
DanceDanceRevolution A (AC)

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Post #4901 · Publicado en 2017-07-27 08:15:34am Hace 7.1 años

Offline bmhedgehog
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You'd think that they should have just ported the charts over from the CS instead of going out of their way making new charts for the AC.

Post #4902 · Publicado en 2017-07-27 12:31:19pm Hace 7.1 años

Offline Meseki
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Quote: DigitalBasic
And as I said, the CS one is still better in terms of being a stream rather than this awkward mess. It does look like the shocks here are meant to be avoided completely without a care of how specifically to do so, making it a complete mess in terms of flow. Not to mention the breaking up of the long streams into this is just weird and non-fitting.

The CS version makes much more sense to me.
I believe they changed the chart because the game pretty much tells you that the intended way to avoid Shock Arrows is by jumping (through a picture and by Shock Arrows counting as Air on the Groove Radar). Even if the stream method was intended for that particular chart, I don't think most players even thought of that (I know I didn't), especially since Shock Arrows were new, and it didn't help that pretty much all of the Shock Arrows on DDR X were on 4th notes, even if such placement seemed a bit ridiculous (I think Dance Celebration had a Shock Arrow or few a 16th after an arrow), so Horatio just seemed like an extreme case of bad Shock Arrow usage.
IIDX Rank: SP 九段 (7/8)/ DP 七段 (5/8); 1P Side player
SP 11* Clears: 132/150 (88.00%); 12* Clears: 23/96 (23.96%)
Has access to CS 9th-EMP+PB+US, uses extended KOCs.

Post #4903 · Publicado en 2017-07-28 09:53:23pm Hace 7.1 años

Offline pcboy
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"Small Time Stepper"
Yeah. In Horatio Heavy, trills. In Challenge, triplet-double-tap-trills*.
*And I hate those. I would fail an Endless Mode LV4 if it came up.

Post #4904 · Publicado en 2017-07-31 01:56:48pm Hace 7.1 años

Offline Zowayix
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Last updated: 2017-09-05 05:53pm
This was already posted, but I'm still surprised there's been 0 news on Ace For Aces or EndymionChallenge over the past couple of days. Sure, Life 4-clearing a 19 is stupid hard and I'm not expecting an actual clear anytime soon, but we haven't even seen its prerequisite - we haven't seen a second person clear Ace For Aces even though its full chart has been known for over a week. A weekend has come and gone and given how FEFEMZ and co. made about 60 attempts at the chart last weekend, I thought we would've seen a second clear by now. Even a lineout.

Quote: Spirit of Nightmare
There's one thing that's baffling me. As Ace for Aces is only available on Standard, how could anyone know its ratings on the other levels? RemyWiki for instance showed them to be a 4, a 7, a 13 and a 15 respectively.

Is there something I'm missing here?
Finally found the source I've been looking for - see the bottom of this page. http://ddrcommunity.com/endymion-expert-cleared-one-more-extra-stage/

Quote: DigitalBasic
Ishtar Challenge on singles does the same tactic pretty much and that was just added.
Not quite. IshtarChallenge has a 16th only on one side of the shock arrow, and Horatio CS NA Challenge has 16ths on both sides. This effectively doubles the room for error the player has, but more importantly, it also means that it's actually possible to jump on the shocks (a la Tell jumps) and still have the chart be reasonable. On top of this, Ishtar only has one group of 7 of these shocks, while Horatio has eight groups of 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, and 19 for a total of 40, and all of them are effectively twice as hard to pull off as Ishtar's. It's a huge difference. (This isn't even considering that Horatio was literally introduced on the debut date of shocks iirc while Ishtar was after ~8 years of exposure and practice.)

Quote: DigitalBasic
You don't return both feet to the center. Just one. Doing so makes it a simple 16th run with the shocks acting as a center input. It's how a majority of shock arrow charts work.
Nope, because then your other (non-center) foot is still on the arrow at the time the shocks pass.
Edit: Thought of the perfect example - take a look at ITG CharleneChallenge, which has multiple sequences of three 16ths and a mine on the next 16th, on two arrows, just like Horatio. The difference? Only one of the arrows is mined - exactly the one whose foot you can return to the center. If it had been both arrows that were mined, the chart would be as bad as Horatio's.

Really skeptical of that last part - every single shock arrow chart I've seen (bar Horatio's) allows the player to either return both feet to the center or jump over the whole shock (which only really works if the step before and the step after the shock both match the music while the shock does not). Can you show me another shock arrow chart that demands the player only return one foot to the center?

