
SM/DWI experimentation?

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Post #1 · Posted at 2008-10-27 03:22:23am 16.3 years ago

Offline Nightime
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What kinds of experimental approaches have you taken with SM/DWI?

One thing I've done in many recent mixes (both offical and user/sim-mixes) is establish a "variable Extra Stage" system; simply by setting courses up like...

#SONG/DDR EXTREME/*:10:0.5x,norecover;

#SONG/DDR EXTREME/*:CHALLENGE:reverse,expand,mirror,suddendeath;

...so that every time I achieve an Extra Stage/OMES within a group, it's a different experience!

I've also set up one Nonstop Course to play a few Standard songs with insert-mods (wide, shuffle + skippy, left + big), at 1.2xmusic, then one on mirror at 1.5xmusic, and finally, a little+2.0xmusic finale. There's another that play 4 songs at 0.9xmusic, with inserts like echo and quick in them, the last stage = 0.5x scrolling, as well; and a third that plays Light stages on Twister, stage 3 with attack mines, and stage 4 with mines on forced 1x/reverse. Easy/Medium/Hard variable courses also play like Random Caprice, but with Mission Mode modifiers! (20% Reverse + 2.0x = Guide arrows @ mid-screen or 50% Flip = "Column" for example; I'm still looking for a way to do "Stairs" though - preferably in half-beat gaps ala STR!KE)

Another interesting effect I've established is this: Copy a chart you like to an "Edit" difficulty. Switch every "up" and "right" arrow for one another. Rotate the whole thing to the left, save it, and play the edit on shuffle. It'll usually do all kinds of crazy things like play a chart:

-with 3 arrows shuffled
-with all 4 arrows shuffled around, and still kind of comprehensible (like UD = left-turned, LR = right-turned)

...at random! (I'm also considering using this in a selective OMES approach, as well...) This trick actually works with real DDR edits, too. ;)

I'm not to on-par with LUA programming, but I'm also considering establishing something along the lines of a new gameplay mode similar to Dance Master Mode, where you're given three stages (open difficulty!) and sets of modifiers to play each with, along with a "random" (a fourth selection that simply isn't revealed), for the player to choose between.

Tell me about some of the things you've played around with, too!

Post #2 · Posted at 2008-11-23 12:07:02pm 16.3 years ago

Offline Hiryuu
Hiryuu Avatar Member
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Most of the course stuff I've not really messed around with too much. I've taken a passing interest in it...beat Driven in ITG I dunno how many times...but I've never really messed with it that much. I just stick with what I'm good at for dev in that regard. :\

However, a few of my cohorts mess around with it in some FAIRLY trippy ways.

Not to mention anything I've seen in terms of WinDEU courses positively amazes the fsck out of me...

Anything I do is primarily based on the gimmicks in my sims. It's a repost, but an example would be something like this...
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