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Post #21 · Posted at 2015-04-09 05:25:55pm 9.4 years ago

Offline OmnislashF8
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"Cream of the crop"
Quote: NuVirus
So in short, I'm having a really bad year here. :-( And if any of you havr managed to read this whole thing, and have some help to offer for me, I thank you greatly from the bottom of my heart.

I think what people mistake in arcades generally is that idea of going for the machines and the opportunity to play things in a public setting. But, what I find is the most rewarding is hanging out with people which may or may not include the staff of an arcade. Making Dave and Busters trips by yourself is a hell unto itself because that place is never a 'cool' or 'nice' place to hangout, and the staff have no concept of what drives any sense of gaming community...they are just folks who wanted a job and ended up working at Dave and Busters. So, if possible, hang out at a place that is a true arcade or more centered around the games that you like.

In addition, the core to making arcade trips is the people; like I mentioned above arcades are a social experience so always try to make trips with friends or at least go to a place where the staff is cool and you can chat with them. Otherwise you will run into situations where you pay tons of money to play on typically crap machines and that's never fun. Also, the patrons to places like DnB tend to be families and such so you are more likely to have people who interrupt you because they simply don't know any better.

As for your money situation, going to arcades is really not helping. Trying to sell arcade goods as some form of income is a losing game...the same could be said for those who walk into a casino and expect to walk out a winner. Even if you manage to walk out of a ticket arcade with tons of goods for sale, the actual process of selling that junk and making a profit when considering your expenses of money and time is neigh impossible. Rather, if you really want money perhaps take a small part-time job so you can get some amount of income without throwing your life to a job you don't care about (20 hours a week at a part-time job for example isn't the worst way to spend some free time).

If you want a cheap way to interact with people and socialize in a good fashion I found college clubs a great way to meet people of similar interests and hang out. And if there isn't a club that suits you, make one. Hell, I participated and formed tons of clubs (official and otherwise) in college so I nerded out in all my free time.

Post #22 · Posted at 2015-04-12 04:46:05am 9.4 years ago

Offline SoulEdge5000
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Quote: black4ever
This is something minor to me, but it came to my attention that I am a bad ditherer. I am not that great in decision making, to be honest, because I always fear for the consequences that I will occur, particularly afraid of offending someone or hurting one's feelings. Add to the fact that I am always, ALWAYS hesitant. Many things I am faced with feels like a right-or-wrong situation to me, so many thoughts running through my head saying "Do it!!" or "Don't do it!!" (pun intended). Situations like give me a little anxiety.

And this concerns many people I know, most of the time, my family. ESPECIALLY by family. We want to go out, but I want to stay, then I get into situations where I am 50/50 and most of the time I choose to stay for reasons I never really want to tell. I'm lazy as f***. And then after they leave where I make the very last minute decision I start feeling guilty over what I just choose, contemplating the decision I should have taken instead. And it happens ALL THE TIME. It makes me want to start facepalming myself because of my stupidity and insensitivity.

It might just be me. Or it might be my needs for solitude. Or it's because I'm an Aspie. I don't know. Pardon my rambling. I can't explain this the way my brain can explain this.

Decision making shouldn't have to be complicated. You're scared of the consequences that might occur, and in all honestly, that's ok. As long as you made the right decision, and can sleep soundly at night, you have nothing to worry about. I'm going to use your example of going out or staying in. The next time you get asked this question (or anything similar), follow this simple, 3-step process:

1. Weigh Out the Pros and Cons for Each Decision
If you go with your family, you'll be bonding with them no matter what the situation might be (grocery shopping, eating dinner outside, etc.). You'll put a smile on their face, if not them putting one on yours. On the other hand, you'll be forced to ride with them in a car, contribute to their frivolous conversations, and you'll be missing out on spending time on your computer. If you choose to stay at home, you can spend more time on the computer, increase productivity for your classes (aka getting homework done), and do some house chores so you can give your mom a break. On the other hand, your family might be a bit suspicious of you. Since you choose to stay at home and be reclusive, they might have some negative thoughts about you (you got something to hide, you don't love them anymore, etc.). Well, maybe not those thoughts (That's what I would think if I had a son/daughter. If they didn't want to go with me to go do something simple as grocery shopping, I'd worry about them). The point is, they will worry about you, if you choose not to go. Even if you give them a feasible reason, they might think you're up to something.