Quote: DigitalBasic
Yes? In this case, you may need to adjust how you do the drills but it shouldn't be THAT awkward to treat it as one simple 16th stream.
Adjust, as in "return one foot to the center while simultaneously flinging your other foot clear of the shock that's there"...at which point you're moving both feet at once in opposite directions, which is equivalent in effort to a jump (not a step). And doing this strange pseudo-jump movement 40 times in quick succession is extremely awkward compared to a stream.

Quote: DigitalBasic
The CS version makes much more sense to me.
Hope I convinced you otherwise; happy to take more questions.

Quote: bmhedgehog
You'd think that they should have just ported the charts over from the CS instead of going out of their way making new charts for the AC.
I suppose it's telling that Konami of all entities, not exactly known for their ability to consistently make good stepcharts, decided that Horatio CS NA Challenge was so bad that they went out of their way to change it.

Post #4905 · Publicado en 2017-07-31 02:55:28pm Hace 7.1 años

Offline Storm_x8
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Quote: Zowayix
we haven't seen a second person clear Ace For Aces even though its full chart has been known for over a week.
Chris passed it last weekend. Hasn't posted anything about Endymion CSP yet, though.

Quote: Zowayix
Quote: DigitalBasic
You don't return both feet to the center. Just one. Doing so makes it a simple 16th run with the shocks acting as a center input. It's how a majority of shock arrow charts work.
Nope, because then your other (non-center) foot is still on the arrow at the time the shocks pass.

Really skeptical of that last part - every single shock arrow chart I've seen (bar Horatio's) allows the player to either return both feet to the center or jump over the whole shock (which only really works if the step before and the step after the shock both match the music while the shock does not). Can you show me another shock arrow chart that demands the player only return one foot to the center?
If I'm understanding correctly, for the type of chart DigitalBasic is talking about usually what you see is a shock arrow is surrounded by two eighth notes. You step on the first arrow with one foot, then you shift your weight, stepping on the center panel with the other foot while simultaneously moving your first foot up in the air to reach the next eighth note after the shock arrow. This makes it so when the shock arrow passes, one foot is on the center panel while the other is in the air preparing to hit the next arrow. You can see this very clearly in charts like Theory of Eternity (starting at 0:22 in the video) and in One Sided Love (starting at 0:17 in the video). So yeah, while you definitely can always return both feet to the center (or jump over the whole shock) in these charts, it's much more energy-wasting and impractical. Horatio's CS challenge chart is a very extreme case, since you're forced to be constantly returning one foot to the center in extended 16th streams. In theory you'd just be doing the same 16th stream as expert except moving one foot to the center panel every other eighth note, but in reality the shock arrow trigger window is too wide for this kind of pattern and you'll usually end up triggering it just from having pressed the 16th note directly before it, which is why it was changed in the AC version to have eighth notes before and after the shocks instead.

Post #4906 · Publicado en 2017-07-31 03:33:31pm Hace 7.1 años

Offline rayword45
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Damn the ratings on this video are butthurt af what the hell this video is hilarious

Post #4907 · Publicado en 2017-07-31 05:02:16pm Hace 7.1 años

Offline amorite
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Quote: rayword45
Damn the ratings on this video are butthurt af what the hell this video is hilarious

If I recall correctly that guy originally uploaded it with a totally different title like "ACE FOR ACES ESP" or something, which was super misleading since it was 10 seconds of a chart and over 2 minutes of... nothing

I guess after getting a bunch of views and dislikes he changed it
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Post #4908 · Publicado en 2017-07-31 06:46:10pm Hace 7.1 años

Offline rayword45
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That's even funnier tbh

Post #4909 · Publicado en 2017-08-01 03:33:53am Hace 7.1 años

Offline Cowtao
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"This hat hurts"
Yo Ryan, can you do 16s or 17s next for difficulty ratings? Would like to know the easy and hard stuff.

Thanks toon for the smexy Banner!

Post #4910 · Publicado en 2017-08-01 08:45:51am Hace 7.1 años

Offline Dancefreak
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Last updated: 2017-08-01 08:54am
Quote: Zowayix
Quote: DigitalBasic
You don't return both feet to the center. Just one. Doing so makes it a simple 16th run with the shocks acting as a center input. It's how a majority of shock arrow charts work.
Nope, because then your other (non-center) foot is still on the arrow at the time the shocks pass.

Quote: DigitalBasic
The CS version makes much more sense to me.
Hope I convinced you otherwise; happy to take more questions.

Actually, digitalbasic is right, if you do a stream on two arrows in general you'll find that you never have both feet on the pad and you'll always pull a foot up at the same time as the other goes down, otherwise streams would be all janky and weird to play, so as a result in horatios cs chart when it goes shock LUL shock for example, you'll hit the center panel with your right foot, bringing your left foot in the air at the same time, then hit left up and left then return your right foot to the center panel and re-raise your left foot but even if the shock arrows werent there you'd be making the exact same motions anyway.

