
Best/Worst ITG Charts by rating

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Post #1 · Publicado en 2011-10-11 07:41:48am Hace 12.9 años

Offline rayword45
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Meh, why not?



9 - While Tha Rekkid Spinz (I'm in love with this chart/song for reasons IDK)
10 - Bend Your Mind
11 - Xuxa/Destiny
12 - Bloodrush (Yes, really)
13 - Summer


9 - Lipstick Kiss/Amore
10 - Know Your Enemy
11 - Clockwork Genesis
12 - Determinator or Go 60 Go
13 - Vertex^2



9 - Baby Seal
10 - Hasse Mich (10 cut)
11 - Kahu (minus 32nds)
12 - Dead Souls
13 - Disconnected Hardkore


9 - IDK
10 - EternuS
11 - Disconnected Sanxion7
12 - Metallik Heart (complete, utter shit)
13 - Hasse Mich (Why is this in some "official" packs as Expert? It's known as fan-made)

Post #2 · Publicado en 2011-10-11 07:49:09am Hace 12.9 años

Offline TaroNuke
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Last updated: 2011-10-11 07:50am
There aren't really enough songs in ITG for this thread to really be a discussion.

I pretty much agree with you there. Pandemonium is ALMOST as bad as vertex^2 in that vertex^2 is a little more fun, but still bullcrap.

I LOVE Kahu, and I even enjoy its 32nds. That said, I think Kahu is also the best 9.
Edit, Epileptic Crisis 11 is pretty damn fun, but Epileptic Crisis and Reaf 13s are both awful imo.

I'd say Delirium is the best 12, (Personal opinion) and that Determinator isn't my least favourite.


That is all.

"Little Susie dang sweet fell on a cactus, she did, whoooooie!"

Post #3 · Publicado en 2011-10-11 07:53:42am Hace 12.9 años

Offline rayword45
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Quote: TaroNuke
There aren't really enough songs in ITG for this thread to really be a discussion.

I pretty much agree with you there. Pandemonium is ALMOST as bad as vertex^2 in that vertex^2 is a little more fun, but still bullcrap.

I LOVE Kahu, and I even enjoy its 32nds. That said, I think Kahu is also the best 9.

I'd say Delirium is the best 12, (Personal opinion) and that Determinator isn't my least favourite.


That is all.

Once you play Utopia on PC, it's a MUCH better chart, believe me. Listen closely.

Combining all 4 of the mentioned packs equals a little over 300, so that's probably enough.

Delirium sorta bores me. It's like, 2-4 steps per second average up until the end, and the ending, while very draining, is extremely simple (trills, shorter trills, then finally a few seconds of interesting patterns) But personal opinion is still personal opinion.

Post #4 · Publicado en 2011-10-11 07:56:23am Hace 12.9 años

iNEXSERTiON Avatar Member+
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I have done that before. I don't see how that stream of right arrows makes any fucking sense.
I stole DDR X2 CS from the internet; it's my fault the music game genre is dying.

Post #5 · Publicado en 2011-10-11 07:59:09am Hace 12.9 años

Offline rayword45
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I have done that before. I don't see how that stream of right arrows makes any fucking sense.

Right Arrows = Beeping noises in the background
Left Arrows = Bass Drum
R/L oddities = Mixture

Post #6 · Publicado en 2011-10-11 08:09:02am Hace 12.9 años

Offline King of Light
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Last updated: 2011-10-11 08:11am
How are Disconnected Sanxion7 and Metallik Heart "complete and utter shit?" They're both written extremely well written. Metallik Heart may not be "fun" for some people but it's great mix of techniques, I like to think of it as a Bloodrush Jr. without a slowdown. Disconnected Sanxion7 is pretty fun but not too difficult and well written technical chart all around.

As so many people seem to forget, there's a difference between "bad chart" and "I don't like this chart."

Post #7 · Publicado en 2011-10-11 08:16:16am Hace 12.9 años

Offline rayword45
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Last updated: 2011-10-11 08:20am
Quote: King of Light
How are Disconnected Sanxion7 and Metallik Heart "complete and utter crap?" They're both written extremely well written. Metallik Heart may not be "fun" for some people but it's great mix of techniques, I like to think of it as a Bloodrush Jr. without a slowdown. Disconnected Sanxion7 is pretty fun but not too difficult and well written technical chart all around.

