
E3 2012

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Post #41 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 01:12:39am Hace 12.3 años

Offline CoreyBlaze
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Last updated: 2012-06-06 01:15am
I'm actually starting to feel kinda bad for Sony, even during the whole conference you could almost feel that it's like they are totally aware of the bad time they're having in almost every possible way, and they are shaking the entire company from head to toes desperately looking for new ideas...as good or as bad as they come. Seriously, Wonderbook? I'm sorry if you really liked it silenttype, but I thought it was cheesy, cringe-worthy, and it was only there to make investors believe they are doing something BIG (I mean JK Rowling of Harry Potter fame?? Wooow lol). Thankfully The Last of Us came right after it and it totally helped me forget the...thing Wonderbook was.

Nintendo was good but I was surprised that none of the big Nintendo franchises made it and that the Mario launch title is just another 2D Mario (don't get me wrong I love those but...seriously 2D Mario to kick into the HD era?), and and no launch date or pricing information was given at all. I don't agree with the feeling of disappointment that people are expressing over Nintendo's conference, it's just that Sony wasn't as bad as expected.

I've never been interested in Xbox products...and Microsoft's E3 conference hasn't changed that.

As of 3rd parties, I still haven't seen much but Ubisoft was everywhere and Watch Dogs looks almost too good to be true. ZombiU is looking pretty hot as well.

Post #42 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 02:11:35am Hace 12.3 años

Offline al2k4
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Last updated: 2012-06-06 02:17am
The E3 2012 Press Site has opened on Konami US.

There is no sign of a DDR.


So I guess no DDR this year then.

Edit: Confirmed further by people on the show floor. No DDR this year.

Post #43 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 02:20:47am Hace 12.3 años

Offline PyroManiacX
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"Not dead yet!"
find most of E3 this year rather...boring I mean yes of course there was a lot of great games being shown there (AC3, RE6, Laura Croft, The Last of Us, Watchdogs, Beyond, etc. etc.) but when I was watching the Big 3 presentations, I found them most of their conferences rather dull and nothing special. No huge surprises , no shock value, it was just kinda...meh

Microsoft: Again it was a boring same with last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, and this is coming from an Xbox owner and Xbox Live member for 2 years. The games they showed was like the usual cash cow (Halo, CoD, Gears of Wars) and don't forget KINECT KINECT KINECT KINECT. I guess the "big thing" was the the Xbox Smart Glass which is basically you can stream stuff from your console to your smartphone and tablets. Plus they finally added a web browser to the Xbox, bad side? Internet Explorer Neutral Really? You took one giant step foward, and took two giant steps back with that there. Oh and I can't mention the conference without USHER LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL That's like the new meme of E3 lol

Sony: In my opinion I think Sony took the prize for the best one of the big 3 this year. They showed a lot of great games franchises and it was really nice of Sony to give all of the members of who watched the conference gave them a free membership of Playstation Plus (Someone can learn from them hinthint M$) The only downfall of the Sony press conference was that Storybook thing and that 10 minute demo of the Harry Potter thing. Seriously the people who were playing it looked bored out of their mind! I think it might not go well when it comes out, remember that drawing tablet THQ did? Yeah look what happened to that. Also can I just say seeing the gameplay of AC3 & The Last of Us...holy crap! The Last of Us makes me want to buy a PS3 in the future!

Nintendo: This was probably what everyone was looking foward too since of the Wii U. From what I heard the price range is 25000-30000 Yen (Around $250-400 been hearing rumors) but no confirmation about it. When I was watching the conference it was nice, but I started to space out during it since it was like "blah blah blah mario blah blah blah follow us on facebook and twitter blah blah blah Wii U will change the future of gaming blah blah blah" I was kinda disappointed in the conference. Only Wii U that looked interesting was some of the Mario games & Zombi U

But yeah, just my two cents about it. I really hope next year it's better with some bigger surprises (new consoles please) Plus Ubisoft had a great conference this year! Very impressed by them & EA...well here's 3 letters to put it bluntly: D L C

Post #44 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 03:36:53am Hace 12.3 años

Offline Willards KA PA
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Last updated: 2012-06-06 03:39am
Looks like there's only Jubeat Plus and Reflec Beat Plus left to keep me occupied with new Bemani merchandise atm. I was kinda hoping for a new DDR for at least the new songs and considering how good last year's version was. They could have used that momentum to make a better game.

As for the big three. . .

MS- They've been in the video game business now for over 10 years now and I still don't accept them as a console manufacturer. This year, they just sticked to the same old standbys (Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty, surprise BANG BANG BANG games that MS caters to the most). The rest of the program just advertised the 360 as a glorified cable box and more reasons why the Kinnect has and will always sucked. We also could be looking at what is potentially, the first bad Forza game with Horizon. The trailer does not good at all. Arrested development (not the critically acclaimed show), that's where the 360 is at this moment. They never gave me a reason to run out and grab one.

