
Z-I-v Summer Contest 2017 [GAME OVER, YEAAAHHH]

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Post #801 · Posté à 2017-07-10 06:40:04pm il y a 7.2 années

Offline vincentw
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Last updated: 2017-07-12 05:31pm
Click the image to go to the simfile page. You'll find the 4:3 BG and the ITG banner in the Comments.

oh my goodness i actually finished Heavy and Challenge in one day this can't be happening
Alright, there's a 94% chance that this is my last simfile for SC, so hopefully this is worth it!

I considered this for Weeks 1 and 9 but other things happened and here we are.
The song is from a BMS event called B-1 ClimaX System-C, which ran on October 2001. However, it's a bit short.
I found the song via maimai (ORANGE PLUS), and the cut's longer and I like it more. I think it's a cut from the full version because I saw one in YouTube, but I don't know for certain.

As for the charts, both Heavy and Challenge passed the 5-point threshold.
Heavy has crossovers, 2 spins, and 2 brackets (6pts). Challenge has at least one of each except spins and bursts (12pts).
There maaaayyyyy be a bit too many brackets in Challenge for your own liking. Sorry in advance.
There's an Edit chart. It's exactly the same as Challenge, but all footswitches and brackets are all annotated with 192nds just before the respective notes. It's mainly for reference, though, and I don't think any of the steps are too weird that it's not at least somewhat intuitive. The annotated steps ended up a bit early (5~12ms), so proceed with caution. I hope you enjoy this file!

Post #802 · Posté à 2017-07-10 07:07:43pm il y a 7.2 années

Offline chewi
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Post #803 · Posté à 2017-07-10 08:07:01pm il y a 7.2 années

Offline Oni-91
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-3445-5569-17913DS Friend Code: 008736577880
"Popular bisexual disaster"

The winner...with 37 points, is Gameoson, with Curtain call memories! It's...uh...4 wins now? DAMN SON.
The silver medalist...with 27 points, is Benpai AGAIN, with Pixelsurfing!
The bronze medallist...with 26, is vincentw, with Nouveau parfum!

All votes are available with HMs here.

No notes, just that I'm now officially out, marking an end to possibly the worst performance of a Summer Contest owner of all time. I'm not bitter, but rest assured that I shall not be satisfied until I murder every single one of you in your sleep. NO, I'M NOT FUCKING BITTER, MOM
ZIv Mod Squad: "I'm a trash panda now, don't worry about it"
Can you make music? ZENIUS -I- MANIA 2023 NEEDS YOU

Post #804 · Posté à 2017-07-10 08:12:10pm il y a 7.2 années

Offline Pie-kun
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"On ZiV I'm like Princess Diana"

Last updated: 2017-07-10 08:15pm
Can I ask why my file was disqualified? I sent in my votes this morning at 8:45AM PST. I can show the sent PM if needed.

EDIT: Nevermind, I think I submitted votes for the wrong week orz, that's what I get for trying to do it last minute

Post #805 · Posté à 2017-07-10 08:16:01pm il y a 7.2 années

Offline Oni-91
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-3445-5569-17913DS Friend Code: 008736577880
"Popular bisexual disaster"
Basically that, sorry bout that.

On the other hand, you ARE early for next week so...yeah.
ZIv Mod Squad: "I'm a trash panda now, don't worry about it"
Can you make music? ZENIUS -I- MANIA 2023 NEEDS YOU

Post #806 · Posté à 2017-07-10 08:30:58pm il y a 7.2 années

Offline Astroman129
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" ♫~~ I'm wired to the world ~~♫"
This truly is your ARTPOP era, Oni.

Post #807 · Posté à 2017-07-10 08:33:26pm il y a 7.2 années

Offline Oni-91
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"Popular bisexual disaster"
I'm almost impressed at how I went this shit this quickly. Flopping that bad takes damn skill.
ZIv Mod Squad: "I'm a trash panda now, don't worry about it"
Can you make music? ZENIUS -I- MANIA 2023 NEEDS YOU

Post #808 · Posté à 2017-07-10 09:15:50pm il y a 7.2 années

Offline Benpai
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"~BOI he did it~"
Quote: Oni-91
The silver medalist...with 27 points, is Benpai AGAIN, with Pixelsurfing!

