
[SM5 *Nightly* Theme] Simplicity Theme (V 2.6) [AR: 16:9]

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Post #1 · Posted at 2014-08-04 03:31:41am 9.8 years ago

Offline spookymagician
spookymagician Avatar Member
33 Posts
United States
Reg. 2012-02-26

3DS Friend Code: 0946-2361-1762
"Doing Stuff..."

Last updated: 2016-02-18 01:29am

With the unfortunate loss of the digital fire theme, I decided to start a new one a while back. I started it, stopped working on it for some time, and decided to continue to work on it once again... Confused Anyway, the design/colors is/are similar to Digital Fire. I may redo the font later. For now, I am using "common normal". I am going to back up my theme on my external hard drive just in case I lose it again... I don't want a repeat like last time... Blushing

In this theme I plan to use as much Lua as I possibly can. I am hiding as much as the metrics as I can. I don't want to use these. While they are useful, I prefer doing it myself.

I don't believe I need much help as I used to need. I learned a bit here and there since I last made a theme. Mainly thanks to the developers. If I do come across something I need help with, I will ask here.

I will also try to update/post a demo/wip version of it here you can try. Here is upload v1. (no actual version number. Just so you can tell which one you have.) I am now using GitHub. Link is below.

GitHub: Version 2.6

So what does it look like thus far? It's pretty simple/KISS. (Keep It Simple Stupid) I love these designs. It may not attract to many users but eh... Anyhow, lemme make some screenshots and post them here...


(Title Screen: Added more information like default.)

(Select Music: Trying to organize this a bit. MusicWheel still needs work...)

(Evaluation: Pretty generic for now... I may update this even more later...)

(Gameplay: This is the new look pretty simple/to the point for now...)

(Settings: Pretty minimalistic...)

(NetMusic: Just trying to add this stuff in so you have an idea of what you are playing.)


1: Song selection is a pain right now not seeing the wheel. I designed it this way intentionally however. I need to add code in to show group banners and such. [s](probably sorting as well... I have not tested this yet...) Random/Roulette also needs an image too...[/s]
2: The gameplay screen hides everything for now. (except the play field of course...) No, I do not intend it to look like this. This is only temporary... Once I have the time, I will add, life bar, combo, score, etc. I have not had time yet...
*3: Online screens are not even close to finished... Be patient... Confused
4: Course Modes are only partially done... Much work needed yet...
5: Still screens here and there I have not fixed yet. I will get to them when I can. (ASAP.)
*6: I am having a problem with ScreenNetEvaluation. Stat Values seem to always be 0 for some reason. It works fine in single player.
7: LifeMeterBattery needs to be included/checked for.
8: A lot of the font text needs to be updated/fixed for theme_color and what not.
9: ScreenEvaluationSummary needs to calculate the totals.
10: Scrolling with MusicWheel too fast can cause SM5 to crash. Be careful. I will be fixing this ASAP...

* I am using a temp fix since online mode is basically broken/needs a rewrite...


(8/4/14 2:36 AM) I seemed to have figured out scripts a bit. (I think/hope...) Regardless, it works so, I am not complaining. Smile I added a single script that basically is global to the theme. (I added a color/dark color that you can change to your liking. I am also adding a global variable that holds Lua so I can reuse stuff. I hope this is valid use. It works though so yeah...)

(8/4/14 5:32 AM) I misunderstood something but thanks to someone on the developer irc, I managed to figure out my problem. I need to remember to use comma's in actorframes... I was told that semicolons work but, I didn't realize that you can't/shouldn't try to use one in a variable... You have to do it in the actorframe itself. Note to self: Start using comma's in theme actorframes from now on to not confuse myself...

(8/4/14 5:41 AM) ...Oh so that's why the music worked... I had those at the end of the actorframe... since it was last, it did not require a comma... *facepalm* Oops

(8/4/14 5:34 PM) Well, I updated the code a lot here and there. I think it's about time for another release. Check link above.

