
general praise thread

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Post #1 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 07:49:48am Hace 15.4 años

Offline sh4dow
sh4dow Avatar Member
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Reg. 2009-09-28

hi Smile

since i didn't want to create a thread just for my expression of joy, i figured i'd create one for everybody who feels like doing it Smile

i just can't tell you how happy i am to have found this site... somebody from ddruk directed me here and man was i surprised... all those great official simfiles and some of them WITH videos! i've never seen that before...
and i haven't played a single one of all the wii and 360 packs yet...
once i'll start working, there's definitely a donation coming your way Smile

just one thing though - i went from overjoyed to beyond-any-possible-happiness when i discovered that fantastic score tracker but then to less-than-overjoyed (hey, i was really heated up...) when i found out it was only for arcade users. couldn't it pretty easily be done to copy that whole database and put in a guide on how to set stepmania timings with a fat red disclaimer before score entering, so that people who don't live near an arcade machine can enjoy some nice competition as well?
would be really great... or does something like that already exist somehwere else?

Post #2 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 07:52:09am Hace 15.4 años

Offline al2k4
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
Hmmm, as far as I'm aware of, there's no StepMania score tracker anywhere yet.

And thanks for the feedback. Smile

Post #3 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 08:06:30am Hace 15.4 años

Offline Pandemonium X
Pandemonium X Avatar Member
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Nintendo Network ID: PandemoniumEJPNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2916-7192-8116
The issue with having a Stapmania score tracker is someone can set the judge difficulty to 1 and get stupid high scores. And there’s really now way to tell. In other words, you can cheat the score very easly.Wink

Post #4 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 08:10:04am Hace 15.4 años

Offline Zukin-Man
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Nintendo Network ID: I.C.Howie3DS Friend Code: 2938-8870-4744
"Nature: Naughty"
I love how Al is willing to put up with my perverted avatars without banning my ass.

Thanks, Al.

Post #5 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 08:10:46am Hace 15.4 años

Offline Max
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Nintendo Network ID: maxninja1143DS Friend Code: 392661848995Game Center Nickname: maxninja114
"Charlie isn't real"

Watching this thread to derail in about 5 or less posts >_>

Post #6 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 08:17:24am Hace 15.4 años

Offline Zukin-Man
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Nintendo Network ID: I.C.Howie3DS Friend Code: 2938-8870-4744
"Nature: Naughty"
Quote: Max
derail in about 5 or less posts

I have approximately 100MB of BEMANI porn.


Post #7 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 08:19:38am Hace 15.4 años

Offline FELMDemon
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Thread lock in less than 20 posts.

Watch it happen.
The Heavens! The Earth! And a million squirrels call to me! Huh? What...they don't?

Post #8 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 08:20:42am Hace 15.4 años

Offline Pandemonium X
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Nintendo Network ID: PandemoniumEJPNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2916-7192-8116
Quote: Zukin-Man
Quote: Max
derail in about 5 or less posts

I have approximately 100MB of BEMANI porn.


Post #9 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 08:34:28am Hace 15.4 años

Offline silenttype01
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I appreciate the site's theme settings as it allows me to make it as dark as I possibly can make it. I also enjoy how the community here is easy to get along with and how the members are all chatty.

If it weren't for this site, I would not have met Toon, Bolt and Viper.

Thanks Alan.

Post #10 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 08:56:32am Hace 15.4 años

Offline PureBlue
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This is one of the few websites where I can say certain things without being chastised to death.

Chat is pretty cool.

It loads pretty quickly on pretty much any computer.

The theme settings are good.

Post #11 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 09:20:53am Hace 15.4 años

Offline roy2009xedit
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"jubeat knit one, purl two"
A well-maintained forum, which is so hard to come across. Sane discussions and no constant censoring.

No ads to lag the site! Loads easily on any computer.

Great simfile database.

Great layout that just gets better and better.


Post #12 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 09:29:48am Hace 15.4 años

Offline DJ OMiY
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"Mage Evangelist"
After some experiences at BemaniStyle, I was kinda turned off from the BEMANI online community for a while. The simfiles at Z-i-v got me hooked back on, and now I'm a member o the community!

Thanks Al.

