
Z-I-v Simfile Shuffle 2016 — thank you for playing!

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Post #1 · Posted at 2016-12-02 05:43:22pm 7.8 years ago

Offline vincentw
vincentw Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2013-12-23


Last updated: 2017-03-13 09:16pm
Yes, Simfile Shuffle is back for the fourth year in a row! Just like the previous two years, Scarz and I will be your hosts for the twelve weeks of the contest. By the way, sorry for being so late! Both of us were busy with exams.

Click the banner to go to the category.
Thanks Dreamland200 for the sleek pic!

This is the Simfile Shuffle. Every week, each player will submit a song file and a synced SM skeleton (no steps) to one of the hosts. This year, there are two, Scarz and vincentw. These files are then distributed randomly across all players. Each player will get one skeleton, and their job is to fill it with steps. Note that it is possible for a stepper to receive their own simfile. After one week, there will be a vote for the best simfile of that week.

1. To join a round, you have to send a skeleton.
2. You have to vote. Otherwise, your entry for that week will be disqualified.
3. You are not allowed to vote for your own entry.
4. Only one entry per week.
5. Entries must be uploaded by the deadline: Monday, 17:00 UTC of every week. Otherwise, disqualification.
6. The entries must be named accordingly: [Round X] - Song. Yes, that includes the hyphen.
Note: we're reverting to lowercase letters to be consistent with other contests, so [Round X], not [ROUND X].

1. Please, do not cheese your submission.
1. As in, please do not submit songs that you may find unsteppable just for the sake of joining this competition.
1. If people catch you doing so, we may have to impose a warning onto you. Refer to "Warnings" for more information.
2. Songs submitted are required to be less than two minutes and thirty seconds. That means you have to cut it beforehand.
3. No minimum bitrate is imposed, but please submit songs with a decent quality.
3. You may ask around for help in finding high-quality cuts. Don't be shy!
4. Submit an SM skeleton with the music file in a ZIP file, and nothing else.
5. The skeleton must include the BPM tag and the OFFSET tag.
6. Please make sure that the song, especially those with live BPMs, are synced properly.
7. In most cases, the song only has to be synced. Please refrain from putting other decorations; that's the stepper's job.
7. Specifically, stops can only be put when they're absolutely necessary, and everything else is most likely not allowed.
8. Read rules 1-7 again, then rule 1 once more.

1. The simfile must contain at least Light, Standard, and Heavy Singles charts. Any other chart is optional.
2. Songs must be rated in DDR's old scale of 1-10 or ITG's scale of 1-13.
3. No keyboard charts. Pad (DDR/ITG) charts only.
4. Automatically generated (autogen) steps are not allowed.
5. New simfiles only. Previous publicly released simfiles are not allowed.
6. You may get your own file. That is okay. In that case, simply step it as usual, unless you've stepped it before (see #8).
7. If you refuse to step your given file, you can request a veto. Refer to "Vetoing" for more information.
8. If you got a song you've stepped before, you can swap it with another song from the backup pile. This doesn't count as a veto. Refer to "Backup Pile" for more information.

1. Please notify the hosts or the thread if you would like to re-cut the file you got.
2. When doing a re-cut, you may only cut from the full version of the song. You cannot combine your cut with another song.
3. You may ask for the full version (a host will ask the filemaker for it), or you may find it yourself.
4. Cuts that are too long or too short will not warrant a re-cut.
5. As agreed before, the only permissible conditions for the song to warrant a re-cut are:
a. The cut is done improperly, leading to an off-sync song file.
a. In this case, the only modification allowed is for the song to be on-sync again. No editing outside of that scope.
b. It is in bad quality, which is relative to the receiver.
b. In this case, the receiver must construct the original cut exactly out of a higher-quality file. No editing outside of that scope.
c. The cut is done horribly; it's abrupt, lazy, etc.
c. One of the hosts will decide on the nature of the cut. If it is determined that the cut is indeed poor, the receiver can make a brand new cut in any way they desire.
d. The cut is longer than 2:30 and is caused by a host's oversight. (installed in Round D)
d. Same with (c), the receiver can make a brand new cut in any way they desire.

1. If a file is especially bad to the point of it being unsteppable, the receiver can send an appeal request to one of the hosts or to the thread.
2. A host will then take a look at the file and decide if it warrants a file replacement or not.
In general, if there is no way for the song to be decently stepped, or if the syncing of a file that takes a high amount of effort (live BPM, gradual speed changes, etc.) is not done or done poorly by the filemaker, a replacement file may be granted.
3. A replacement file doesn't take away vetoes from the receiver, and the filemaker will receive a warning. Refer to the section below for more information.

1. Anyone who doesn't comply to the song submission rules will receive a warning.
1. The person who gets the troubling file will be given a replacement file from the backup pile.
1. The troubling file will be discarded.
2. Each additional warning after the first will either deduct one veto from the filemaker or disqualify them from the next round if they have no more vetoes.