2. Have a Backup Plan
Expect a negative/unplanned outcome, no matter what. Hope for the best, but expect the worst. If the negative/unplanned outcome does occur (usually a 50/50 chance), have a form of reassurance. Let's go back to step one. If you do go out, you can do whatever it is you wanted to do (if you stayed at home), when you get home. If you stay at home, reassure your family that you'll be fine holding the fort down. Also, if they go grocery shopping, help your family out when they come back.

3. Make That Decision!
"Make a choice. No matter which decision you make, be prepared to accept responsibility for every outcome. If things don't work out, it's always better to have made a conscious decision than to have been careless. At least you can say that you did the best you could. Make your decision and be ready to stand by it (source)". Couldn't have said it better myself.

Personally, I base my decisions on what my father would think is best. Even if it's the littlest things like deciding an outfit, to something more drastic like getting a tattoo, I would listen to what my Dad usually told me when I was a kid. Sounds cheesy, but hey, he was a tactical officer. I had to obey his orders. Plus, he's very close to my heart.

I hope this helped you, even a little bit. Hope it gets easier for you!

A fellow recluse (No seriously, I stay in my room most of the time, but I do go with my family practically anywhere. It's a long story...)

Post #23 · Posted at 2015-05-06 03:26:46pm 9.3 years ago

Offline Silver Spirit
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"i was born at a very young age"

Last updated: 2015-05-06 03:26pm
So...My grandmother has skin cancer. It's only the middle stages so it can still be treated, but it's still pretty worrying...I've always been scared shitless of the thought of family members dying, ever since my mom suffered a mini-stroke years ago (which I remember talking about in the early days of LIO). I just hope it can be treated before it spreads farther...

UPDATE: It's been treated and she's gonna be fine. Happy

Post #24 · Posted at 2015-06-26 02:53:38am 9.2 years ago

Offline coffeelover239
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Origin: coffeelover239
"Prestige, legacy, and pride. "

Last updated: 2015-06-26 02:54am
Here's something that's seriously been bothering me, and making me feel depressed for a while. It all started back in December of 2014. When I heard that my crush was allegedly taken. Then, I got the confirmation, and, It hurted. From there it led to one poor choice that almost destroyed my love for this website. It was trying to push for a DDR 2014 kit in Houston. Everyone said wasn't possible, but I ignored what they said and tried to keep pushing on. Not to longer after the flame wars, Programmed World shut down. Only then did I know it was over. But as a result of the flame wars, it tarnished my reputation on here, lowered my rating, made me feel like I could never undo the damage and be remembered on this website as that one guy who tried to push for a kit. Ever since I feel like even when I should be happy, I'm not. What happened on this website doesn't help the situation. It's made me feel my life was more of a pain. I just don't know what to do.
DDR RIVAL CODE - 5140-8277

Post #25 · Posted at 2015-06-26 06:33:12am 9.2 years ago

Offline Sigrev2
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"suffering from success"
again, you mention "flame wars" despite nothing of the sort ever happening in the event you're referencing...

Post #26 · Posted at 2015-06-26 07:45:32am 9.2 years ago

Offline XmatthewX
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Last updated: 2015-06-26 08:12am
I didnt know this thread was here but I guess I will spill out my troubles.
2 weeks ago
I Lost my job at amazon because I pass my 1200 hours of work (which they fail to tell me till I went in and found out I cant get in. )

so I immediately went job hunting. I got 2 interviews but no call backs... haven't found any open places where I can work and now I have no idea how I am gonna pay for rent this Tuesday... I have 200$ and i need 250 more or else I'm gonna be kicked out... any idea what i should do... I am truly scared and I don't know what else to do.

