
[BUG] groove-radar-calculator Chaos Radar Error

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Post #1 · Posted at 2022-02-28 09:54:56am 2.2 years ago

Offline DJBrightxx
DJBrightxx Avatar Member
42 Posts
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Reg. 2015-03-15

Last updated: 2022-02-28 09:54am
I load my simfile to GR Calcalator but error while calculate Chaos

C:\Users\user>C:\Users\user\Desktop\grooveradar.py "C:\Games\StepMania 5\Songs\DDR Genesis Mix\RPG\RPG.ssc" "C:\Games\StepMania 5\Songs\DDR Genesis Mix\RPG\RPG.ogg"
['dance-single', '4']
Stream: 20.333333333333332
Voltage: 16.5
Air: 10.909090909090908
Freeze: 88.6
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\user\Desktop\grooveradar.py", line 317, in <module>
File "C:\Users\user\Desktop\grooveradar.py", line 313, in main
print("Chaos: %s" % gr_chaos(note[1], song, bpms, stops))
File "C:\Users\user\Desktop\grooveradar.py", line 261, in gr_chaos
lastnonzero = bpmchanges[0]
IndexError: list index out of range


Here's source code

# Groove Radar Calculator for StepMania charts by BedrockSolid

from __future__ import print_function, division
from builtins import input
from io import open

import sys, mutagen, argparse, traceback, wave

gms = {
"dance-single": [4,"dancesingle"],
"pump-single": [5,"pumpsingle"],
"pump-single-p": [5,"pumpsingle"],
"solo": [6,"solo"],
"dance-double": [8,"dancedouble"],
"technomotion": [9,"technomotion"],
"pump-halfdouble": [10,"pumpdouble"],
"pump-double": [10,"pumpdouble"],
"pump-double-p": [10,"pumpdouble"],
"pump-couple": [10,"pumpdouble"],
"pump-routine": [10,"pumpdouble"],

def get_notes(fn, sim):
note = [[['','0'],[],[0,0]]] # [[[mode, difficulty], [notes], [start line, last line]], ]
tempgm = ""
if fn.split('.')[1] == 'ssc':
for i in range(len(sim)):
note[-1][2][0] = i
if "#STEPSTYPE:" in sim[i]:
tempgm = sim[i].replace("#STEPSTYPE:", "").replace(";", "").replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
note[-1][0][0] = tempgm
elif "#METER:" in sim[i]:
note[-1][0][1] = sim[i].replace("#METER:", "").replace(";", "").replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
elif "#NOTES:" in sim[i]:
notestr = ""
for a in range(i + 1, len(sim)):
if "//" not in sim[a]:
tempstr = sim[a].replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').split('//')[0]
if ';' in tempstr:
notestr += tempstr.replace(';', '')
note[-1][2][1] = a
notestr += tempstr
noteslist = notestr.split(",")
for b in range(len(noteslist)):
n = get_gm_num(tempgm)
note[-1][1].append([noteslist[b][i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(noteslist[b]), n)]) # splits every n arrows into separate strings
i = a
elif fn.split('.')[1] == 'sm':
for i in range(len(sim)):
note[-1][2][0] = i
if "#NOTES:" in sim[i]:
notestr = ""
i += 1
while ':' not in sim[i+1]:
i += 1
for j in range(5):
if ':' in sim[i+1]:
if j == 0:
note[-1][0][0] = sim[i].strip().replace(":", "").replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
tempgm = note[-1][0][0]
elif j == 3:
note[-1][0][1] = sim[i].strip().replace(":", "").replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
i += 1
for a in range(i + 1, len(sim)):
if "//" not in sim[a]:
tempstr = sim[a].replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').split('//')[0]
if ';' in tempstr:
notestr += tempstr.replace(';', '')
note[-1][2][1] = a
notestr += tempstr
noteslist = notestr.split(",")
for b in range(len(noteslist)):
n = get_gm_num(tempgm)
note[-1][1].append([noteslist[b][i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(noteslist[b]), n)]) # splits every n arrows into separate strings
i = a
return note[:-1]