Post #13 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 05:19:02pm Hace 15.4 años

Offline sh4dow
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Quote: Pandemonium X
The issue with having a Stapmania score tracker is someone can set the judge difficulty to 1 and get stupid high scores. And there’s really now way to tell. In other words, you can cheat the score very easly.Wink

as i said... disclaimer with timing settings.

what exactly should prevent people from cheating in the arcade scores? as far as i could see you enter the amount of perfects and such yourself, so who's going to stop you from entering a better score than you really had?
so if people manage to honor the rules, why should it not work with stepmania?
also - why would you cheat in the first place? once you meet with people, they'd see that you just aren't that good... just for virtual bragging? that's stupid ;)

Post #14 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 05:23:53pm Hace 15.4 años

Offline al2k4
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
Simple, if people upload amazing scores without any proof and they get challenged for it, they would need to provide valid proof for their scores otherwise that or all their scores will get removed.

Post #15 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 05:30:25pm Hace 15.4 años

Offline sh4dow
sh4dow Avatar Member
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Reg. 2009-09-28

i see... so people probably keep photos of arcade machines with the score result?

true, that can't be done with stepmania...except if one was to program a version that has fixed timing windows and that encrypts the score files with some key that only the creators of the program have... so if in doubt, you could let people send their score files... or better yet... no manual score entering but automatically by uploading the score file.
isn't stepmania open-source? i'll have to look into that... altough i haven't done any programming in a long time...

Post #16 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 05:36:54pm Hace 15.4 años

Offline boomba
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"~ The evolution has begun ! ~"
Since the first time I laid my eyes in this forum,
I knew this site is the best among others.

The DDR and piu forum in my country are all filled with flaming.
No respect for others.

That makes me fell very happy to be a member of Z-I-V.
well maintained, great members, updated news.

Luv ZIV Happy

Post #17 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 06:08:53pm Hace 15.4 años

Offline Daiz
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3DS Friend Code: 0490-4991-3615
Honestly, the score tracker here is solely for my personal use. It's great to keep track of my high scores and what I need to pass/AA/AAA. By cheating on the score tracker, I'm cheating myself.

I greatly appreciate the fact that we can disagree on issues here, rant on it for about a week, then 2 days later we're talking as if we never had a fight. No one seems to hold grudges (for the most part) here.

I also love the news provided here. ZIV sometimes seems to be the only place with certain news and most definitely the first a lot of times. This is greatly thanks to the news teams and all their connections. Thanks guys!

Post #18 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 07:54:15pm Hace 15.4 años

Offline Spirit of Nightmare
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"Focul tău nu ne mai încălzește"
When it comes to the forum members, that's were this website is shining. Most of you guys are really polite. For example, Al, Lord Toon, Roy2009xedit, Oni-91 and Silenttype. Extra credit for the DDR simfiles that I have collected in my SM 3.9.

Quote: Quickman
hot diggity shit nightmare you cheeky bastard

Post #19 · Publicado en 2009-09-28 10:22:40pm Hace 15.4 años

Offline Max
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Nintendo Network ID: maxninja1143DS Friend Code: 392661848995Game Center Nickname: maxninja114
"Charlie isn't real"
...guess i should have just shut my mouth then huh? Neutral

Well, sorry for thinking that this thread would derail after 5 or less posts, i guess this IS a legitimate thread to talk about the site.

On my part, i got introduced to this site from a friend that i know here (that i'm not sure she ever gets on here anymore), but thanks to her, i fell in love with this site the first time i saw it.

Simfiles, a good forum, UPDATED news when it happens, score tracker for AC DDR scores, i knew this site was something and i am so thankful to have joined this site.

Not just to Al for creating it, but also to the people here at this site. The people here are awesome, some are nice, some are hilarious, some are pretty down-to-earth, and a few are mean....but they have their reasons Tongue

It's funny to see that i have been on this site for about a year and i have changed with it. I haven't really contributed much to the site (except for a few info on DDR X US CS and to help get the "chat" up on the site), but i sure do hope that i can give as much info on any of the upcoming DDR games (as well as DJ Hero and the Guitar Hero Arcade) as much as i can Smile

Thanks al! Happy

Post #20 · Publicado en 2009-09-29 12:52:16am Hace 15.4 años

Offline Oni-91
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