I'm dying lmfao Laughing Hard



Post #809 · Posté à 2017-07-10 10:25:28pm il y a 7.2 années

Offline warpdr!ve
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Last updated: 2017-07-10 10:25pm
Hey remember when I said I'd respond to things last week? I'm a shitbag so I'm finally doing it now, sorry (although I think I did mention a bit in the discord).

Quote: Gameoson
Quote: warpdr!ve
Stompbox - Felt a bit repetitive towards the middle-end
^ As expected.

Crossovers felt a bit overkill.
^ This is what happens when you try to compensate for repetition. Laughing Out Loud

That being said I'm legitimately surprised Stompbox came in 4th (4th again? lol). I actually think it's the weakest file I've submitted so far. Tongue

Quote: Feraligatr
[Tech Savvy]

Considering your performance really you should be telling me what to do but I didn't think it was weak lol. You did what you could with it.

Quote: vincentw
Quote: warpdr!ve
A Visit to the Dentist - gimmicks were minimalist but what was there was excellent, great work with them! That being said, some of your stealth parts were 100%, some were 50% so that seemed inconsistent. Crossover use was very excessive imo but other than that, good stuff.
Thanks for the +1! There's a reason why I did 2 different stealth mods. On the 100% part, the music fade out entirely. On the 50% part, however, a note was sustained, so I don't think it merits a 100% stealth mod. (Also, 50% stealth made the notes entirely white over here, so that's a cool effect too imo)

(snipped a bit) I was too dumb to pick up on the reason for the change in %, my fault, sorry!

Also benpai, I'd be happy to trade with you ;p

So anyway, here are my reviews for this week, votes on the bottom.

