
Koreaboo K-Pop Pack -(accepting submissions)

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Post #1 · Posted at 2012-01-20 09:51:53am 12.6 years ago

Offline ddrXero64
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"Feeling like a closeted otaku ;P"

Last updated: 2012-03-17 09:32am
Hey there people, I'm looking for pad steppers interested in stepping a few songs and submitting to a K-Pop Pad/KB Pack.

This pack will focus on making a fully charted pack, for both pad and keyboard. And I'm putting strong focus on not just making pad charts with a slightly harder derpy keyboard chart/edit. I want this pack to be able to stand alone on pad and keyboard, a truly fully charted pack. KB Edits are rated with NPS and Patashu's FudgeFactor™

For a look into my progress on the pack, go to my youtube channel at http://www.youtube.com/ddrXero64

Song List:
??? - Super Junior (Just Started: KB edit finished, no pad charts, no GFX) [ddrXero64]
Hate You - (Fully Charted: needs KB Edit, GFX done)[warpdr!ve]
I'll Be Back - 2PM (Fully Completed: GFX done, KB Edit Chart added) [ddrXero64]
Lollipop - Big Bang ft. 2NE1 (Fully Charted: needs KB Edit, GFX done) [warpdr!ve]
Lucifer - SHINee (Fully Completed: GFX done, KB Edit Chart added) [ddrXero64]
Marshmallow - IV (Fully Charted: needs GFX) [Braeden]
Oh! - Girls Generation (Fully Completed: GFX done, KB Edit Chart added) [ddrXero64]
Opera - Super Junior (Fully Completed: GFX done, KB Edit Chart added) [ddrXero64]
Ring Ding Dong - SHINee (Fully Charted: needs GFX, needs better mp3 quality) [Braeden]
Shut Up - U-Kiss (Fully Charted: needs KB Edit, GFX done, needs better MP3 file) [warpdr!ve]


-Must be Korean, must be Pop. Popular artists are encouraged.
-Fully charted, pad only, keyboard chart optional and encouraged. Every file will have a KB Edit added to it.
-Full songs accepted, no preference. MP3 files must be 192 kbps or higher.
-Cut songs are preferred to be cut in one section rather than in parts that are mixed together.
-No limit on submissions.
-No GFX required, but encouraged to get own GFX.

Due date:
When we get 20 files. May push to 25 depending on how long it takes to get done.

More in depth rules:

Fully charted. Fully charted is defined by at least three charts; Easy, Medium, and Hard, but Novice charts will be used. I don't mind stepping Novice charts if I have to, I find it relatively easy and somehow still manage to associate pitch relevancy, but you're encouraged to make your own. I might also tweak some just to scatter a decent amount of 1, 2, and 3 footers. Challenge charts are accepted and encouraged.

Optional - A keyboard chart. I come from a community that plays many keyboard charts. I will be adding keyboard charts to all of my songs. If you aren't used to making keyboard charts don't sweat it. But I will add KB edits to all files in the pack without them, as is the focus of this pack.

Full songs are accepted and neither encouraged nor discouraged. Simple cuts are preferred though if you decide to do a cut, a cut from one section of the song rather than different parts mixed. This is to accommodate for music videos. I would suggest though to look at a song and see if a warrants a full step, if the song seems highly repetitive it might be better as a cut. You can always ask me or someone else for that opinion, but it's your call. I can also provide cuts if necessary, I try to cut with as little shift as possible in offset (assuming I'm cutting in more than one place).

I do indeed need GFX help. I have people I can ask for help from though. But GFX help is needed and appreciated. You're not required to send all files with GFX, I'd never fault your stepping abilities due to inability to send in a file with proper GFX.

As for GFX requirements...it's something I'd have to tell you as I see the GFX. I look for legible and easy to read color schemes, minimalistic approaches work well too. But I'll have to look at individual GFX first, I'm not picky at all though. I'm looking for conventional GFX more than flashy ones.

There are no limits to the number you can send in, but you must be willing to subject to review on technical aspects. I only mean that unless you purposely double step I will review for body direction and just awkward inconsistencies. I don't plan to and alter your chart, but I do like cooperation. And if it's needed I will say so. But this community seems like they know pad charts very well, like I said I come from more keyboard based communities who don't have as much of a grasp on pad charting etiquette.