(8/5/14 11:51 PM) I finally figured out what the heck I was doing wrong... I started on a life bar but, it's a little broken atm... I need to update the code yet using lifebar...

(8/6/14 9:31 PM) I updated all my .lua files a bit and finally fixed the life bars. I believe I also fixed SelectMusic/SelectCourse. I still need to add combo, scores, timing stats but that's pretty simple I think.

(8/11/14 3:14 AM) I added a new font. This font is still a work in progress... Please be patient with me... I know it's not that good... Blushing I also edited the thread title. Make sure you are using a nightly build with this theme. This may/may not work without the latest build...

(8/13/14 4:01 AM) I finally updated Screen Gameplay. Hopefully, this is a little bit better compared to previous versions... More info is shown on the screen. However, I still need to organize it a bit... Enjoy for now... Also, here is a new screenshot...

(8/26/14 2:00 AM) It has been a while since I last updated this theme/post... I updated so much lately that I cannot remember everything that was changed. However, I am starting to consider naming the theme "Gold" or something like this. You will see with the new changes... Give it a try if you like.

(9/6/14 9:45 PM) I have not updated this in a while... Here is some changes to a few online screen.

(9/8/14 10:25 PM) (GitHub Only Changes) I increased the speed of screen transitions. They really started to annoy me being so slow... I left some screen fades slow however. IE: Song transition screens. I updated most of the scroller related things to have a darker background quad. 0.25 was too low. It is now 0.75 now. (Some 0.5 for other purposes.) I may be removing the download link from dropbox. It is not really needed... (I like having it there just in case but eh...)

(9/10/14 1:42 AM) I decided to remove the other download link and keep GitHub only. I updated some of the online screens. I seem to be stuck with ScreenNetEvaluation. I cannot seem to grab values from stats properly... They are always 0...

(9/10/14 6:27 PM) I am gonna make a list real quick of what I need to work on. This will be updated once I check everything.

1: Rave mode needs the effect bars/numbers.
2: Nonstop screen needs to be fixed. (course mode)
3: Oni screen needs to be fixed. (course mode)
4: Endless needs to be fixed. (course mode)
5: Event mode off needs to be checked.
6: Other game modes needs to be checked. (even though I only play dance...)
7: Fix screentestinput. (needs black quad and text)
8: Fix screenreloadsongs (needs correct black quad)
9: Look into edit mode... (probably not worth it but ill look into it... later...)
10: I think jukebox needs darker quad. Check into it.
11: Figure out what is wrong with mp stats. (Later...) *
12: Add sort lua to screenselectmusic. (I believe this is pretty straight forward.)
13: Fix font. (it's better but, it still needs work...)
14: Summary timer is still visible... check into stealth later... (also, update the info there.)
15: New screencontinue. I don't like it but, I may update it just for complete sake.
16: Also, do 'no songs loaded' screen. (not really needed but again, complete sake.)
17: Add some icons/info about game mode/preferences on title screen like default.
18: Check/Update the graphics/sounds from _fallback for this theme.

(9/13/14 6:47 PM) * Since online is very broken/hacky right now, I cannot fix much of it for my theme. Eventually, the Developers plan to fix it. For now, I will use whatever I can.

(9/14/14 8:28 PM) I am currently updating my metrics.ini... I did a pretty good job of it the first time but, I want to be sure I did not miss anything... I found a few things I need to fix here and there. I am also adding all possible sections just to be sure i don't miss anything as well. (I am also putting it in alphabetical order too for each section from metrics. I hope this does not ruin the theme but, it should be okay...

(9/14/14 11:30 PM) I ordered everything in alphabetical order in each category. (The others section needs to be checked. I know some are screens/over screens. I will have to ask devs later.)

(9/15/14 11:06 AM) I am adding some functions to the theme currently. (common things that I use a lot of repeatedly.) common_text(text) is what I am adding right now. It's used for screen title text. I will probably be adding a bunch more now that I have the basic understanding of what I am going for with the theme.