7 colors - A lot of ambiguity in the turns which made this one hard to follow on pad. Around beat 60 (and similar) you also made a rythmic error.
Akai Hana - Competent but the song was very repetitive. 24ths were a nice touch.
Baile Le Samba - Warps were pretty cool. Patterning was a bit ambigious near the middle, and it seemed like a lot of the time you were facing in one direction too long.
Carefree Reckless - The stops really needed some marking to make them more obvious. Patterning seemed very arbitrary and the 240 jacks are much too much even for a 12 (imo). Props for taking this song on though.
Code:2 - Good stuff. Jump part stuck out (in a good way), and overall the whole package was solid. Not the most pop but very little to complain about.
Curtain Call Memories - Very solid. Only nitpicks would be that a few of the 8th runs and crossovers seemed like they were overdoing things a bit, particularly in the first third of the chart. While your speed changes weren't marked they were fairly obvious so you got off well there.
Desert Technology - The overstepping made it difficult to tell what your layered parts, that seemed to follow multiple cues in the chart (maybe?) hard to follow which made this one a tough sell for me.
Despacito - Bonus for not having Justin Beiber make an appearance. The hold lengths seemed a bit arbitrary and there were probably some more you could have thrown in. Crossovers were a bit excessive too.
Doi - Liked the roll use and the 12ths were cool once I figured out what they were actually too. On the flip side it felt overstepped, and for stylistic bonus points I would have cut down the beginning's steps to just the one loud sound.
Go Beyond! - This would have been great song material for last theme! The rolls used to represent multiple notes were pretty cool but when they seemed to just replace holds, at the speed the song is you'd need to double tap. Felt a touch overstepped and I don't think the crossovers particularly added a lot to the package but overall it wasn't a bad effort.
Grandolin - Hold use seemed extremely excessive. I liked the patterning choice where the runs changed how much movement they needed midway through because it seemed to follow the music intensifying. Double taps were also used well. Solid.
Guilty Destruction - Loved the quarter jump runs but I think you could have added jumps to some more of the kicks without to much impact on the comfort of the chart. Felt a touch overstepped but it wasn't a huge deal.
Havox - Liked the candle use in the 16th runs although I can't help but to think that would be a rough one to pad. Liked the jump/break section as it gave the chart a bit more personality. The gimmick was smartly made not to throw off the flow. Very good job.
Instruction - Oh my god the beginning was gold. I wish you kept that rhetoric up through the rest of the chart. Speaking of the rest it was fine but unassuming. Still though that beginning <3
John Wayne - Nice use of doublesteps. Kinda confused what you were intending to do with the clusters of 4 16ths. Is John Wayne known for getting high? I think I'm missing the pun gaga.
Journey - Totally fine, but I wish there was a harder level that you could have added.
La Gozadera - The jump section in the beginning had some turns that you could avoid but still seemed a bit unneeded at first glance. Facing one direction during a clump of lyrics was a good touch when you did it.
Marry Me, Nightmare - The swing section had a lot of pop, kudos there. My biggest issue was that there were a lot of audio cues that you could have done tiny holds or something else to that effect but didn't - what you do have though is nonetheless solid.
Nakakapagpabagabag - Kind of a tough nut to crack because of the song choice. Rhetoric varied heavily over similar parts of the music which overall came out to be a mixed bag and would make this review way longer than what I'd aim for just on this post. The stutter section was cute though. Solid chart.
Next to you - This felt extremely intentionally made for the theme, which kinda held it back considerably. What is here isn't bad, albeit not memorable for me.
No Controles - The player faced left a ton, which made the chart not incredibly dynamic. Serviceable aside from that.
Nouveau parfum - The turns seemed rather excessive to me and really stuck out, especially for a 7! Thankfully the speed was low. This chart was clearly not made for me haha.
Pixelsurfing - Great job following a lot of the little sounds in there, which kept this from being a bit monotonous. Interestingly, I really liked the hold sections because it made a nice parallel to the song being chill.
Run to the Sun - Would have liked more repetitions on the 'run, run's, but this chart was the definition of chill, and it had some little bits of rhetoric to boot. Good job!
Sissy that Walk - I'd call this song my guilty pleasure but I'm not guilty about it at all let's be real. Patterning seemed a bit too DDR for my personal tastes but the gimmick was cute. You might have had some chances to do very granular gimmicks if you wanted to put the time in.
Slip Flip - Some of the crossovers and gallops didn't feel 100% justified, mostly when they were trying to follow the lyrics. Some of the background sounds could have been followed a bit better too. Still though there was something compelling about this.
Sparks - Surprisingly solid amount of chances you had to make some extra rhetoric to things like the claps and whistles. You did catch some of these which is nice. The challenge with making a 7 is being able to get a lot of this through though.
Take Care - Well strictly speaking you followed the music really well but at the same time, naturally, the chart is extremely repetitive and doesn't really grip me. Also the crossover usage seemed completely random.
True - Given this is a 7 you could have gotten away without the crossovers. Great jump use though.
Vorota - You might need to check your sync on this one, especially during the slowdown. Some nifty ideas were present though, including stepping that sound that was in the preview that sounded like something out of nightmares.
Xcited - Lots of sounds that you could have added some spice to, and you might want to check your crossover patterning. That being said composing your own song is always good so I respect the ambition.

The votes:
Code:2 +2
Curtain Call Memories +2
Havox +2
Instruction +2
Marry Me, Nightmare +2
Run to the Sun +2
Pixelsurfing +2
Sissy that Walk +1

Nakakapagpabagabag - HM
Slip Flip - HM

There were plenty of good files this week but in my world one didn't exactly break out, probably because following the theme added some heavy restrictions. Also, a fair few of the 7s and below didn't really spice things up the way they could have been.

So here's the deal for me, obviously I didn't submit again for round 10 but technical showcase is causing me a lot of problems (most namely my inevitable failure) so I'm not sure if I can get any votes in this week.

Rikame and Telperion are far better with technical stuff than I'll ever be so if they're offering and you want feedback I'd go to them before me lmao, that being said if you want some feedback PM me. Very convenient how that works out =P. See you all in the finals!

Thanks to Lord Toon for the wonderful sig image!

If you'd like a review on a contest chart, PM me! (Reviews will probably be given on or around the Friday after the PM fyi.)

Post #810 · Posté à 2017-07-10 10:45:07pm il y a 7.2 années

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"

Last updated: 2017-07-10 10:51pm
Ever feel like you overstep things despite thinking what you have's good?

