
Official PNM PMS packs re-uploaded

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Post #1 · Posted at 2020-07-24 12:15:55am 4.5 years ago

SCRUFFAZ Avatar Member
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Reg. 2020-02-05

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7401-5338-5420

Last updated: 2020-07-31 07:21am
Instead of making a new thread, I thought I would just edit my original post and start adding links as I upload them which can be found below.

Pop'n Music 1 to 24 PMS. Credit goes to those that did these rips.

I've tried a lot of these rips and they are perfect but some were either out of sync or, for example the song POP-STEP-UP, the key sounds were wrong. This just might be because I tried these on Stepmania OutFox or I extracted them wrong (I used Bandizip to extract in Japanese locale) but they may work fine in LR2, Colorful Channel etc as I haven't tried them in these programs yet.


Post #2 · Posted at 2020-07-24 02:11:33am 4.5 years ago

Offline mobozaemon
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you could probably just put it on google drive, i doubt it would attract so much interest it would get taken down, but i hosted some bms files on anonfiles.com and they didnt get taken down yet, so thats another option, but the filesize advertised isnt accurate so you may have to split them into <10gb sections

Post #3 · Posted at 2020-07-31 07:23:21am 4.5 years ago

SCRUFFAZ Avatar Member
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Reg. 2020-02-05

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7401-5338-5420

Last updated: 2020-07-31 07:23am
Quote: mobozaemon
you could probably just put it on google drive, i doubt it would attract so much interest it would get taken down, but i hosted some bms files on anonfiles.com and they didnt get taken down yet, so thats another option, but the filesize advertised isnt accurate so you may have to split them into <10gb sections

Thanks for the fast reply! I'll have a look into anonfiles.com Happy

You're definitely right about not attracting too much interest, I'm just weary about as to why they were taken down over the years but I'm under the impression now that the reason just may be because the site owners/accounts were unattended or inactive for a while so the account was suspended?

Thanks again!

Update - I've changed from MEGA to OneDrive. 1 to 24 are available and I will upload the CS pack soon. Enjoy.

Post #4 · Posted at 2021-02-07 03:37:54am 4 years ago

Offline mxwellc
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Last updated: 2021-02-07 05:10am
I tried the files in beatoraja and I wasnt getting any sound, not even hitsounds. Im going to try in colorful channel. I only tried 19 and 24 and the inside of the files look right, maybe its a beatoraja thing.

EDIT: working with lr2. Beatoraja doesnt support the specific type of wav file. I am even using a hacked version which allows for "official" bms and pms to be played. The only slightly annoying thing about using lr2 is that the only good popn skin is not hd so I had to convert it to hd and it looks slightly fuzzy but hey - official pms ftw. THANKS!

Post #5 · Posted at 2021-02-07 10:57:08am 4 years ago

SCRUFFAZ Avatar Member
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Reg. 2020-02-05

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7401-5338-5420
Quote: mxwellc
I tried the files in beatoraja and I wasnt getting any sound, not even hitsounds. Im going to try in colorful channel. I only tried 19 and 24 and the inside of the files look right, maybe its a beatoraja thing.

EDIT: working with lr2. Beatoraja doesnt support the specific type of wav file. I am even using a hacked version which allows for "official" bms and pms to be played. The only slightly annoying thing about using lr2 is that the only good popn skin is not hd so I had to convert it to hd and it looks slightly fuzzy but hey - official pms ftw. THANKS!

Thank you so much for your feedback! I have tried multiple times with LR2 and just found it a nightmare to setup and navigate through but that might just be because I'm so used to Stepmania. I haven't tried Beatoraja as I made the stupid decision of going with a 2020 MacBook which supports nothing at all lol

I found that most packs in Stepmania are fine but some packs, the notes are way out of sync or the key sounds are just wrong but again, thank you for your feedback!

Post #6 · Posted at 2021-04-04 08:15:53am 3.8 years ago

Offline mxwellc
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Last updated: 2021-04-04 08:15am
Quote: mxwellc
I tried the files in beatoraja and I wasnt getting any sound, not even hitsounds. Im going to try in colorful channel. I only tried 19 and 24 and the inside of the files look right, maybe its a beatoraja thing.

EDIT: working with lr2. Beatoraja doesnt support the specific type of wav file. I am even using a hacked version which allows for "official" bms and pms to be played. The only slightly annoying thing about using lr2 is that the only good popn skin is not hd so I had to convert it to hd and it looks slightly fuzzy but hey - official pms ftw. THANKS!

Thank you so much for your feedback! I have tried multiple times with LR2 and just found it a nightmare to setup and navigate through but that might just be because I'm so used to Stepmania. I haven't tried Beatoraja as I made the stupid decision of going with a 2020 MacBook which supports nothing at all lol

I found that most packs in Stepmania are fine but some packs, the notes are way out of sync or the key sounds are just wrong but again, thank you for your feedback!