(9/16/14 7:18 PM) I think I updated all the new global functions correctly. I still have more to do though. I will get to it some time. With version 1.2 I consider this usable/stable. However, I will continue to update it from time to time.

(9/18/14 4:49 PM) I am gonna work on the alignment of the font. It's driving me nuts... Mad Gonna use alignment lines and go from there. Hopefully, this will look better.

(9/18/14 9:11 PM) I did a minor update to the theme. I fixed screennetevaluation and updated the font. It's more aligned correctly than previously.

(9/20/14 12:13 AM) I finally managed to make a color selector preference screen in options/settings. I do not know if I even coded this right but, it does work... So, I am not complaining... Big Grin

(9/20/14 12:30 AM) I am considering renaming the theme again. With the new color changing option, "Gold" is not exactly relevant anymore. I will think this over a bit and rename the topic... Ah, I got it... "Simplicity Theme" I like this.

(10/23/14 10:20 PM) I updated the online screen a bit. I grabbed/borrowed code from screenselectmusic and added it to the net screen. I had a hard time coming up with a good layout... This is the results... It's not great but it works so... I also added a new screenshot.

(10/24/14 4:28 AM) Nothing really major updated but, I still feel I want to call this version 1.5. So, give it a try.

(10/29/14 12:55 AM) I updated things here and there. Pretty good updates/fixes IMO. Still a long way to go though...

(11/4/14 2:16 AM) [Informational] I noticed a few issues I need to look into/fix with my theme. I am also gonna try editing the metrics once again as well. (some things still do not hide or are not colored correctly. I may also be doing some stuff with actorframe name=. I recall reading about that in the docs and I never named anything. I probably should. I'll give it a re-read over and see what I need to do if anything special. It may also be needed for... translations? Not sure but, that would be nice to be able to access if I translate this theme later...) If anything, I can get the actorframe children if I need to using names I believe...


-- SCREENMAN:GetTopScreen() in the Init command, you will not get the
-- screen that is being created because it isn't finished being created.

Crap... I did not know this... No wonder why that one screen complains to me... It has to be OnCommand... I need to fix that later... These themedocs are really informational. I am glad they are being added in...

(11/4/14 6:53 PM) [Informational] I went over all the singletons once again just to be sure i did not miss anything important. I think I am pretty close to done editing these. (except for a few.) I am gonna check over the screens now in metrics.

(11/5/14 12:19 AM) I finally updated the theme again. I mainly went though the metrics this time and fixed anything I could find. I still need to find some things but, it's improving some what...

(11/5/14 5:04 AM) [Informational] I started working on the sounds for the game. Pretty simple as expected. I also decided to remove the reused rave party song(s) and make something else. I will keep at least one though. It's getting late so, I will continue this tomorrow.

(11/5/14 11:34 PM) Eww... My theme crashed SM5... I need to fix that bug ASAP... Dead Do not scroll though the song wheel too fast or it will crash.

(11/5/14 12:18 AM) I... semi fixed it? I really want to keep these sleep functions in if I can but, at the moment, I do not believe i can without the game crashing... I am going to decrease the sleep value once more and see what happens...

(11/6/14 12:47 AM) Damn... Crash log shows: GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY As I noticed, the game cannot catch up to itself. This sleep is going to cause many problems... Mad Well... Hmm... Annoyed Let me try once more... I have my wheel set to very fast... let's try fast...

(11/9/14 8:42 PM) Finally released version 1.6. Enjoy.

(11/11/14 12:17 AM) Just some more minor updates here and there. I am getting closer to being done... However, not there yet... Neutral

(11/16/14 6:38 PM) I tried using Def.Sprite and Def.Banner a bit more in my select music/course screens now. I also updated/fix minor issues/bugs.

(12/2/14 7:10 PM) I updated to 1.7. Sorry, I been kinda busy lately...