def get_bpms(sim):
for i in range(len(sim)):
if "#BPMS:" in sim[i]:
b = ""
while ';' not in sim[i]:
b += sim[i].replace("#BPMS:", '').replace(';', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
b += sim[i].replace("#BPMS:", '').replace(';', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
bpms = b.split(',')
for i in range(len(bpms)):
bpms[i] = bpms[i].split('=')
return bpms
return []

def get_stops(sim):
for i in range(len(sim)):
if "#STOPS:" in sim[i]:
s = ""
while ';' not in sim[i]:
s += sim[i].replace("#STOPS:", '').replace(';', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
s += sim[i].replace("#STOPS:", '').replace(';', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
stops = s.split(',')
for i in range(len(stops)):
stops[i] = stops[i].split('=')
return stops
return []

def get_gm_num(gm): # how many arrows per gamemode
return gms[gm][0]
print("Could not determine gamemode, defaulting to 4 arrows")
return 4

def songlength(song):
return song.info.length
return song.getnframes() / song.getframerate()

def sum1and2(arr):
summed = 0
valid = ['1','2','4','X','x','Y','y','S','v']
for beat in arr:
for note in beat:
summed += int(sum([note.count(x) for x in valid]) >= 1) # to include jumps as two notes add the counts directly
return summed

def notetofract(arr): # RED=0, BLUE=2, YELLOW=4, GREEN=5
# create a list of notes like (color int, distance from last note in beats)
# this includes 1, 2, 4, and M
valid = ['1','2','4','M','X','x','Y','y','S','v']
fract = []
last = 0
for beat in range(len(arr)):
for note in range(len(arr[beat])):
if any(x in arr[beat][note] for x in valid):
color = 5
fraction = note / len(arr[beat])
if fraction % 0.25 == 0:
color = 0
elif fraction % 0.125 == 0:
color = 2
elif fraction % 0.0625 == 0:
color = 4
current = beat+fraction
fract.append([color, current - last])
last = current
return fract

def sumjumps(arr): # any with 1/2 at same time
summed = 0
valid = ['1','2','4','X','x','Y','y','S','v']
for beat in arr:
for note in beat:
if sum([note.count(x) for x in valid]) >= 2:
summed += 1
return summed

def summines(arr): # just M
sum = 0
for beat in arr:
for note in beat:
sum += int(note.count('M') >= 1)
return sum

def sumfreezetime(arr): # measure time between 2 and 3 in same lanes and add up fraction based on array length
gm_num = len(arr[0][0])
last = [-1 for i in range(gm_num)]
sum = 0
for beat in range(len(arr)):
for note in range(len(arr[beat])):
for i in range(gm_num):
if arr[beat][note][i] == '2' or arr[beat][note][i] == '4':
last[i] = beat + (note / len(arr[beat]))
elif arr[beat][note][i] == '3':
if last[i] == -1:
sys.exit("This simfile does not have correct holds and thus is broken. Aborting...")
sum += beat + (note / len(arr[beat])) - last[i]
last[i] = -1
return sum

def getbpmchanges(bpm, stop): # check beat order and just make a list of bpms in order with stops inserted as 0
stop = [[float(s[0]), 0, float(s[1])] for s in stop]
bpm = [[float(b[0]), float(b[1]), 0] for b in bpm]
all = bpm + stop
all.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], -x[2]))

# delete bpm changes at the same time as stop
if False:
i = 0
while i < len(all)-1:
if all[i][0] == all[i+1][0] and all[i+1][1] == 0:
del all[i]
i += 1

# add bpm after stop if bpm the same
if True:
i = 0
while i < len(all)-1:
if all[i][0]+all[i][2] < all[i+1][0] and all[i][1] == 0:
all.insert(i+1, [all[i][0], all[i-1][1], 0])
i += 1