I think success of files that were very difficult but still actually did pretty well (Valkyrie, Mewtwo, PLATINUM, Overdose) has actually led me to the mentality that harder = better (as long as it still works out fine on pad). I also got influenced by stepartists with extremely technical stepping styles that I happened to really enjoy.

This ended up hurting a song that I really wanted to do spectacularly, and then killed my chances at the VIP (seriously, there's no way I can make it at this point), combined with missing 7 of the weeks.

Thinking back, I think all three files I've submitted here are too crazy and benefit fingers more than feet. I doled out Go Beyond and nightowl hours before the deadline hit for their respective weeks because I procrastinated on them. I was happy when I completed nightowl with one minute to go, but then I look at the charts and think "what the fuck have I done??"; I had much better song choices I could've done but I decided to challenge myself to hit the most complicated song. It makes me wonder if nightowl, musically, is only suited for keyboard files.

Go Beyond, while not having anything past 24ths (except for that one part), is still just as, if not crazier, and I didn't even bundle lower difficulties with it, even though I've called out files for having too difficult charts (WITH lower difficulties) in the past. If I'm going to be honest, I think the only way it got me a leaderboard point is because the person that was actually supposed to get 10th made a fatal error in his votes and I somehow defeated Oni by getting someone's +5.

I think I just might be losing touch with what I loved to do a year ago. I used to actually be good at simfiling, but now it seems like I release files for the sake of releasing files. X_X

Oh yeah by the way I started typing this before warpdr!ve posted his reviews so yeah.

Post #811 · Posté à 2017-07-10 10:46:37pm il y a 7.2 années

Offline Gameoson
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Last updated: 2017-07-10 11:03pm
Quote: Oni-91
Benpai AGAIN, with Pixelsurfing!

^ This was an amazing song by the way. It's easily one of my favorite songs out of everything I've heard for the first time in this year's contest. Happy

Quote: CuzcoBlocko
Ever feel like you overstep things despite thinking what you have's good?

This is why over complicating things is a bad idea. Sure, technical stuff can be really fun if it's done right and it fits the song, but sometimes the best way to tackle a song is to take a simpler approach. Throwing too much at a player just makes things confusing, and it's confusing not only to physically play the song but also to figure out what elements of the song the simfile artist was trying to follow. Personally, I thought Go Beyond!! was overly ambitious and tried to do too much at once instead of having one clear goal in mind.

Probably doesn't help either that you procrastinate a lot. *shrug*

Post #812 · Posté à 2017-07-10 11:30:29pm il y a 7.2 années

Offline SomethingRandom
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Game Center Nickname: blearymoos
"bootylicious "
how tf did i get 2 points
also lmao i voted for one of the tech savvy files but im not totally disqualified

Post #813 · Posté à 2017-07-10 11:57:00pm il y a 7.2 années

Offline Benpai
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"~BOI he did it~"
Quote: warpdr!ve
Also benpai, I'd be happy to trade with you ;p
Let's see if you can trade with me in the VIP room Smile

Also I hope that I didn't give off the impression that I'm ungrateful, I truly am thankful for everyone who voted for me and got me 4 silvers to my name this time around Happy

Quote: Gameoson
Quote: Oni-91
Benpai AGAIN, with Pixelsurfing!

^ This was an amazing song by the way. It's easily one of my favorite songs out of everything I've heard for the first time in this year's contest. Happy

AW THANKS I really liked the song too, one of the few DnB tracks I've found that still maintains a chill vibe

btw you really seem to like to chart drum and bass songs for this contest Wink


Post #814 · Posté à 2017-07-11 12:06:39am il y a 7.2 années

Offline Gameoson
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Last updated: 2017-07-11 12:07am
Quote: Benpai
btw you really seem to like to chart drum and bass songs for this contest Wink

D&B was an early favorite genre of mine when I first started getting involved in rhythm games. It's turned into a genre I like to step frequently. Tongue

Post #815 · Posté à 2017-07-11 03:49:55am il y a 7.2 années

Offline vincentw
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Last updated: 2017-07-11 07:29am
Thank you so much to everyone who voted for Nouveau parfum and bringing it up to third place! VIP might be a thing...!
Here's this week's leaderboard (click for 1080p):


Gameoson earned his fourth win this season, and Benpai earned his fourth consecutive silver. This late in the game, there's not really much change in the positions, with the exception of mf32892 who reclaimed his spot in the top 15.
In other news, Astroman129 and CuzcoBlocko both got points for the first time, congratulations! With the cutoff being 19 points, a first-place finish is required for anyone who's currently at zero. Who will triumph in the VIP Room? All will be revealed on the season finale.