As so many people seem to forget, there's a difference between "bad chart" and "I don't like this chart."

Chances are Disconnected Sanxion7 is the latter, but Metallik Heart is seriously a bad chart. Speed-ups/stops were unnecessary, Jumpjacks to 32nds at the beginning were awkwardly placed, etc.

And yes, I'm looking at this with an open mind. Compared to many people, I actually enjoyed We Met Dat Night, Me And My Lover, and other disliked charts.

P.S. I didn't state the former as BS. It's not TOO bad, but definitely the worst out of all the ITG3/Rebirth charts I played

Post #8 · Publicado en 2011-10-11 08:27:33am Hace 12.9 años

Offline King of Light
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The BPM jumps are well placed and accented by the song, hardly unnecessary. That pattern only happens once and it's not that difficult. I know a lot of people who like Metallik Heart, so it definitely falls under the "I don't like this chart."

And a bunch of people I know don't like Dead Souls, so in the end the quality of most charts is completely subjective.

Post #9 · Publicado en 2011-10-11 08:30:42am Hace 12.9 años

Offline rayword45
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Quote: King of Light
The BPM jumps are well placed and accented by the song, hardly unnecessary. That pattern only happens once and it's not that difficult. I know a lot of people who like Metallik Heart, so it definitely falls under the "I don't like this chart."

And a bunch of people I know don't like Dead Souls, so in the end the quality of most charts is completely subjective.

Well... That's kind of the point of these threads, ya know. To see other's opinions.

Regardless, off of that.

Also, in terms of the 14s that I can recall off of my head, Chromatic Blitz is the best, and 8-Bit Trip (I sort of forgot, so it might be different) is the worst (WinDEU already did a good job, and the 32nds shouldn't flail like crazy).

Post #10 · Publicado en 2011-10-11 09:05:37am Hace 12.9 años

Offline King of Light
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Last updated: 2011-10-11 09:06am
I couldn't agree more, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But more people should keep a more open mind and keep this in mind:

There's a difference between "bad chart" and "I don't like this chart."

And I know a few people who think the Tachyon Alpha 8-Bit Trip is really dull while the current one is a lot more interesting/fun. It's all about the person playing it.

Personally, I think people hate advanced movement techniques like 8-Bit Trip and Destination Relapse because they're much more difficult in terms of movement compared to anything that has used 32nds and turns in the past. I think once people play them more and warm up to their challenge, they might appreciate them a bit more. But honestly I'm not going to hold my breathe for that to happen.

Oh and if you haven't figured it out by my username yet, I'm the guy who is heavily involved in the Rebirth projects (which is why my opinions shouldn't come as much of a surprise lol)

Post #11 · Publicado en 2011-10-11 09:13:53am Hace 12.9 años

Offline rayword45
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Quote: King of Light
I couldn't agree more, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But more people should keep a more open mind and keep this in mind:

There's a difference between "bad chart" and "I don't like this chart."

And I know a few people who think the Tachyon Alpha 8-Bit Trip is really dull while the current one is a lot more interesting/fun. It's all about the person playing it.

Personally, I think people hate advanced movement techniques like 8-Bit Trip and Destination Relapse because they're much more difficult in terms of movement compared to anything that has used 32nds and turns in the past. I think once people play them more and warm up to their challenge, they might appreciate them a bit more. But honestly I'm not going to hold my breathe for that to happen.

Oh and if you haven't figured it out by my username yet, I'm the guy who is heavily involved in the Rebirth projects (which is why my opinions shouldn't come as much of a surprise lol)

I figured it out in the Rebirth 2 thread.

Also, this is a bit off-topic, but who helped you decide ratings? Some of them were really off. Mongolian Grill was thankfully re-rated (24th bursts within streams = Automatic 10) but a bunch of other charts seemed misrated (Example: Many people thought ReaF > CB and Indulgence was a hard 12 (below Bloodrush)

Post #12 · Publicado en 2011-10-11 09:22:18am Hace 12.9 años

Offline King of Light
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In retrospect I would agree that Indulgence should be a 12.