# delete decimal bpms that aren't multiples of 0.5
if True:
i = 0
while i < len(all)-1:
if all[i][1] % 0.5:
del all[i]
i += 1

return [a[1] for a in all]

def gr_stream(note, song):
sum = sum1and2(note)
npm = (60 * sum) // songlength(song)
return (npm - 139) * 100 / 161 if npm > 300 else npm / 3

def gr_voltage(note, song):
avgbpm = 60 * len(note) / songlength(song)
i = 0
maxdensity = 0
for i in range(len(note) - 4):
temp = sum1and2(note[i:i+4])
if temp > maxdensity:
maxdensity = temp
if i == 0:
maxdensity = sum1and2(note)
maxnpm = avgbpm * maxdensity // 4
return (maxnpm + 330) * 10 / 93 if maxnpm > 600 else maxnpm / 6

def gr_air(note, song):
jpm = 60*(sumjumps(note)+summines(note))//songlength(song)
return (jpm + 5) * 5 / 3 if jpm > 55 else jpm * 20 / 11

def gr_freeze(note):
freezelen = sumfreezetime(note)
#print("Total freeze length: %s" % freezelen)
farrowrate = 10000 * freezelen // len(note)
return (farrowrate + 2484) * 100 / 5984 if farrowrate > 3500 else farrowrate / 35

def gr_chaos(note, song, bpms, stops):
sum = sum1and2(note)
fract = notetofract(note)
# abnormality = sum*color/distance
basechaos = 0
for f in fract:
basechaos += sum * f[0] / f[1] # abnormality
bpmchanges = getbpmchanges(bpms, stops)
totalbpmchange = 0
i = 0
lastnonzero = bpmchanges[0]
while i < len(bpmchanges):
if bpmchanges[i] != 0:
lastnonzero = bpmchanges[i]
if i+1 < len(bpmchanges):
totalbpmchange += abs(bpmchanges[i] - bpmchanges[i + 1])
i += 1
elif i+1 < len(bpmchanges):
totalbpmchange += bpmchanges[i + 1] if bpmchanges[i + 1] > 0 else lastnonzero
totalbpmchange += lastnonzero
i += 1
bpmchangepm = 60 * totalbpmchange / songlength(song)
chaosdegree = basechaos * (1 + (bpmchangepm / 1500))
chaosunit = chaosdegree * 100 / songlength(song)
return (chaosunit + 21605) * 100 / 23605 if chaosunit > 2000 else chaosunit / 20

def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Calculate groove radar for StepMania charts.')
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.fn == None:
sys.exit("You did not input a StepMania simfile filename!")
if args.audfn == None:
sys.exit("You did not input an audio filename!")

audext = args.audfn.split('.')[1]
if audext == 'wav':
song = wave.open(args.audfn, 'r')
song = mutagen.File(args.audfn)

with open(args.fn, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
notes = get_notes(args.fn, lines)
if args.fn.split('.')[1] == 'sm':
bpms = get_bpms(lines)
stops = get_stops(lines)
for note in notes:
if args.fn.split('.')[1] == 'ssc':
bpms = get_bpms(lines[note[2][0]:note[2][1]+1])
stops = get_stops(lines[note[2][0]:note[2][1]+1])
print("Stream: %s" % gr_stream(note[1], song))
print("Voltage: %s" % gr_voltage(note[1], song))
print("Air: %s" % gr_air(note[1], song))
print("Freeze: %s" % gr_freeze(note[1]))
print("Chaos: %s" % gr_chaos(note[1], song, bpms, stops))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Post #2 · Posted at 2022-02-28 08:04:48pm 2.2 years ago

Offline razorblade
razorblade Avatar Member
1,099 Posts
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Reg. 2011-03-01

I just tested the py script and it's indeed buggy. The values are less accurate. Use this perl script instead. It generates DDR A-like values.

simfile-radar perl script by teleshoes

You need perl software installed (e.g. Strawberry Perl)
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