
NUCLEAR FUSION / Karl with a K ✕ Daniel Van Eden

Informations générales sur les chansons
Dernière activitéeil y a 2.6 années (2022-07-24 01:51pm)
Dernière mise à jour parSirDj0nt
Télécharger le fichier de la chanson
SM SM (38.89 KiB) il y a 2.6 années
SSC SSC (40.06 KiB) il y a 2.6 années
OGG OGG (1.6 MiB) il y a 2.6 années
Banner Banner (128.22 KiB) il y a 2.6 années
Jacket Jacket (394.97 KiB) il y a 2.6 années
Background Background (1725.07 KiB) il y a 2.6 années
Info sur la progression de la chanson
Single BeginnerDone - Level 5Double BeginnerNone
Single BasicDone - Level 9Double BasicNone
Single DifficultDone - Level 12Double DifficultNone
Single ExpertDone - Level 15Double ExpertNone
Single ChallengeDone - Level 17Double ChallengeNone
Single EditNoneDouble EditNone
Audio QualityPerfect (High Quality)
Qualité de la bannièrePerfect
Qualité de l'arrière-planPerfect
Autres infos
CommentairesSong by Karl with a K and Daniel Van Eden
Graphics by VanEden

Beginner by Karl with a K
Light by VanEden
Standard by VanEden
Heavy by Karl with a K
Challenge by Karl with a K and VanEden


*listens to VanEden's parts again*

*remembers songs like Cosy Catastrophe and Megalara Garuda exist*

*listens to my parts again*

I think I might be allowed to say it? Ahh what the heck.

*pulls out megaphone*


Hi. This is Karl.
I collaborated with Van Eden.
Please play it a lot.

-Karl with a K
EvaluationNo Rating
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