The issues however with the chart come from 1) The shock arrows windows are way too wide to get away with it at that speed , like if it was a bit tighter you'd be able to just treat it as a stream and it'd be really comfy, as it currently stands you probably have to play a fraction early to compensate for it which might be why they removed it. 2) Its extremely hard to do without a bar and its on a CS release , as a pattern anyway because you absolutely need to be able to shift your weight better to make it work. 3) And kinda important, it REALLY isnt done properly, some of the streams turn into really really poor double stepping where they've just slapped the shock arrows down without checking which way the player is facing.

If it wasnt for those 3 issues i could totally justify the older chart being more relevant than the new one but it isnt the case so the newer one probably is better, but the older one makes complete sense its just engine issues and bad organisation that made it as bad as it was.

Also: as far as the charting in charlene in ITG, if they added extra mines there it still wouldnt matter because mines in stepmania in general are handled much better in that you can have mines alarmingly close to arrows and still completely miss them without much trouble, infact you can hit arrows almost on top of mines and because of the way its coded the mines just get ignored unless you hit the arrow late. An absolutely perfectly example is TaroNuke's chart of Sengoku Three String (Havent been able to look up a video of it right now but im sure theres one on youtube somewhere) its full of really close mines and is completely doable despite how messed up it looks, i've pad cleared it, people have full excellent combo'd it and hit no mines, you just have to be really firm with where you step and confident of what you need to do and the mines just kinda mind their own business. If shock arrows in DDR worked about as well then they'd be able to get away with a hell of a lot more wackiness with them.

Post #4911 · Publicado en 2017-08-03 08:52:01am Hace 7.1 años

Offline omglonghair
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Last updated: 2017-08-03 08:52am
pretty slow but FEFEMZ has broken the WR for Valkyrie dimension Challenge

What the hell does U1 smoke to come up with EGOISM 440?

Post #4912 · Publicado en 2017-08-04 10:54:13am Hace 7.1 años

Online al2k4
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"BEMANI Sound Team"

Post #4913 · Publicado en 2017-08-04 11:07:26am Hace 7.1 años

Offline 01angel
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"Mostly just lurking."
Well, they're using the name and image of Hatsune Miku for the first time in DDR...Interesting.
Also, this seems to be the debut of Yuzuki Yukari (a lesser-known Vocaloid) in any BEMANI game. Hmm.

Hoping maybe we'll get something with AquesTone in DDR soon. Only thing is that the only composer I know who's been in BEMANI and uses it is Chilt, and the only possibility of a Chilt song appearing in DDR would be if they held a SDVX/Pop'n-style song contest...
Don't forget, I'm angel for yoooooooou(|[*'v'*]|)
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Post #4914 · Publicado en 2017-08-04 11:14:50am Hace 7.1 años

Offline PerroXX
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Meh songs, i don't like them but at least is Miku content: sure the songs will get some attention (if they release them outside of Japan)

Post #4915 · Publicado en 2017-08-04 11:39:18am Hace 7.1 años

Offline ToxDalt
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"Dare to be Different."
Sure you got the Hatsune Miku name into DDR, but not in SDVX? Weird... I wonder if the Disappearance of Hatsune Miku's Expert chart would be like...

Post #4916 · Publicado en 2017-08-04 11:49:58am Hace 7.1 años

Offline RGTM
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"BBCode Not Allowed"
Does anyone know if these licenses are going to be exclusive to Japan or Asia?
ZIv Mod Squad: "shark jumpscare"

Post #4917 · Publicado en 2017-08-04 12:03:04pm Hace 7.1 años

Offline Fodya
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Last updated: 2017-08-04 12:03pm
Quote: al2k4

The third song is "The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku"
actually it's fast, i think Heavy chart will be look like LuckgakistChallenge

Post #4918 · Publicado en 2017-08-04 01:50:01pm Hace 7.1 años

Offline Sigrev2
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Post #4919 · Publicado en 2017-08-04 01:59:23pm Hace 7.1 años

Offline s_monayy814
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Post #4920 · Publicado en 2017-08-04 04:14:05pm Hace 7.1 años

Offline DMAxel
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Quote: 01angel
Also, this seems to be the debut of Yuzuki Yukari (a lesser-known Vocaloid) in any BEMANI game. Hmm.
While 幸せになれる隠しコマンドがあるらしい is the first song using Yukari in BEMANI, the song has been around in other BEMANI games for some time (since SOUND VOLTEX III, more than two years ago) to consider its DDR appearance as its debut.
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