
Vesnyanka / Go_A

Simfile General Information
Last Activity2 years ago (2022-07-07 01:39am)
Last Updated ByK-Step
Simfile File Download
ZIPZIP (43.12 MiB) 2 years ago
ZIP (Custom)ZIP (5.75 MiB) 2 years ago
SM SM (22.86 KiB) 2 years ago
SSC SSC (23.87 KiB) 2 years ago
OGG OGG (4.71 MiB) 2 years ago
Banner Banner (231.46 KiB) 2 years ago
Jacket Jacket (265.95 KiB) 2 years ago
Background Background (591.05 KiB) 2 years ago
AVI AVI (37.46 MiB) 2 years ago
CD Title CD Title (1.35 KiB) 2 years ago
Simfile Progress Information
Single BeginnerDone - Level 4Double BeginnerNone
Single BasicDone - Level 7Double BasicNone
Single DifficultDone - Level 11Double DifficultNone
Single ExpertDone - Level 14Double ExpertNone
Single ChallengeDone - Level 16Double ChallengeNone
Single EditNoneDouble EditNone
Audio QualityMusic Cut
Banner QualityCustom Made
Background QualityCustom Made
Other Information
CommentsНу... час бути ризикованим цього тижня. Drum & bass is not something I'd normally chart, but with exploring songs in different languages, I thought this time, let's do something different. You may have known Go_A for their song 'SHUM' which was an entry for Ukraine in Eurovision 2021. That's why I decided to chart one of their old songs since I did a bit of a discog dive into their songs. Challenge is basically an attempt at doing shock arrow charting, so it may not be the best, but what else is new, really? I honestly would say also check out Heavy and Standard if you want since I would say Challenge isn't really something I'd normally chart (I mean, it's a freaking 16, блін). Overall, hopefully you enjoy this change of pace from me this week and maybe I should chart more stuff from this genre as practice in the future. Дякую тобі.

Conditions met for the theme:
A - Your file must have a chart for all 5 difficulties (Beginner - Challenge)
G - Your song must contain vocals, but the vocals cannot be in English, Japanese or Korean
N - Your hardest chart must use at least one row of shock arrows/mines (single mines do not count)
RatingNo Rating
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