Doubt this will help at all but every little bit is awesome!!!!
If asking for donations is against the rules on this site, please tell me and I will take this down

Post #27 · Posted at 2015-06-26 09:01:49am 9.2 years ago

Offline SoulEdge5000
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Last updated: 2015-06-26 09:01am
Quote: XmatthewX
I didnt know this thread was here but I guess I will spill out my troubles.
2 weeks ago
I Lost my job at amazon because I pass my 1200 hours of work (which they fail to tell me till I went in and found out I cant get in. )

so I immediately went job hunting. I got 2 interviews but no call backs... haven't found any open places where I can work and now I have no idea how I am gonna pay for rent this Tuesday... I have 200$ and i need 250 more or else I'm gonna be kicked out... any idea what i should do... I am truly scared and I don't know what else to do.
Well, I have a similar situation. I'm getting kicked out of my house because my Mom is moving in with her soon-to-be husband. Because of that, my sister thinks I should be old enough to care for myself, so I have to move out as soon as I start college. I agree with my sister completely, so I want to rent an apartment with a couple of my friends. I talked to them, and we agreed to search for apartment listings when we have the time. But fear not, because you do have a few options.

1. Live with your parents for a while, until you can get a job
Cliche I know, but they are your parents. They should be there to help you out during tough times, and you're falling into tough times right now. The people who raised you, will be there to heal your metaphorical wounds. Don't stay too long, though. You wouldn't want to burden them. You could also live with a trusted family member, or a good friend for a while. The same principles will still apply, since you trust them to take care of you.

2. Obtain loans
This will be your last resort if your first option did not work. Borrow money, pay it back within a fixed deadline, and you're good...Right? You need money right away...Your lender will give it to you without hesitation...You need to pay it back soon...and if you don't get back up on your feet right away (aka get a new job) to pay it back, you're in for some hefty consequences.

3. Take advantage of Social Security benefits
I don't know if this applies to you, but it might be an option. Every month, I get a check for $(X) thanks to Social Security. I get these checks because of special circumstances. I managed to save up many of those checks, and I have just enough money to pay for my community college tuition. So, look through your old envelopes, and find some SS checks that you haven't deposited yet.

4. Bust out money from your savings account
I'm going to safely assume you have money in your savings account, and you just forgot about it. I've always been taught to add 10% of my checks into my savings account. As you know, over those years, the amount accumulates. If you haven't already, check your savings account, if you remember putting a bit of money in there recently.

5. Get tips as a street performer
You probably think I'm joking, but you'd be surprised. These guys get a pretty decent amount of money, depending on the environment. You'll get a bit more money, if you perform with someone else with like talents.

Consider these options. If you have your own way of earning that I haven't mentioned, and as long as it doesn't run a high risk, by all means go for it. Best of luck to you my friend.

A financial wizard (who did his best to help, so if I didn't help, I'm sorry >,<).

P.S., I hope you get a high paying job, that'll make you say this every time you get your paycheck.


Quote: coffeelover239
Here's something that's seriously been bothering me, and making me feel depressed for a while. It all started back in December of 2014. When I heard that my crush was allegedly taken. Then, I got the confirmation, and, It hurted. From there it led to one poor choice that almost destroyed my love for this website. It was trying to push for a DDR 2014 kit in Houston. Everyone said wasn't possible, but I ignored what they said and tried to keep pushing on. Not to longer after the flame wars, Programmed World shut down. Only then did I know it was over. But as a result of the flame wars, it tarnished my reputation on here, lowered my rating, made me feel like I could never undo the damage and be remembered on this website as that one guy who tried to push for a kit. Ever since I feel like even when I should be happy, I'm not. What happened on this website doesn't help the situation. It's made me feel my life was more of a pain. I just don't know what to do.