Veto: a token that allows you to swap your assigned file with another file picked at random.
1. You are given two of these. You cannot obtain more veto rights, or asking other players for more.
2. To use this, write in the thread stating that you want to use a veto. A host will then give you a new file to step.
3. Once you veto, you're not allowed to step your original file.
4. You can use both of your vetoes in a single round. You cannot step either of the earlier files. Beware, you'll be left with none for the rest of the competition if you do that.
5. You may also use a veto if you didn't submit a skeleton, but you want to participate.

Backup pile: the pile that hosts backup files. If someone requests a veto, one file will be taken from here.
1. Everyone, including non-players, can submit a skeleton to the pile.
2. The skeletons must follow the rules stated above.
3. To submit a file, PM a host. Do not post in the thread.
4. You may send multiple backups.
5. This pile is not publicly visible.
6. If you got a song you've stepped before, you can swap it with another song from here. Your assigned song will swap places with a random song, so the number of backups won't change. This won't count towards your veto tally.

You are given 15 points which you can freely distribute to any number of entries, subject to a maximum of 5 pts per entry. The winner is decided on which simfile has the highest number of points.
You have to play on all the files before casting your vote. If we find out otherwise, they will not be eligible to participate for the rest of the contest.

Song A: 5pts.
Song B: 3pts.
Song C: 2pts.
Song D: 1pts.
Song E: 4pts.


Song A: 5pts.
Song B: 5pts.
Song C: 5pts.

Special cases for 0~5 files:
0 files: Round skipped. No winner.
1 file: The one who submits wins.
2 files: Submitters don't vote. Others get 1 point to distribute.
3/4/5 files: Everyone gets 3/5/10 points to distribute.

If a song finishes in the top 3, the song provider will get bonus points as a recognition for the good choice they made. These will be added to the final point count.

The song provider will receive points if the song placed:
1st: 15% of points or 3pts,
2nd: 10% of points or 2pts,
3rd: 5% of points or 1pt,
whichever is higher.

To be eligible for bonuses:
1. The simfile must finish in the top 3.
2. The song provider must have finished their assigned simfile.
3. Both the filemaker and the stepper cannot be disqualified for the week.
4. The file must not be a backup, even though it's by valid contestants.
4. Bonus points for backup files will be void and will not be carried over to the next best file(s).

1st: file by F, steps by G (gets either 15% or 3pts)
2nd: backup
3rd: file by H, steps by K (gets either 5% or 1pt)
4th: file by P, steps by Q (no bonus points)

Week 0: Send in your song files for Round A.
Week 1: Songs are picked at random; you have 1 week to make a simfile out of it. Send in song files for Round B.
Week 2: Judgement starts on Round A simfiles and submissions for Round B simfiles begin. Send in songs for Round C.
After that, it's rinse and repeat.
As with last year, there will be a break; this time on the week of Christmas Day (19~26 Dec). Happy holidays!

This contest will run for 12 rounds. Sign-ups start now and the contest will start on 5 December with Round A.
Sign-ups don't close until pretty much the start of Round L.
If you intend to sign up now and be part of Round A, please send us a file immediately.

・ 01angel
・ 5l1n65h07
・ Astroman129
・ Braeden47
・ brunobg24
・ buggu
・ chewi
・ CuzcoBlocko
・ darkanine
・ Dreamland200
・ Feraligatr
・ Gameoson
・ HealingDMax300
・ hypnoticmarten77
・ JunkoXXX
・ ledgam3r1279
・ Loodee
・ MavWil
・ mf32892
・ Nezemarth
・ Pandemonium X
・ Pharos21
・ Quickman
・ Spork!
・ SupremeX
・ SZ64saulius
・ The Legendary DJXYZ
・ xXMokou98Xx

・ Send us a skeleton NOW to be part of Round A! No more waiting for a week prior.
・ More clarity on the song re-cut (desync/LQ/bad cut) and appeal (bad song/bad syncing that needs hi-effort) policies.
・ Rounds are now spelled with lowercase letters (Round instead of ROUND). We'll still use letters.

Post #2 · Posted at 2016-12-02 05:47:09pm 7.8 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
CuzcoBlocko Avatar Member
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"

Let's get stepping. :3

Post #3 · Posted at 2016-12-02 06:15:34pm 7.8 years ago

Offline JunkoXXX
JunkoXXX Avatar Banned+
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"I have no words for my life"
I need something to do during winter break.

Post #4 · Posted at 2016-12-02 06:16:03pm 7.8 years ago

Offline Loodee
Loodee Avatar Member+
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Post #5 · Posted at 2016-12-02 06:17:05pm 7.8 years ago

Offline Quickman
Quickman Avatar Member+
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"five minute white boy challenge"
yeah sure i guess
Quote: Quick Man
Approximately nobody asked for this song to be included. Least popular decision by the Japanese since Nintendo released the Wii U.

Post #6 · Posted at 2016-12-02 06:17:58pm 7.8 years ago

Offline Gameoson
Gameoson Avatar Member
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3DS Friend Code: 3969-4495-2046
Round A skeleton coming from me in a few minutes (hooray for having incomplete WIP files!)