Nintendo- "We have a lot to show you but we're only gonna focus on crap that you don't care." Thats what I got watching this highly disappointing program. They finally got the big boy games like Batman, Mass Effect, etc but it only proves and drives down the point of how behind they are with the times. I mean really, have a presentation on Batman AC, a game that we played already LAST YEAR. They show you this new way to play a Mario game in HD only to show you a very similar one coming out to the 3DS in mere months away. Then there was this YAWN inducing presentation for Nintendoland, a minigame collection that I do not give two cents for. On top of that, we did not get concrete details on release date and price. At this point my desire to buy a Wii U has quelled by a huge bit. What could change my mind is if by a miracle of god that they get Grand Theft Auto 5 as a launch window game because the ones shown don't interest me one bit. I am looking forward to their 3DS presentation tomorrow, that has more games that I want of any of the consoles out right now.

Sony- The clear winner of the big three this year. They've shown us new games along with sequels, it was a good mix. I love Ellen Page's new role in Beyond, the trailer had me captivated and can't wait for the game to come out. The Last of Us, the whole convention has their eyes on this game for good reason. Seems that only Sony cares for this level of cinematic games which IMO is the highlight of this video game generation. That Smash Brothers rip off looks mighty cool and I'm quite excited that it's also going portable. As a whole, their presentation is on the tame side but considering how bad MS's was, and how disappointing Nintendo's was, Sony is the winner for this year.
I don't play simulators. Only the real official games.

Post #45 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 04:06:04am Hace 12.3 años

Offline Arctic Wolves
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Quote: al2k4
Edit: Confirmed further by people on the show floor. No DDR this year.

Not a bad thing if it means we're unifying the CS and AC teams and firing the CS step crew so we can have a cohesive series with quality across all platforms.


Post #46 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 04:09:03am Hace 12.3 años

Offline KKiONI
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This years E3 was so-so. A lot of hit and miss.

I was pretty bored outside the odd game that caught my eye. Halo 4 looked much different in a somewhat bad way. With the news I have been hearing about the game, I don't think I am planning to buy it. Lara Croft looked interesting. Definitely more cinematic from what I remember. The new Splinter Cell was also intriguing. Never played the series before, but perhaps I might.
Then they announced Microsoft Glass along with a web browser, Kinect garbage, and other sports/entertainment features, which I don't care one bit about. I feel like they learned nothing from last years E3 or the year before.

Definitely well conveyed. It sounded much more casual than Microsoft. I was impressed with ZombiU. Looks like it's going to be a fun game. Seeing more Assassin's Creed III gameplay was also awesome. Was planning on getting the game anyway, but it's nice to get a better picture of the environments in the game I'll be roaming. But what I think stole the entire show was Watch Dogs. That game shows a lot of potential. I heard some people calling it a spiritual successor to Heavy Rain. Definitely sounds promising.

I was very content with how they started out the conference with Pikmin 3. I think that's what a lot of fans were wanting to hear. Though I must admit the presentation was a tad dry on information. I wish they could have talked more about the details and individual features on the Wii U itself (coughreleasedatacoughpricecough). I'm more curious about what the system has to offer in terms of communication (mainly being voice communication). I was slightly disappointed that I was left in the dark for that. I am glad though at the very least that a messaging system is back (now hopefully they can put it on the 3DS!). Aside from that, there were a few 3rd party games I was glad to see. Of them all, the most surprising was Mass Effect 3. Did not see that coming.

Post #47 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 04:30:59am Hace 12.3 años

Offline Ebisu
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Quote: Arctic Wolves
Quote: al2k4
Edit: Confirmed further by people on the show floor. No DDR this year.

Not a bad thing if it means we're unifying the CS and AC teams and firing the CS step crew so we can have a cohesive series with quality across all platforms.


My thoughts exactly! I must say that I'm really happy there's no DDR just for this reason!

(Nothing exciting in the E3 for me... till now)

Post #48 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 04:41:25am Hace 12.3 años

Offline GoshaDole
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Post #49 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 04:53:30am Hace 12.3 años

Offline KNS-17
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Quote: GoshaDole

omg YES

Post #50 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 05:37:22am Hace 12.3 años

Offline finalfan2cwiz
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Quote: Ebisu
Quote: Arctic Wolves
Quote: al2k4
Edit: Confirmed further by people on the show floor. No DDR this year.

Not a bad thing if it means we're unifying the CS and AC teams and firing the CS step crew so we can have a cohesive series with quality across all platforms.


My thoughts exactly! I must say that I'm really happy there's no DDR just for this reason!

(Nothing exciting in the E3 for me... till now)

It seems like im the only one that's upset!