No problem, let me know if you want my specific lr2 files, its already configured and working well, with nice skins and options and sounds.

Quote: mxwellc
I tried the files in beatoraja and I wasnt getting any sound, not even hitsounds. Im going to try in colorful channel. I only tried 19 and 24 and the inside of the files look right, maybe its a beatoraja thing.

EDIT: working with lr2. Beatoraja doesnt support the specific type of wav file. I am even using a hacked version which allows for "official" bms and pms to be played. The only slightly annoying thing about using lr2 is that the only good popn skin is not hd so I had to convert it to hd and it looks slightly fuzzy but hey - official pms ftw. THANKS!

Thank you so much for your feedback! I have tried multiple times with LR2 and just found it a nightmare to setup and navigate through but that might just be because I'm so used to Stepmania. I haven't tried Beatoraja as I made the stupid decision of going with a 2020 MacBook which supports nothing at all lol

I found that most packs in Stepmania are fine but some packs, the notes are way out of sync or the key sounds are just wrong but again, thank you for your feedback!

So I just did a test playing the same files on LR2 and Stepmania 5.


LR2 has much higher sound quality. With the exact same song you can hear cracks and hisses on Stepmania.
Loading time is much quicker in LR2. Id say twice as fast to load a song.
if a song is missing its .pms file Stepmania can play it but LR2 cannot.
Some song lag in audio in stepmania but not lr2

I started to convert all the wavs to ogg and they play very well in beatoraja now. I also tried the files on outfox and the work very well, shame there is no good popn theme for outfox

Post #7 · Posted at 2021-04-04 09:02:11am 3.8 years ago

SCRUFFAZ Avatar Member
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Reg. 2020-02-05

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7401-5338-5420
Thanks again for all your extremely helpful and in-depth feedback!

MadkaT does have a Pop'n Music Usaneko theme in the works as I was able to rip all the
graphics/images/sprites etc but with how crazy the world is right now, could be some time.

In the mean time, I've been ripping the characters but piecing them together gets harder and
harder with the more recent you get with the games and haven't even started on learning
how to get the characters to react to certain notes but it's a start haha

Post #8 · Posted at 2021-04-04 09:29:47am 3.8 years ago

Offline mxwellc
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Last updated: 2021-04-04 09:40am
Thats awesome, thanks for all your hard work! Let me know if you want me to upload/send you the converted and zipped ogg files. I have everything between 16 and 24 done. It took a batch script an entire day to do it running on a i7 processor so I woulndnt want anyone else to have to do it. Originally I thought beatoraja was using anti-piracy measures but it turns out java doesnt have a native adpcm decoder, which is what these files are. They are adpcm encoded wavs as opossed to a "normal" wav. This isnt a problem with non java based applications like stepmania. see this github issue for the full details : https://github.com/exch-bms2/beatoraja/issues/476. For now converting to ogg with a batch script and using the beatpopskin is pretty damn good: https://twitter.com/azuruff/status/1311461871308869632. I'll be saying goodbye forever to LR2. The only good reason to stay were these pop'n rips. Also for anyone reading this in the future desout (the makers of litone) released a hacked-beatoraja that uses the lr2 ir, so LR2 imo is dead software. The future is beatoraja and outfox.

Looking forward to the popn skin when its done!

Post #9 · Posted at 2021-05-08 10:44:07pm 3.7 years ago

Offline Knurek
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Post #10 · Posted at 2021-05-09 01:20:12am 3.7 years ago

SCRUFFAZ Avatar Member
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Reg. 2020-02-05

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7401-5338-5420
Quote: Knurek


Post #11 · Posted at 2021-05-09 09:13:46pm 3.7 years ago

Offline mxwellc
mxwellc Avatar Member+
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Quote: Knurek

Thanks so much!

Post #12 · Posted at 2021-05-10 12:46:28am 3.7 years ago

SCRUFFAZ Avatar Member
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Reg. 2020-02-05

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7401-5338-5420

Last updated: 2021-05-10 03:28am
Hey mxwellc, are you able to double check a song that seems to be out of sync for me?

It's C18H27NO3 in Sunny Park - everything in Sunny Park, or at least the songs I like, seem to be out of sync and I'm wondering if it's just from a bad unzip, the songs ARE actually out of sync or if it's just because I'm using Stepmania Outfox..

EDIT: Found out it's Stepmania Outfox as I just sorta setup LR2 and it seems to be fine on there.

Just have to figure out why it's disagreeing with Stepmania..

Post #13 · Posted at 2021-05-10 04:21:47am 3.7 years ago

Offline mxwellc
mxwellc Avatar Member+
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Hey mxwellc, are you able to double check a song that seems to be out of sync for me?