(12/14/14 2:34 AM) I finally fixed ScreenSelectMusic. It does not update correctly the first time but, just move the wheel and it will work afterwords. I also updated/added Judgment since a lot of people use this... I am nearing the end of my theme. I just need to do minor fixes, rewrite the code cleaner, and check over anything I may have missed. Such as sounds/graphics/etc.

(12/16/14 10:16 PM) Released 1.8. I am satisfied with this for now. I still need to do a full test/debug yet but, it works without any Lua errors that I am aware of...

(12/27/14 8:38 PM) I just realized that I didn't mention the Aspect Ratio for this theme... I designed it with 16:9 in mind. Any resolution will work (as long as your monitor supports it.) but, it MUST be 16:9. Going to point this out in topic title. I am also going to do a full test of my theme and write down anything I may of missed/forgot about that I need to fix. I'll start using my issues page as well so I don't forget these.

1: ScreenSelectProfile needs a skin mod to have a mini menu at bottom for highlighted profile.
2: ScreenSelectMusic (Mode Menu) needs text as well. Forgot about this...
3: ScreenPlayerOptions en.ini help info needs to be updated. (same for other languages...)
4: ScreenSongOptions en.ini also needs to be fixed. (all languages.)
5: ScreenGameplay needs to check for percentage scoring...
6: ScreenGameplay I need to redo the failing code. I forgot to redo this...
7: ScreenGameplay Rave Mode "magic meter" seems to be hidden from something i did in metrics...
8: ScreenSelectCourse needs some work... (Also, Mode Menu breaks Lua...)
9: ScreenSelectCourse sort order is broken...
10: Endless Mode's life meter isn't working correctly... Look into this...
11: ScreenTestInput font color needs to be theme_color...
12: ScreenReloadSongs font color needs to be theme_color...
13: ScreenOptionsManageProfiles transition seems to be screwed up... *
14: The mini menu at top font color needs to be theme_color...
15: ScreenEditMenu, ScreenPracticeMenu, and ScreenCourseModsMenu text layer is behind the quad...
16: ScreenEdit could use a skin mod for text on left/right sides.
17: ScreenMiniMenuEditHelp text was hidden by accident...
18: ScreenMiniMenu <Editor> disabled color should not be black... Looks bad...

* 13 may be a fallback issue. I noticed this in my theme and default. I'll hold up on this.

(12/30/14 3:12 AM) Went ahead and uploaded some changes that will be in 1.9. I made this version 1.8.5 for now...

(1/14/15 12:52 AM) I have finally released version 1.9 of the theme. This version may piss some players off because I removed a few of the screens... I do not want some of them in my theme anymore. They either don't work the way I intend or I just don't use them. If you see a screen removed you wanted, you will have to just use default instead. Sorry. Blushing

(3/29/15 7:52 PM) Oops... I have not been keeping up with the edits... 2.0 came out a while back. However, I just updated to 2.1 just now. The color selection is no longer a thing sorry. It started to bug me. If you want different colors, edit the scripts file.

(6/15/15 1:04 AM) I feel like a idiot that I didn't notice this sooner... I fixed ScreenSelectMusic once again. It should work much better now... Smile

(7/9/15 1:46 AM) Finally looked over my code again and did some major checking/fixing. I added even more comments in my code as well. Mainly scripts.lua. Read it over. I considered this to be version 2.3.

(8/26/15 2:12 AM) It's been ages since I updated this. I found out a minor bug which I fixed and I am trying to use ActorFrame Update instead of Custom Message Commands. This only replaces/updates ScreenGameplay for now. I will check the others later...

(9/8/15 5:41 PM) I re-added edit mode back in. However, practice/course is still not a thing. I don't want those in my theme. EVER.

~ SpoOkyMagician
You don't have to understand me; I'm just there! ~ SpoOkyMagician

Post #2 · Posted at 2014-08-05 12:41:04am 9.8 years ago

Offline CrzP
CrzP Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-02-21

Um...Are you sure you are going to use this style of graphics?Looks like another Consensual theme.