Since I'm here, I'll post the updated odds for the penultimate week. The numbers here are also in the sheets, and it also includes all the odds all the way back from Week 1. Everyone not mentioned here unfortunately has a 0% chance of entering VIP.

Pandemonium X
99.59% Daffa212162
96.70% DigitalBasic
67.20% TikalFan9000
42.70% mf32892
21.13% rikame
21.13% vincentw
14.98% Loodee
14.09% Telperion
11.81% Astroman129
3.57% 5l1n65h07
3.57% djVERTICAI
3.57% darkanine
3.57% KevinRocker10
3.57% KittyBox
3.57% mu-box
3.57% Nezemarth
3.57% SomethingRandom
3.57% stylek226
3.56% HealingDMax300
3.56% K-Step
3.52% CuzcoBlocko

There's a 36% chance that the VIP Room will have more than 15 people in it. Interesting.

Post #816 · Posté à 2017-07-17 02:46:31am il y a 7.1 années

Offline Telperion
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Last updated: 2017-07-17 02:46am
streaming Week 10 files!!

update: stream over!!
+9ms or Null? a simfile unbiasing utilitySimfile Creation Resources
20:20:51 · Blinded_No_More: LOL, I can sum it up like this:     20:20:55 · Blinded_No_More: Eurobeat = Steppable power metal

Post #817 · Posté à 2017-07-17 06:15:05pm il y a 7.1 années

Offline Benpai
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"~BOI he did it~"

Last updated: 2017-07-17 06:38pm
Hey guys!

Rikame and I will be streaming our critiques of the Week 10 files today right now!

If you missed or will miss the stream, just check the VOD Smile



Post #818 · Posté à 2017-07-17 06:30:31pm il y a 7.1 années

Offline Oni-91
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"Popular bisexual disaster"

Last updated: 2017-07-17 07:02pm
I'm splitting both the Week 10 votes and the VIP totals up because, well, I can. And I'm an arsehole. Ha ha.

The winner...with 44 points, is Telperion, with THIS IS HDM! Getting into the VIP Room by the absolute skin of his nadsack!
The silver medalist...with 34 points, is Feraligatr , with Pump!
The bronze medallist...with 30 points, is Benpai, with With You!

All votes are available with HMs here.

As you can see, AMAZINGLY tight fight between 3rd and 4th.

And that's the regular contest done. I'm going to have a crap, wait for someone to comment to add space, and then we can give out the VIP tickets.
ZIv Mod Squad: "I'm a trash panda now, don't worry about it"
Can you make music? ZENIUS -I- MANIA 2023 NEEDS YOU

Post #819 · Posté à 2017-07-17 06:36:38pm il y a 7.1 années

Offline Astroman129
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" ♫~~ I'm wired to the world ~~♫"
I'll comment.

Post #820 · Posté à 2017-07-17 06:41:01pm il y a 7.1 années

Offline Oni-91
Oni-91 Avatar Moderator+
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"Popular bisexual disaster"
Right, it's time to reveal. The scores have been counted and there is a top 15. Rather than spoil it for you, I'm going to leave it up to you all to find out for yourself. If you have a gold background, you're in the top 15, if not, well, you aren't.

So, for those in, best of luck. Your slates shall be wiped clean, and you have three weeks to take the winning seat. Pandy will be here to provide guidance, and vincentw will be here to provide fancier graphics. As the only one of the lead three not in the VIP Room, I'm off to put my feet up and have a brew. Never wanted to be in your party anyway FOR THE LAST COCKING TIME I AM NOT BITTER
ZIv Mod Squad: "I'm a trash panda now, don't worry about it"
Can you make music? ZENIUS -I- MANIA 2023 NEEDS YOU
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