Love hurts, dude. I can't emphasize that enough, love hurts Just ask my 5+ ex-boyfriends ;(. I can't find the thread where I posted this, but I'll go ahead and say it again.

DDR IS -practically- DEAD -in the U.S.-

That's the sad reality of it. I hate to come off as mean, but do you really think an arcade in the U.S. would throw in thousands of dollars for a game that lost its popularity a long time ago? If they do, then that's their prerogative. It's going to be their responsibility to make sure that many people play the game, to get their money's worth. Besides, what's so wrong with having a bootlegged DDR EXTREME machine, or any other sequel before 2014? Playing the older machines are actually better (in my opinion) because it always gives off that feeling of nostalgia. Sure, it may not have only my railgun, or the JoJo's Bizzare Adventure theme song, but wouldn't you rather play a classic BeForU or Kosaka Riyu song? No? Just me...Ok...

Now, I may not know what the 'Flame Wars' are, but considering that tarnished your reputation, and sunk you into depression...Well...Have some self reflection to do, if you haven't already. I'm going to unleash my motherly instincts for a moment, and say, 'Why would you get involved in a situation, where you know you're just going to get burned?'. If the burn still hurts today, put a cold compress on it, bandage it up, and walk it off. To help add a bit of medicine, take to heart this quote from a fellow Z-I-v user.

Quote: hamsand210-final
And that era of time is over. :l As I said... I was a child.

Just forgive yourself and forget about it. Tell yourself that you were a child back then, and forget it.

Summing it up, what I'm getting at is that you're upset with not getting a DDR 2014 kit. Maybe not getting an expensive DDR kit is for the best. It's like a smartphone...Why would you want the iPhone 6, when your iPhone 4S works perfectly fine? More content? Larger screen size? Fancy graphics? Don't take for granted what you have, just because the next big thing looks a lot better.

Keep your head up, though. Maybe someday, you'll be able to travel to Japan, so you can play DDR 2014. Better yet, your prayers will be answered, and an arcade in your area will get a DDR 2014 kit. For now, just stay optimistic.

An optimist



Quote: Silver Spirit
So...My grandmother has skin cancer. It's only the middle stages so it can still be treated, but it's still pretty worrying...I've always been scared shitless of the thought of family members dying, ever since my mom suffered a mini-stroke years ago (which I remember talking about in the early days of LIO). I just hope it can be treated before it spreads farther...

UPDATE: It's been treated and she's gonna be fine. Happy
I am so sorry I didn't respond to yours...
All I can do now is...
I know it's been more than a month, but I'm glad to hear that she'll be fine! It's a good thing that you worry about your family members. It gives you a lifelong mission to do your best to help keep them alive and well! Whether it be exercise, diet, or simply putting a smile on your family members' face, do what you can to keep them alive and well! That's all I can really say, since things for you turned out for the best. Know that miracles are all around, and they'll come when you least expect it.

Have a good one. Sincerely,
Your joy-bringer!

Post #28 · Posted at 2015-06-26 01:13:14pm 9.2 years ago

Offline bmhedgehog
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Quote: XmatthewX
I didnt know this thread was here but I guess I will spill out my troubles.
2 weeks ago
I Lost my job at amazon because I pass my 1200 hours of work (which they fail to tell me till I went in and found out I cant get in. )

IMO You shouldn't been fired. So what you exceeded 1200 hrs. It shows that you are a dedicated worker and it shows that everyone else who doesn't pull the 1200 hrs that they are lazy as fuck. I'm sorry but that policy is just so stupid. Amazon has been around for quite a while and they are making a shit ton of cash and I feel that you deserve every bit of it. oh well it's their fucking loss for losing a damn good employee.