Post #3 · Posted at 2014-08-05 04:30:34am 9.8 years ago

Offline spookymagician
spookymagician Avatar Member
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Reg. 2012-02-26

3DS Friend Code: 0946-2361-1762
"Doing Stuff..."
Art is not really my thing. I am an average artist at best. Confused I like things simple and to the point. I know this is not everyone's cup of tea but, it is for me. If you prefer nice graphics and such, I recommend looking around for other themes. (I am sure you can find one.) Thanks for your feedback regardless. However, I intend to remain on this KISS path with my theme.

~ SpoOkyMagician
You don't have to understand me; I'm just there! ~ SpoOkyMagician

Post #4 · Posted at 2014-08-05 04:37:42am 9.8 years ago

Offline Kyzentun
Kyzentun Avatar Member
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"I'm honestly pissed off."
Quote: CrzP
Um...Are you sure you are going to use this style of graphics?Looks like another Consensual theme.
I just want to say, if you're judging Consensual on graphics, you have completely missed the point.

As for this theme, simple graphics are a good way to make sure nobody ever looks at your theme.
silenttype01: Kyzentun is never harsh. He says it how it is.

GENERATION 24: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

Post #5 · Posted at 2014-08-05 04:43:43am 9.8 years ago

Offline BemaniHyper
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Last updated: 2014-08-05 05:04am
I'm looking at that song select, and I have been for the past 5 minutes. How do you even select a song? I don't see a songwheel or a cover flow or anything.

The theme does look pretty cool, though. Good luck with it.

APPEND: Just downloaded the theme, I'm curious to see how this song select works.

APPEND2: Ok, wow. I really do not like this theme. Here's the specifics:

-The first few menus seem very oddly made; you use left/right to change gamemodes? It confused the hell out of me the first time I started up the theme.

-Another thing about the menus, transitions from screen to screen are extremely slow and choppy on my computer. The rest of the theme runs at a stable FPS. I don't know how to really read the log.txt file so I'm not sure what's the culprit here.

-The song select is really frustrating and unintuitive. Browsing through the song select becomes a tiring ordeal because I can only see the banner/BG of one song at a time.

-When there's no group banners (which won't show up for me anyway, even though every single one of my groups has a banner), it becomes extremely hard to browse through groups.

-That huge "NO CD" square on the song select is really unnecessary... if there's no CDTitle, just don't have anything there.

-Also, I don't know if you have the ability to code this out, but there doesn't need to be a Min - Max BPM when there are no BPM changes. I'm getting a lot of 155 - 155 or 140 -140 on my song select.

-During gameplay... no judgements? No combo? No anything at all? Is this because the theme is a WIP or are you planning to keep it this way?

Post #6 · Posted at 2014-08-05 05:36:45am 9.8 years ago

Offline Kyzentun
Kyzentun Avatar Member
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Reg. 2008-02-20