Post #7 · Posted at 2016-12-02 06:39:18pm 7.8 years ago

Offline SZ64saulius
SZ64saulius Avatar Member
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Sign me in Smile

Post #8 · Posted at 2016-12-02 06:53:51pm 7.8 years ago

Offline HealingDMax300
HealingDMax300 Avatar Member
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I'm in.

Post #9 · Posted at 2016-12-02 08:38:02pm 7.8 years ago

Offline SupremeX
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Last updated: 2016-12-02 08:38pm
Quote: HealingDMax300
I'm in.

^Me too Very Happy ^^
https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/DDR%20GOLD%2020%20simfiles/DDR%20GOLD%2020%20simfiles.png?1620131017 https://i.imgur.com/HXpMEwl.png
10 years OMG. 10 years in this forum. I can't believe this!!!

Post #10 · Posted at 2016-12-02 09:43:36pm 7.8 years ago

Offline Dreamland200
Dreamland200 Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2016-12-02 09:45pm
I'm in this too I suppose.

I'll make a graphic set tonight.
~Now known as tykoneko~

Post #11 · Posted at 2016-12-02 10:01:41pm 7.8 years ago

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Reg. 2006-11-25

*Raises hand and waves it rapidly*

Post #12 · Posted at 2016-12-02 11:20:13pm 7.8 years ago

Offline Dreamland200
Dreamland200 Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2016-12-02 11:49pm
Here's a graphic set I whipped up! Resolutions are high def, PM me if you want a lower, standard resolution of the graphic set.

Banner (512x160):

Jacket (512x512):

Background (1280x720):

Hope you enjoy them.
~Now known as tykoneko~

Post #13 · Posted at 2016-12-02 11:21:39pm 7.8 years ago

Offline mf32892
mf32892 Avatar Member
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I'll join in! I'm expecting to have less time to participate (college apps!), but I will try my best!
Check out my YouTube channel! (Playstyle DDR videos) : http://www.youtube.com/user/barrendon649?feature=watch

Post #14 · Posted at 2016-12-02 11:29:09pm 7.8 years ago

Offline Gameoson
Gameoson Avatar Member
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3DS Friend Code: 3969-4495-2046
Quote: Dreamland200
Here's a graphic set I whipped up! Resolutions are high def, PM me if you want a lower, standard resolution of the graphic set.


Hope you enjoy them.

Very nice! Although I'm not really a fan of how squished up the text seems to be in the banner. I think had the text not been tilted you would have been able to fit it in the banner just fine without having to distort it.

Post #15 · Posted at 2016-12-02 11:29:51pm 7.8 years ago

Offline Marten
Marten Avatar Moderator+
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Nintendo Network ID: hypnoticmarten77Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6804-5156-27043DS Friend Code: 3265-5806-9022Game Center Nickname: HypnoticMarten77
"touch n go ride the flow"
I'm in. I should have my skeleton tomorrow.
ZIv Mod Squad: "Actual Florida Survivor"

Post #16 · Posted at 2016-12-02 11:38:32pm 7.8 years ago

Offline Dreamland200
Dreamland200 Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2016-12-02 11:49pm
Quote: Gameoson
Quote: Dreamland200
Here's a graphic set I whipped up! Resolutions are high def, PM me if you want a lower, standard resolution of the graphic set.


Hope you enjoy them.

Very nice! Although I'm not really a fan of how squished up the text seems to be in the banner. I think had the text not been tilted you would have been able to fit it in the banner just fine without having to distort it.

I'll give that a fix in a few. Thanks!

~Now known as tykoneko~

Post #17 · Posted at 2016-12-02 11:50:41pm 7.8 years ago

Offline Gameoson
Gameoson Avatar Member
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3DS Friend Code: 3969-4495-2046
Looks much better now. Smile

Post #18 · Posted at 2016-12-03 01:19:16am 7.8 years ago

Offline brunobg24
brunobg24 Avatar Member
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"i got the eepy 24/7"
I want to participate =>
Check out my YouTube channel with stuff related to BEMANI and music games!
Check my simfiles in this thread!
Latest simfiles on Z-i-V:
https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Summer%20Contest%202020/R.I.P/R.I.P-jacket.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Summer%20Contest%202020/Dual%20Bladez/Dual%20Bladez-jacket.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Summer%20Contest%202020/amaterasu/amaterasu-jacket.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Summer%20Contest%202020/Say%20So/Say%20So-jacket.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Battle%20Royale%202020/Fin.ArcDeaR/Fin.ArcDeaR-jacket.png

Post #19 · Posted at 2016-12-03 02:10:04am 7.8 years ago

Offline Braeden47
Braeden47 Avatar Member
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"X scale 20"
I would like to sign up

Post #20 · Posted at 2016-12-03 03:20:23am 7.8 years ago

Offline buggu
buggu Avatar Member
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"iosys is my daddy"

Last updated: 2016-12-03 03:21am
im down if my computer is
Quote: Quickman
So my friend told me about something called Iwatobi Swim Club and it literally looks like Quick Man's Porn Folder: The Anime

RIVAL CODE FOR DDR A: 5143 - 9287
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