Post #29 · Posted at 2015-06-26 05:35:47pm 9.2 years ago

Offline coffeelover239
coffeelover239 Avatar Member
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Origin: coffeelover239
"Prestige, legacy, and pride. "

Last updated: 2015-06-26 07:47pm
Quote: SoulEdge5000

Quote: coffeelover239
Here's something that's seriously been bothering me, and making me feel depressed for a while. It all started back in December of 2014. When I heard that my crush was allegedly taken. Then, I got the confirmation, and, It hurted. From there it led to one poor choice that almost destroyed my love for this website. It was trying to push for a DDR 2014 kit in Houston. Everyone said wasn't possible, but I ignored what they said and tried to keep pushing on. Not to longer after the flame wars, Programmed World shut down. Only then did I know it was over. But as a result of the flame wars, it tarnished my reputation on here, lowered my rating, made me feel like I could never undo the damage and be remembered on this website as that one guy who tried to push for a kit. Ever since I feel like even when I should be happy, I'm not. What happened on this website doesn't help the situation. It's made me feel my life was more of a pain. I just don't know what to do.

Love hurts, dude. I can't emphasize that enough, love hurts Just ask my 5+ ex-boyfriends ;(. I can't find the thread where I posted this, but I'll go ahead and say it again.

DDR IS -practically- DEAD -in the U.S.-

That's the sad reality of it. I hate to come off as mean, but do you really think an arcade in the U.S. would throw in thousands of dollars for a game that lost its popularity a long time ago? If they do, then that's their prerogative. It's going to be their responsibility to make sure that many people play the game, to get their money's worth. Besides, what's so wrong with having a bootlegged DDR EXTREME machine, or any other sequel before 2014? Playing the older machines are actually better (in my opinion) because it always gives off that feeling of nostalgia. Sure, it may not have only my railgun, or the JoJo's Bizzare Adventure theme song, but wouldn't you rather play a classic BeForU or Kosaka Riyu song? No? Just me...Ok...

Now, I may not know what the 'Flame Wars' are, but considering that tarnished your reputation, and sunk you into depression...Well...Have some self reflection to do, if you haven't already. I'm going to unleash my motherly instincts for a moment, and say, 'Why would you get involved in a situation, where you know you're just going to get burned?'. If the burn still hurts today, put a cold compress on it, bandage it up, and walk it off. To help add a bit of medicine, take to heart this quote from a fellow Z-I-v user.

Quote: hamsand210-final
And that era of time is over. :l As I said... I was a child.

Just forgive yourself and forget about it. Tell yourself that you were a child back then, and forget it.

Summing it up, what I'm getting at is that you're upset with not getting a DDR 2014 kit. Maybe not getting an expensive DDR kit is for the best. It's like a smartphone...Why would you want the iPhone 6, when your iPhone 4S works perfectly fine? More content? Larger screen size? Fancy graphics? Don't take for granted what you have, just because the next big thing looks a lot better.

Keep your head up, though. Maybe someday, you'll be able to travel to Japan, so you can play DDR 2014. Better yet, your prayers will be answered, and an arcade in your area will get a DDR 2014 kit. For now, just stay optimistic.