"I'm honestly pissed off."
# sorry, i dont want it... bye.
I played with Blind for a very long time because I considered most themes to have too flashy of a judgement/combo. When I made Consensual, I went with a simple BitmapText actor to display the judgment word, and not a large flashy sprite, and the same for the combo. You might want to consider going that route, since most people want at least some judgment shown. You'll probably want these metrics in your Player section:
# remove/hide/modify the old metric stuff... I prefer doing it myself in lua.
I support this sentiment entirely. Learning to use loops, tables, and string concatenation will help reduce the amount of code you write by a lot.
For example:
if m:GetMeter() == 1 or m:GetMeter() == 2 then
self:Load(THEME:GetPathG("", "meter_1.png"));
elseif m:GetMeter() == 3 or m:GetMeter() == 4 then
self:Load(THEME:GetPathG("", "meter_2.png"));
elseif m:GetMeter() == 5 or m:GetMeter() == 6 then
self:Load(THEME:GetPathG("", "meter_3.png"));
elseif m:GetMeter() == 7 or m:GetMeter() == 8 then
self:Load(THEME:GetPathG("", "meter_4.png"));
elseif m:GetMeter() == 9 or m:GetMeter() == 10 then
self:Load(THEME:GetPathG("", "meter_5.png"));
elseif m:GetMeter() == 11 or m:GetMeter() == 12 then
self:Load(THEME:GetPathG("", "meter_6.png"));
elseif m:GetMeter() == 13 or m:GetMeter() == 14 then
self:Load(THEME:GetPathG("", "meter_7.png"));
elseif m:GetMeter() == 15 or m:GetMeter() == 16 then
self:Load(THEME:GetPathG("", "meter_8.png"));
elseif m:GetMeter() == 17 or m:GetMeter() == 18 then
self:Load(THEME:GetPathG("", "meter_9.png"));
elseif m:GetMeter() == 19 or m:GetMeter() >= 20 then
self:Load(THEME:GetPathG("", "meter_10.png"));
self:Load(THEME:GetPathG("", "meter_0.png"));
Can be replaced by this:
local half_meter= clamp(math.round(m:GetMeter() / 2), 0, 10)
self:Load(THEME:GetPathG("", "meter_"..half_meter..".png"))

For your single item music wheel, navigation is difficult when you can't see what's near by.

For anyone else: This is just how a theme is when it's in its very early stages. Most people don't allow their themes to be seen like this.
silenttype01: Kyzentun is never harsh. He says it how it is.

GENERATION 24: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

Post #7 · Posted at 2014-08-05 05:44:39am 9.8 years ago

Offline spookymagician
spookymagician Avatar Member
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United States
Reg. 2012-02-26

3DS Friend Code: 0946-2361-1762
"Doing Stuff..."

Last updated: 2014-08-05 06:06am
It's a very early stage WIP theme. You need to be patience with me. I intend to code everything (or mostly everything) via lua. (life bar, scores, combo, etc...) If you read the metrics you would see this in my comments... Perhaps I made the topic a bit too early...

I am aware of issues like song selection... I have not got to that yet... It's titled WIP for a reason... Confused

Anyway, if you do not like it, that is fine by me. (Use/try it or don't.) I can always close this topic and make this theme a personal theme. (Which I may do...)

edit: Kyzentun Judgement will be reimplemented via lua. (or I intend to. I literally mean I want metrics GONE. I intend to remake everything metrics does with lua. Why? Because I can. Sure, it may be silly, however, I want to try.)

edit: While I know I can't fully rid of all metrics, I want to do all that I can. (Some things are just required for SM5 to work for metrics...)

local half_meter= clamp(math.round(m:GetMeter() / 2), 0, 10)
self:Load(THEME:GetPathG("", "meter_"..half_meter..".png"))
...Crap... Why didn't I think of that... Thanks for the help... Big Grin

~ SpoOkyMagician
You don't have to understand me; I'm just there! ~ SpoOkyMagician

Post #8 · Posted at 2014-08-05 08:02:30am 9.8 years ago

Offline CrzP
CrzP Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-02-21

Quote: Kyzentun
Quote: CrzP
Um...Are you sure you are going to use this style of graphics?Looks like another Consensual theme.
I just want to say, if you're judging Consensual on graphics, you have completely missed the point.

As for this theme, simple graphics are a good way to make sure nobody ever looks at your theme.
Yeap,Consensual is focused on functions.I want to say if this untitled theme want some nice feeling,it should have big advantages like Consensual did.

Post #9 · Posted at 2014-08-05 12:44:12pm 9.8 years ago

Offline Mad Matt
Mad Matt Avatar Member
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Quote: spookymagician
I literally mean I want metrics GONE. I intend to remake everything metrics does with lua. Why? Because I can. Sure, it may be silly, however, I want to try.
That's not silly at all. It's fairly standard practice amongst advanced themers.