As far as the ReaF vs. Chromatic Blitz argument goes, two of us developers passed ReaF without too much trouble. But when it came to Chromatic Blitz, neither of us could touch it. And remember, ratings are determined based on passing not scoring. ReaF is fairly easy to BS and flail through, while the streams and jumps in Chromatic Blitz require a lot more movement and energy to complete. Although that's just my perception of the ratings Wink

Post #13 · Publicado en 2011-10-12 01:13:41am Hace 12.9 años

Offline Lucie
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5- Utopia
6- Tell, Why me
7 - Land of the rising sun, Kiss me Red
8- Mellow, VerTex², Utopia
9 - Da Roots, We know what to do, Hybrid (hard)
10 - Fleadh Uncut
11 - Infection/July
12 - Bloodrush/Energizer <--- I can`t pass those charts but i like them Big Grin
13 - Uuhm... Pandemonium?

6- My favorite Game
7- Sunshine, We know what to do
8- Destiny, Fleadh Uncut
9 - Zodiac
10 - Soapy Bubble, Dissconnected Hyper, VerTex (hard)
11 - don´t know cause I don´t know all 11 charts. from those i know atm: Monolith
12 - Go 60 Go, VerTex
13 - Summer Speedy Mix.

Yes, i love VerTex²... and yes i love crazy songs.
Utopia Expert is not thaaaat bad, I hate that right arrow part, but there are charts worse that that.

Can`t say anything about Rebirth.

Ah I forgot to mention the beginning for bad 11s. because it has turns in the middle of 16ths runs. that`s not good.
+ the song is off.

Post #14 · Publicado en 2011-10-12 01:50:52am Hace 12.9 años

Offline Spirit of Nightmare
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"Focul tău nu ne mai încălzește"
Hmm... I'd say something like this:

Best 10 = Megascorcher (when you manage to get those cluster-turns down)
Best 11 = Nihilism 2009
Best 12 = Metallik Heart and Get Down
Best 13 = Epileptic Crisis

Worst 10 = Night Time Story, then Synth Synth Synth
Worst 11 = The Man Crossing the Channel
Worst 12 = Paranormal
Worst 13 = ReaF
Quote: Quickman
hot diggity shit nightmare you cheeky bastard

Post #15 · Publicado en 2011-10-12 02:36:46am Hace 12.9 años

Offline King of Light
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I'm happy to see you like Megascorcher Big Grin

Paranormal was updated in the most recent Beta version so the chorus flows a lot better. Or I'm guessing you don't like all the bursts Tongue

Post #16 · Publicado en 2011-10-12 02:40:04am Hace 12.9 años

Offline Spirit of Nightmare
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"Focul tău nu ne mai încălzește"
They still feel a little bit oddly placed. I have to admit I had a hard time to pick a 12 I didn't like though.
Quote: Quickman
hot diggity shit nightmare you cheeky bastard

Post #17 · Publicado en 2011-10-12 02:44:54am Hace 12.9 años

Offline King of Light
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Fair enough lol. The song was really difficult to step well, I still think it could be improved.

Post #18 · Publicado en 2011-11-15 04:00:17am Hace 12.8 años

Offline akio
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Boogie Down
Disconnected Mobius
Romeo and Juli8
Fleadh Uncut


Do U Love Me
Lemmings on the Run
[font]Do U Love Me[/font]
Bumble Bee
[font][font][font]DO U LOVE ME!!!!![/font][/font][/font]

I really fucking hate the expert chart for Do U Love Me, which is depressing since it's my favorite song in any dance game ever.
The year is 20XX, everyone dances to TAS levels of perfection. because of this matches are solely decided by how little baby powder the individual player uses

Post #19 · Publicado en 2011-11-15 05:09:28am Hace 12.8 años

Offline Lucie
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really hates Do U love me

Mmh, the song isn`t that bad... just hard to FA

Post #20 · Publicado en 2011-11-15 03:07:42pm Hace 12.8 años

Offline akio
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Quote: Lucie
really hates Do U love me

Mmh, the song isn`t that bad... just hard to FA

I love the song! I just hate the Expert chart for it.
The year is 20XX, everyone dances to TAS levels of perfection. because of this matches are solely decided by how little baby powder the individual player uses
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