An optimist



I forgot to mention another issue that happened as a result of the whole situation with my crush, It was another poor choice on my part. Hearing about my crush being taken started making me feel down. Then the situation I'm about to mention just made everything a whole lot worse. It was asking OMG KON a dumb question about getting a DDR 2014 kit. After he sided with one of his fans who replied to my comment, he responded to my I'm on my own question with, "I certainly will not" That threw me into a rage which I expressed on the Let It Out thread. To be fair, I would be lying if I said it wasn't my fault. Afterwards someone tried to help, which to some extent he did, I thanked him, and I thought I could just move on. Then that same fan commented on my post, and, let's just say things escalated quickly. Things expanded across multiple threads. Overall, the experience was horrible, and it made me feel unwelcome on this website, and made me feel like I can't speak my own mind without getting my rating lowered. Yes I did screw up in some places, I'll admit that, but still, I was new to the forums at the time. Just saying. Honestly, I don't believe DDR is truly dead. There's a reason I brought this up. It's because I heard Round 1 @ PHM is getting DDR 2014 for a location test. That made me think back about some of my actions on this website and made me think, "Was all that trouble really necessary? Did I really need to waste everyone's time?" If Round 1 was ultimately was going to get it in, even if it was just a location test, then the answer to those questions ultimately, was no. Also, I don't appreciate being told no flame wars didn't happen when I know damn well what I did.(That's not towards you SoulEdge.) Also to answer your question "Why would you get involved in a situation, where you know you're just going to get burned," I wasn't thinking at all. Rather than listen, I tried to engage in arguments head on, that was a mistake, and for the record, I like playing an old DDR Extreme cabinet, I just want something new. Overall, it's not that I'm upset with not getting a DDR 2014 kit, it's the fact that ultimately, it's that my actions on this website in regards to pushing for a kit along with what happened with OMG KON have left me a little broken inside.
DDR RIVAL CODE - 5140-8277

Post #30 · Posted at 2015-06-26 07:40:37pm 9.2 years ago

Offline SoulEdge5000
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Quote: SoulEdge5000
2. For the sake of privacy, try not to refer to anyone in particular
Try not to start drama with anybody on here.
Sorry, but please follow the thread rules. No need to point out anyone here on the site, whether they helped or not.

Post #31 · Posted at 2015-06-26 07:42:06pm 9.2 years ago

Offline coffeelover239
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Origin: coffeelover239
"Prestige, legacy, and pride. "

Last updated: 2015-06-26 07:44pm
Quote: SoulEdge5000
Quote: SoulEdge5000
2. For the sake of privacy, try not to refer to anyone in particular
Try not to start drama with anybody on here.
Sorry, but please follow the thread rules. No need to point out anyone here on the site, whether they helped or not.

My bad, I didn't see that, I'll edit my post to the best I can.
DDR RIVAL CODE - 5140-8277

Post #32 · Posted at 2015-06-26 07:55:20pm 9.2 years ago

Offline XmatthewX
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Quote: bmhedgehog
Quote: XmatthewX
I didnt know this thread was here but I guess I will spill out my troubles.
2 weeks ago
I Lost my job at amazon because I pass my 1200 hours of work (which they fail to tell me till I went in and found out I cant get in. )

IMO You shouldn't been fired. So what you exceeded 1200 hrs. It shows that you are a dedicated worker and it shows that everyone else who doesn't pull the 1200 hrs that they are lazy as fuck. I'm sorry but that policy is just so stupid. Amazon has been around for quite a while and they are making a shit ton of cash and I feel that you deserve every bit of it. oh well it's their fucking loss for losing a damn good employee.

Ya but that's what happens when I was going though their agency... It was 1200 hours or till amazon moves me to work directly for them full time. Oh so people know, robots (me) does pack and ship your boxes

Post #33 · Posted at 2015-06-29 08:05:51am 9.2 years ago

Offline SoulEdge5000
SoulEdge5000 Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-01-26


Last updated: 2015-08-18 10:24pm
Quote: XmatthewX
Oh so people know, robots (me) does pack and ship your boxes
I'm a frequent shopper on Amazon. Thank you for putting up with me buying so many K-Pop albums via impulse shopping. Your work is very much appreciated.

Post #34 · Posted at 2015-07-08 11:02:02am 9.2 years ago

Offline JennaF
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i want to fly how can i do it?

Post #35 · Posted at 2015-07-08 02:29:48pm 9.2 years ago

Offline Arrows&Beats
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3DS Friend Code: 5370-0428-9949Game Center Nickname: Padoo
"Witch hunt victim."
Just spread your wings and fly away. Don't be afraid!