Post #51 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 06:02:31am Hace 12.3 años

Offline Oni-91
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"Popular bisexual disaster"
It could be good, but sadly without the benefit of hindsight, we don't know what, if anything, Konami are planning.
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Post #52 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 06:11:52am Hace 12.3 años

Offline dominatorstrangeman8
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Quote: finalfan2cwiz
Quote: Ebisu
Quote: Arctic Wolves
Quote: al2k4
Edit: Confirmed further by people on the show floor. No DDR this year.

Not a bad thing if it means we're unifying the CS and AC teams and firing the CS step crew so we can have a cohesive series with quality across all platforms.


My thoughts exactly! I must say that I'm really happy there's no DDR just for this reason!

(Nothing exciting in the E3 for me... till now)

It seems like im the only one that's upset!

You're not alone, I'm crying too Cry

Post #53 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 06:41:41am Hace 12.3 años

Offline OrangeRight
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Last updated: 2012-06-06 06:45am
Look on the bright side: At least DDR X4 will be mostly new content this time.

EDIT: So apparently Hatsune Miku isn't coming out in the US, it was just a tech demo. Kind of reminds me of that one time Konami put a IIDX DistorteD machine at that one E3 after bmUS's release.
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Post #54 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 06:53:56am Hace 12.3 años

Offline Silver Spirit
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"i was born at a very young age"
That so? What a shame, I was hoping Project Diva would be localized at some point or another.
But hey, there's other expos...

Post #55 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 07:24:24am Hace 12.3 años

Offline agentmargo
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"Full Stream Ahead!"
Do you think there will be an X4 after this? I'm still questioning if we're at the end of DDR forever currently or if Konami's taking a year off to rebuild the game and get a better CS crew. I mean, Guitar Hero is dead completely, so do you think DDR would be too? I mean I really hope not, but I really felt the game was on its last leg when DDR 2010 came out.
Thanks so much for the banner Lord Toon! And for the icon Dan!

Post #56 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 08:03:04am Hace 12.3 años

Offline Pandemonium X
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Quote: agentmargo
Do you think there will be an X4 after this? I'm still questioning if we're at the end of DDR forever currently or if Konami's taking a year off to rebuild the game and get a better CS crew. I mean, Guitar Hero is dead completely, so do you think DDR would be too? I mean I really hope not, but I really felt the game was on its last leg when DDR 2010 came out.
Guitar Hero is dead because of Rock Band having a better larger song list. Also might be on a count of Activision being dumb seeing how they also killed off DJ HERO and that was doing good sells wise.

Maybe there is a new DDR this year but it's just not at E3. Look at X3, it's 80% songs from CS games. Maybe DDR is just taking an off year and will bounce back in 2013. Only time well tell what the story is on a new CS DDR.

Post #57 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 08:15:55am Hace 12.3 años

Offline KNS-17
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Last updated: 2012-06-06 08:17am
Quote: OrangeRight
EDIT: So apparently Hatsune Miku isn't coming out in the US, it was just a tech demo. Kind of reminds me of that one time Konami put a IIDX DistorteD machine at that one E3 after bmUS's release.

Oh, ok, i'll just go sit in the corner and cry.

Post #58 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 08:16:22am Hace 12.3 años

Offline GoshaDole
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Konami booth walk...

Post #59 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 08:19:42am Hace 12.3 años

Offline XeneSyS 87
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Last updated: 2012-06-06 08:21am
Quote: Pandemonium X
Maybe there is a new DDR this year but it's just not at E3. Look at X3, it's 80% songs from CS games. Maybe DDR is just taking an off year and will bounce back in 2013. Only time well tell what the story is on a new CS DDR.

Is nobody factoring in sales? DDR hasn't been selling very well for the past three, four years because the casuals (which is probably the majority of potential buyers) have either grown bored of DDR or flocked away from it to newer motion-based dance games like Just Dance and Dance Central. DDR II sales (I think) were mostly from hardcore players (could be wrong), which is slowly and sadly shrinking. Sad

But I hope that if DDR is still around that DDR 2013 (or whatever it's called) will make up for the absence of this year.

Aside from DDR, WiiU's lineup is not so great yet. I was hoping for a new Metroid or console Sonic Game. Sad

Post #60 · Publicado en 2012-06-06 08:46:43am Hace 12.2 años

Offline Willards KA PA
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Quote: agentmargo
Do you think there will be an X4 after this? I'm still questioning if we're at the end of DDR forever currently or if Konami's taking a year off to rebuild the game and get a better CS crew. I mean, Guitar Hero is dead completely, so do you think DDR would be too? I mean I really hope not, but I really felt the game was on its last leg when DDR 2010 came out.

It may not be titled X4 but DDR will get a new arcade version much like all the other BEMANI franchises that are getting new versions this year. E3 is not a good forecast to predict these releases because it is primarily for the US market so you won't hear any new announcements or updates on the latest Bemani cabinets. I do have a feeling that US home versions could go the way of the dodo much like the state of the genre here. DDR isn't finish by any means, it could be a Japan-only game now though, like IIDX which makes me very sad.
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