Pretty much the only thing you need metrics for are declaring screens( which can be as little as 2 lines, the label and it's fallback ), and various aspects of gameplay( life, score, and grade weights are all metrics, and ScreenGameplay and Player both have a number of metrics that are not worth the effort to handle through lua )

Post #10 · Posted at 2014-09-20 04:51:43am 9.7 years ago

Offline spookymagician
spookymagician Avatar Member
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United States
Reg. 2012-02-26

3DS Friend Code: 0946-2361-1762
"Doing Stuff..."
Just a minor bump about the change with the theme title. It's now know as "Simplicity Theme". I recently added a new option for changing the theme color in options/settings. (Hence why I changed the theme name.) I know not many people will use this theme but, I will keep the topic updated regardless.

~ SpoOkyMagician
You don't have to understand me; I'm just there! ~ SpoOkyMagician

Post #11 · Posted at 2014-09-27 05:39:22pm 9.7 years ago

Offline Th3_Ov3rHell_3XoduZ
Th3_Ov3rHell_3XoduZ Avatar Member
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Reg. 2012-09-13

"ITG, The Best Dance Machine!"
Im trying to implemented a System color into my METRO QUAD Theme, but I cannt make your code works... My Theme works for Beta 3... How I can implemented your code into my Theme??
Quote: Released Themes for SM5 Beta 3
Quote: Released Themes for SM5 Beta 4 & 5.0.7
Quote: Simfles Packs Released

Post #12 · Posted at 2014-09-27 08:25:40pm 9.7 years ago

Offline Kyzentun
Kyzentun Avatar Member
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Reg. 2008-02-20

"I'm honestly pissed off."
Quote: Th3_Ov3rHell_3XoduZ
Im trying to implemented a System color into my METRO QUAD Theme, but I cannt make your code works... My Theme works for Beta 3... How I can implemented your code into my Theme??
Color selection systems are really simple.
You create a file in Scripts with a name for every color you're going to use, and functions for setting which color scheme is in use.
The functions for setting the color scheme change the colors stored in all the names.
Then instead of calling "color("#7f356200")" for every color in your theme, you use the names defined in your script file.
You can do the same thing for images, so those match the color scheme you're using too.
After that, it's a simple matter of picking how and when you want the user to set the color scheme and calling the function for setting the color scheme when the user makes a choice.
silenttype01: Kyzentun is never harsh. He says it how it is.

GENERATION 24: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

Post #13 · Posted at 2014-09-29 07:23:10am 9.7 years ago

Offline spookymagician
spookymagician Avatar Member
33 Posts
United States
Reg. 2012-02-26

3DS Friend Code: 0946-2361-1762
"Doing Stuff..."

Last updated: 2015-02-15 08:56pm
^ Pretty much what Kyzentun said. The way I did it is probably not great but, it does what I want. I created three global variables in scripts.lua named: theme_color, theme_dark_color, and theme_background. It defaults to gold. I created a new screen called "ScreenOptionsColor" and added a row preference via Lua. (this is also in scripts.lua) I had to update the language/metrics as well. Once you pick a color, I send the screen back to ScreenInit. (Otherwise, the colors become... broken... I found this out while trying to make it work...) I added some code to update the color variables on that screen. Really messy but, it works...

You could also look into SIMPLY LOVE's color picker. I skimmed it over to get a general idea of what I was trying to do when I made this.

Edit: I am taking a break from my theme for a while. Life has thrown me a curve ball and I was not prepared for it. I will try to get back to this ASAP but, I cannot guarantee anything...

Edit: I am gonana work on this again but, Halloween is coming up and I may not have a lot of time to work on this. I will do what I can. After Halloween, I will focus on finishing this theme.

Edit: I got a lot done here. I still have a lot to do yet but, I feel like I am getting near the end. Very Happy

Edit: I have been so damn lazy lately... I hate DST... I will try to work on my theme tomorrow. Err... (11/16/14 that is...)