Post #36 · Posted at 2015-08-13 06:52:07am 9.1 years ago

Offline Kh0ldst@re
Kh0ldst@re Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-10-03

Last updated: 2015-08-13 12:04pm
Hey guys, I'm not sure if I'm necro-posting this but I really want to get some help with something:

I'm currently writing a novel-like romance-drama Huniepop fanfiction, it's about a guy who falls in love with her childhood friend who he has not seen for nearly 5 years. I asked this girl whose is cross-enrolled at our College. When I told her about my story I was blown away by her ideas. Eventually we grew close and one time she told me she's bisexual (Don't worry, It's cool with me. I'm very open-minded and she loves people who are open-minded).

One Saturday (Yes, I have one class on Saturday.), we found out that our professor is absent due to sickness. So we went to the field and I let her proofread my fanfiction. The suddenly she gets up and said, "Come on, I'll treat you to Starbucks.". So I went to Starbucks with her and we opened up to each other. I found out that she was bullied just like me and tried to slit her wrists. I also found out that she has a weak heart and might not make it past 19. So we decided to have some fun that day, and boy we sure did. We played MaxiTune 5, Technika 2, Time Crisis 5 and Rambo (There's no DDR in the arcade we went to unfortunately).

Then when I came back to school on Monday, I felt all mushy inside because I get to see her again because we can only see each other on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

I don't what to do. I don't want to say I'm in love because (1) I've been rejected three times by three different girls, (2) I want to take it slow and (3) I just really don't want to admit it. And besides, even if I admit my feelings to her and she reciprocates, what would happen if her heart gives in and it kills her? I'll probably have to pick up the pieces on my own if that happens.

Any advice?

Someone Who Doesn't Believe In Forever

Post #37 · Posted at 2015-08-13 07:32:42am 9.1 years ago

Offline SoulEdge5000
SoulEdge5000 Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-01-26

Quote: Kh0ldst@re
Hey guys, I'm not sure if I'm necro-posting this but I really want to get some help with something:

I'm currently writing a novel-like romance-drama Huniepop fanfiction, it's about a guy who falls in love with her childhood friend who he has not seen for nearly 5 years. I asked this girl whose is cross-enrolled at our College. When I told her about my story I was blown away by her ideas. Eventually we grew close and one time she told me she's bisexual (Don't worry, It's cool with me. I'm very open-minded and she loves people who are open-minded).

One Saturday (Yes, I have one class on Saturday.), we found out that our professor is absent due to sickness. So we went to the field and I let her proofread my fanfiction. The suddenly she gets up and said, "Come on, I'll treat you to Starbucks.". So I went to Starbuck with her and we opened up to each other. I found out that she was bullied just like me and tried to slit her wrists. I also found out that she has a weak heart and might not make it past 19. So we decided to have some fun that day, and boy we sure did. We played MaxiTune 5, Technika 2, Time Crisis 5 and Rambo (There's no DDR in the arcade we went to unfortunately).

Then when I came back to school on Monday, I felt all mushy inside because I get to see her again because we can only see each other on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

I don't what to do. I don't want to say I'm in love because (1) I've been rejected three times by three different girls, (2) I want to take it slow and (3) I just really don't want to admit it. And besides, even if I admit my feelings to her and she reciprocates, what would happen if her heart gives in and it kills her? I'll probably have to pick up the pieces on my own if that happens.

Any advice?

Someone Who Doesn't Believe In Forever

AWWWWWWW!!!!! OMG I'M LEGIT FEELING THE FEELS RIGHT NOW! <3 YOUR LIFE IS LIKE A KOREAN DRAMA!!!! <33333 -ahem- all immaturity aside...

