
Background Animation Songs Not Working

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Post #1 · Publicado en 2011-07-27 03:54:48am Hace 13.6 años

Offline devtest
devtest Avatar Member
1 Post
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Reg. 2011-07-27

I downloaded and extracted all of the following songs below and placed it in my C:\Program Files\StepMania\Songs folder:

DDR EXTREME2 Exclusives (391mb)
DDR EXTREME2 Revivals (720mb)
DDR STRIKE (133mb)
DDR ULTRAMIX 2 (472mb)
DS Max (274mb)

I downloaded them from: http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/simfiles.php?category=simfiles

I am running Stepmania 3.9b. Please help. When I placed non-background/regular song packs, they worked.
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