: I've been called insane by passing DDR 6 footers, and I've been called a noob for passing VerTex hard.

I never said this, ever.

ポスト #17 · 2011-08-19 03:32:19pmにポスト 13年前

Offline Lucie
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@ Aegis: oops, sorry, you posted the post that was under that post... I was reading the wrong like.
corrected it now Big Grin

@ Dancing Ninja: Haha, yeah that cam angle is really weird Big Grin
Mmh, on AIJ they just started ignoring my posts. They started to do it after my 1 month break... ah whatever. I don`t care.
Just happy about my infection pass and that I`m finally improving again Big Grin
My levels now: lv. 10; max passing level: 11
No bar: lv. 9 max passing level: 10
Doubles: lv7; max passing lv: 8 (for both, bar an no bar, but with bar a little bit better)

ポスト #18 · 2011-08-20 12:03:28amにポスト 13年前

Offline DancingNinja
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I only had it that way because I didn't want my camera to be stolen. Tongue Your levels are similar to mine, apart from your no bar level, which is actually greater than mine. Though I actually find doubles easier without the bar, it gets in the way. XD

This year
Singles: Can pass up to 11, 12 if my pads weren't sticky
Doubles: Can pass up to 8, 9 if my pads stayed still
No bar: 8 at most it seems

Last year
Singles: Up to 12, though 13 was looking vulnerable
Doubles: 5/6 was my maximum?
No bar: Probably 7, can't remember though

ポスト #19 · 2011-08-20 01:57:29amにポスト 13年前

Offline Lord Toon
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In the Groove = ElitistElitistRevolution...//

ポスト #20 · 2011-08-20 02:40:29amにポスト 13年前

Offline DancingNinja
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"ElitistElitistRevolution...//" Haha, yes Lord Toon! Big Grin What should've been a fun game ended up being an E-Penis contest. And it still is.
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