Edit: This will probably be my final post/edit on here. (Unless a serious issue/bug is found.) You can now get/try version 1.9 of my theme. Like it or Dislike it for it's simple design is your opinion. I will still use it regardless and I will share it if anyone still wants it. Let me know if you find any bugs/issues and I may/may not fix it.

Edit: Okay, I lied it seems... With the release of SM 5.0.5, I wanted to update this a bit more... I am going to remove my font completely and just use common normal... This way my translations will work... I will back up my font just in case but, I don't intend on reincluding it right now... I have a lot to rescale now due to font size... I will let you know when it's done...

~ SpoOkyMagician
You don't have to understand me; I'm just there! ~ SpoOkyMagician

Post #14 · Posted at 2015-04-21 05:38:53pm 9.1 years ago

Offline SUPER_Samurai_
SUPER_Samurai_ Avatar Member
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Reg. 2015-04-19

Game Center Nickname: supersamoerai
"Samurai is feelin' good"
Why is there on GitHub "I give up.I'm done with this Theme".
Are you really quitting? Sad
I'm a Samurai comin' to N-Y-C!

Post #15 · Posted at 2015-05-11 08:40:19am 9 years ago

Offline spookymagician
spookymagician Avatar Member
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"Doing Stuff..."

Last updated: 2015-05-11 09:14am
As of right now, there isn't much else I really want to add to the theme. It's fine as it is to me. I did screw around with some metrics and stuff but, nothing I actually want to commit. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or find any bugs, feel free to point them out to me. Otherwise, it will remain the way it is currently.

Edit: If online ever gets fixed, I will update those screens as well. Until then... Nope...

Edit 2: Uhh... I do need to update the screenshots though... Their old now... Gotta load my game first...

Edit 3: There we go...

~ SpoOkyMagician
You don't have to understand me; I'm just there! ~ SpoOkyMagician

Post #16 · Posted at 2015-06-06 05:23:28am 9 years ago

Offline SUPER_Samurai_
SUPER_Samurai_ Avatar Member
19 Posts
Reg. 2015-04-19

Game Center Nickname: supersamoerai
"Samurai is feelin' good"
Quote: spookymagician
As of right now, there isn't much else I really want to add to the theme. It's fine as it is to me. I did screw around with some metrics and stuff but, nothing I actually want to commit. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or find any bugs, feel free to point them out to me. Otherwise, it will remain the way it is currently.

Edit: If online ever gets fixed, I will update those screens as well. Until then... Nope...

Edit 2: Uhh... I do need to update the screenshots though... Their old now... Gotta load my game first...

Edit 3: There we go...

~ SpoOkyMagician

I just have ONE Problem,when I chose my Edit Track in the default theme to edit it,I named it V2 but in the level selection It says Edit () and in the options it says V2 has this ever happened to you? Confused
I'm a Samurai comin' to N-Y-C!

Post #17 · Posted at 2015-06-10 04:33:54am 9 years ago

Offline spookymagician
spookymagician Avatar Member
33 Posts
United States
Reg. 2012-02-26

3DS Friend Code: 0946-2361-1762
"Doing Stuff..."

Last updated: 2015-06-15 06:57am
IIRC, for some odd reason, when you name charts, it uses description.

GetDescription() Returns the Steps description.

However, that never made sense to me because, there is clearly this...

GetChartName() Returns the Steps chart name.

(Which is what I use...) I dislike how it uses description. I mentioned it once to the devs but nothing was done about it. Really annoying... Hopefully, it will be fixed some day...

Edit: I feel like an idiot for not using Trace more... I fixed ScreenSelectMusic again. It should work better now. (except group banners. Dunno how to fix this yet.)

Edit: Eww... That crashes the game after you complete a song... Oops I need to figure something else out I guess...

Edit: I think I found a fix for it. For now anyway. Let's hope it does not crash anymore...

~ SpoOkyMagician
You don't have to understand me; I'm just there! ~ SpoOkyMagician
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