
2022 Music Thread

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Post #1 · Posted at 2022-02-10 07:12:03pm 3 years ago

Offline Sigrev2
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"suffering from success"
Any albums/EPs/singles/mixtapes/etc. coming out this year that fancies your interest? Let's talk about em here.

The other week was a very busy week for music. Brand new Animal Collective album after a 6 year gap, also the new Black Country, New Road album dropped to high praise. So many more I'm forgetting about! Very busy week! Looking forward to trying to dive into it all. Already have 2 days worth of music from this year and we're barely a month it. Feels like rookie numbers...

Do not self promo your own music here, please.

Post #2 · Posted at 2022-02-11 05:47:14pm 3 years ago

Offline PureBlue
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I've really been enjoying Underoath's new album, Voyeurist. They're the band that more or less lead me to most of what I still listen to, so when they announced they were coming back after a breakup/hiatus in 2016 I was extremely excited. I was even more stoked when they announced they were coming out with a new album in 2018. While that album (Erase Me) was polarizing for a lot of people, I did personally like it and I said the following on a different forum:

I don't revisit Erase Me super often outside of a few songs but it will still hold a level of importance in my life because it came out shortly after I got out of an extremely miserable relationship where I was constantly gaslit and emotionally abused and the themes of learning to stand up on your own again really resonated with me at the the time, because I was so emotionally damaged and traumatized that I basically had to re-learn how to function as a person.

And all of that still holds true. But anyway, Voyuerist. They started dropping singles from it last summer but it was officially released January 14th. It sounds like a pretty natural continuation of what they were doing on their albums Disambiguation and Lost In The Sound Of Separation with just enough of the more poppy/alt-rock elements from Erase Me to satisfy newer fans who may have jumped on with that album.

The artwork is also really cool in my opinion. It's unnerving and creepy, but in a way that fits the album perfectly.





Favorite songs: Thorn, I'm Pretty Sure I'm Out Of Luck And Have No Friends, Take A Breath, Cycle, Hallelujah
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