I find it weird how fanfics bring people closer together. I can legit say that most of my online friends, I've met through AsianFanFics. I guess it has something to do with a collaborative effort...You both are sharing your ideas with one another, and building off of a solid foundation for a story. Sharing ideas with one another is always a good thing. Hence... "Great minds think alike". Aside from a creative platform (fanfiction), nothing brings two people closer than a cup of Joe. There's something about a coffee shop that lets people be more open with one another, whether it be through the light scent of Arabica beans, or the calm atmosphere. A coffee shop is indeed a magical place. Now, her not making it past the age of 19 might be a bit of a worst case scenario. We both know that she'll live much longer than that. I'm no doctor or psychologist (I'm basing this off of superstition) but, maybe you spending time with her might have helped her prolong her lifespan. As we're always told in our lifetime, we should smile each and every day. It promotes a healthy lifestyle, and it makes you feel good on the inside. I think you just might be the cure in her life, dude.

As you said, you don't want to say you're in love. That is perfectly understandable, given your circumstances. So, instead of being in a relationship with her...How about just being the light in her life? Her healer to her weak heart? Her arcade/coffee buddy? What I mean is, just continue being a good friend of hers, while helping her live each and everyday of her life as she wants it to be. Confessing your love to her might be too much for her to take in, as you've stated. You can show her a different type of love, one that won't run the risk of her...Being overwhelmed by it. Take it slow, like you said. There's no need to rush in life. Once you feel you're ready to confess your feelings for her, who knows, she could have felt the same way for you. For now, stay by her side and act as her guardian angel. Protect her from her weak heart, and let her run to you if she needs a shoulder to cry on. After all, you two have shared similar scars. You both can heal them together.

Well, that's pretty much all I can say at this point. I hope this helped you in any way, shape, and form. If you ever need any more advice, don't be afraid to post again. Have a happy life, and I wish the best for her as well!

A fellow guardian angel


Post #38 · Posted at 2015-08-13 08:50:16am 9.1 years ago

Offline bmhedgehog
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Quote: SoulEdge5000
Now, her not making it past the age of 19 might be a bit of a worst case scenario. We both know that she'll live much longer than that. I'm no doctor or psychologist (I'm basing this off of superstition) but, maybe you spending time with her might have helped her prolong her lifespan.

I agree with this. I think Kh0ldst@re has, quite possibility, succeeded in making this wonderful girl that he met think that her life doesn't suck as much as she makes it out to be. I honestly think that she will go beyond the age of 19.

Quote: SoulEdge5000
As you said, you don't want to say you're in love. That is perfectly understandable, given your circumstances. So, instead of being in a relationship with her...How about just being the light in her life? Her healer to her weak heart? Her arcade/coffee buddy? What I mean is, just continue being a good friend of hers, while helping her live each and everyday of her life as she wants it to be. Confessing your love to her might be too much for her to take in, as you've stated. You can show her a different type of love, one that won't run the risk of her...Being overwhelmed by it. Take it slow, like you said. There's no need to rush in life. Once you feel you're ready to confess your feelings for her, who knows, she could have felt the same way for you. For now, stay by her side and act as her guardian angel. Protect her from her weak heart, and let her run to you if she needs a shoulder to cry on. After all, you two have shared similar scars. You both can heal them together.

One exception though. Is if she were to confess it first. Otherwise I agree with this.

Post #39 · Posted at 2015-08-13 11:03:21am 9.1 years ago

Offline omglonghair
omglonghair Avatar Member
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Your doing pretty good so far,just play it cool for a while more till she gives in
What the hell does U1 smoke to come up with EGOISM 440?

Post #40 · Posted at 2015-08-13 12:06:29pm 9.1 years ago

Offline Kh0ldst@re
Kh0ldst@re Avatar Member
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Quote: omglonghair
Your doing pretty good so far,just play it cool for a while more till she gives in

That's the hard part.

Oh yeah, one thing I forgot to mention: During our trip to Starbucks she told me most of the guys she's met just want to do "it" with her and that I'm the first guy who she he really enjoyed being with. (I couldn't hear what she said exactly because the streets were so noisy)
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