It's C18H27NO3 in Sunny Park - everything in Sunny Park, or at least the songs I like, seem to be out of sync and I'm wondering if it's just from a bad unzip, the songs ARE actually out of sync or if it's just because I'm using Stepmania Outfox..

EDIT: Found out it's Stepmania Outfox as I just sorta setup LR2 and it seems to be fine on there.

Just have to figure out why it's disagreeing with Stepmania..

I will investigate this. Outfox just got an update specifically with how it handles pms if you read in the latest release notes, it could have something to do with that. We could try the penultimate release of outfox to see if that update broke anything. As of now I can also confirm they work fine on lr2/raja. In either case I will investigate further this week and let you know if anything can be modified in the pms files themselves or in the stepmania client to fix this.

Post #14 · Posted at 2021-10-17 06:01:12pm 3.3 years ago

Offline B4Mania96
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There are many songs that were missing, being the CS songs. Well, in the folder where these songs are, there are very few.
beatmania IIDX and pop'n music need more love too

Post #15 · Posted at 2022-02-06 05:20:47pm 3 years ago

Offline slime_jell
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Quote: mxwellc
I tried the files in beatoraja and I wasnt getting any sound, not even hitsounds. Im going to try in colorful channel. I only tried 19 and 24 and the inside of the files look right, maybe its a beatoraja thing.

EDIT: working with lr2. Beatoraja doesnt support the specific type of wav file. I am even using a hacked version which allows for "official" bms and pms to be played. The only slightly annoying thing about using lr2 is that the only good popn skin is not hd so I had to convert it to hd and it looks slightly fuzzy but hey - official pms ftw. THANKS!
I was wondering if you have uploaded the converted files to any site? (I created an account just for this lol)

Post #16 · Posted at 2022-03-09 07:14:39pm 2.9 years ago

Offline bommy985
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Quote: mxwellc
Thats awesome, thanks for all your hard work! Let me know if you want me to upload/send you the converted and zipped ogg files. I have everything between 16 and 24 done. It took a batch script an entire day to do it running on a i7 processor so I woulndnt want anyone else to have to do it. Originally I thought beatoraja was using anti-piracy measures but it turns out java doesnt have a native adpcm decoder, which is what these files are. They are adpcm encoded wavs as opossed to a "normal" wav. This isnt a problem with non java based applications like stepmania. see this github issue for the full details : https://github.com/exch-bms2/beatoraja/issues/476. For now converting to ogg with a batch script and using the beatpopskin is pretty damn good: https://twitter.com/azuruff/status/1311461871308869632. I'll be saying goodbye forever to LR2. The only good reason to stay were these pop'n rips. Also for anyone reading this in the future desout (the makers of litone) released a hacked-beatoraja that uses the lr2 ir, so LR2 imo is dead software. The future is beatoraja and outfox.

Looking forward to the popn skin when its done!


I use both clients intermediately due to various issues(im almost 99% convinced that there's actual latency differences in gameplay, but im bad at bms/pms, and offset isnt a thing because "its keysounded" also hitting beginning instead of mid yada yada yada.

anyways I would love these converts

Post #17 · Posted at 2022-09-17 12:02:28am 2.4 years ago

Offline Knurek
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You know the drill:

Post #18 · Posted at 2022-09-25 02:08:48am 2.3 years ago

Offline mellodillo
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Sorry if this is a stupid question but I grabbed the files and extracted the RARs/dragged my folders into LR2 Jukebox and a lot of the songs just aren't loading for me...is there anything I need to do to the song files after I've extracted folders out of the RAR parts? Should I just switch to Beatoraja instead?

Again, really sorry if this isn't the best place to ask, but this is the only place I've seen with all these PMS files gathered up in one place, so I figured this was my best shot at getting info, I'm still very new to playing IIDX and Pop'n on PC!

Post #19 · Posted at 2022-09-25 09:07:55am 2.3 years ago

Offline Knurek
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You shouldn't have to do anything but extracting them - maybe you botched the directory structure/unpacked everything into a single dir?
It should look like this:
and each folder should have similar structure inside:

Oh, and I use a codec that won't work with Beatoraja, if you want to use them there, you'd have to convert all wavs to standard RIFF PCM.

Post #20 · Posted at 2022-09-25 01:55:43pm 2.3 years ago

Offline mellodillo
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Last updated: 2022-09-25 02:28pm
Hmm well my structure looks about right...now that I look again it looks like titles with Japanese in the text seem to be the ones getting omitted. I remember reading that for installing LR2 initially, it's recommended to switch the computer locale to Japanese, do I need to keep it that way for it to process the songs correctly when I add them?

EDIT: I used Locale Emulator and sure enough, it works like a charm now. Oops Thank you again for sharing these files here btw!
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