I'm completely open to suggestions as well, I don't consider myself some expert or think of myself highly at all. So let me know if there's something more you'd like to see or something you don't agree with!


Currently looking for GFX help if possible. Braeden and warpdr!ve need CD Titles.

Post #2 · Posted at 2012-01-20 02:12:09pm 12.6 years ago

Offline warpdr!ve
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I do have a few K-Pop charts lying around that I worked on a while back that may be of interest to you. It might take a bit of time to sift through them and revise the good ones, but if you wanted I could try to help.

Offhand, I know I worked on:

Lollipop - 2NE1 feat. BigBang
Hate You - 2NE1
Ha Ha Ha - Girl's Generation

and I wanted to make a chart to Shut Up, by U-Kiss.

Oh, and the chart you put up looks solid!

Thanks to Lord Toon for the wonderful sig image!

If you'd like a review on a contest chart, PM me! (Reviews will probably be given on or around the Friday after the PM fyi.)

Post #3 · Posted at 2012-01-21 02:40:09pm 12.6 years ago

Offline ddrXero64
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"Feeling like a closeted otaku ;P"

Last updated: 2012-01-21 02:42pm
Ok! Well I do need to ask, are they fully charted? If they lack beginner that's not an issue at all (I'll quickly make one for it). If they're cut versions let me know, but if it's like a chunk taken out I can put a video to it. If it's cut in more than one way I might not, or it'll look like the video Dance Dance (Fall Out Boy song) from DDR Supernova, which was horribly chopped to bits.

Edit: I think I can make a deal to be fair, I'll make a file for each one you submit so I match your workload. If someone else adds even better, but if you made 3 files I'll make 3 more in order to start adding to the pack. Thanks for going out of your way warp, I'll make it worth your while. If anything I hate dropped projects, I'll do my best to get this done in a polished way.

Post #4 · Posted at 2012-01-23 06:08:20am 12.6 years ago

Offline warpdr!ve
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Well, the ones that are cut are only cut in one spot, so they shouldn't be too bad to cut a video for. Ha Ha Ha is only a full version expert chart atm, so I'd prefer to just wait on that one. (That's what I get for not looking at it for a while). As for the other two, they are mostly done, but since there are a few incomplete charts and since I'd like to play them on pad before submitting them, I can probably have them done by next weekend, not to mention that school is also being a pain. Shut Up will have to come later too, since I haven't even started, but I have my own reasons for wanting to step it, so maybe I can make that work.

I've worked on these on and off before you even brought the idea of the pack up, and I also make charts for the fun of it sometimes, so you don't need to be pressured to match my workload. I'd just like to see this gain momentum. And it's your pack anyway; it's your call.

Thanks to Lord Toon for the wonderful sig image!

If you'd like a review on a contest chart, PM me! (Reviews will probably be given on or around the Friday after the PM fyi.)

Post #5 · Posted at 2012-01-23 10:50:01am 12.6 years ago

Offline ddrXero64
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"Feeling like a closeted otaku ;P"
One thing I've learned about packs is that if you really want it you need to be willing to make every single chart if it comes down to it. I learned that from IcyWorld who recently posted here, he had an idea for a pack and was kind of ignored. He ended up putting his mind to it and made countless very hard keyboard files to bring his vision to light. It became a success, pack 2 and pack 3 were big too. It's so much more impressive to have 20 files packed up in one themed songpack then to hand out 25 singles of random songs you've stepped. People just love to download in packs whether or not one person made it.

So I don't mind going out of my way. And if they're incomplete no worries, I can speed step files well (like my tony hawk for the N64 collab, 4 charts one cut in less than 3 hours). But when I played it over I found an error in the heavy chart and like 2 or 3 in the standard. The point being when I put effort I can review every chart for every song with a critical eye, I'll catch any errors and fix them, make sure the sync is as good as possible (play files on 0.2x or 0.3x rate with assist clap), and overall polish. I wanna put effort, I've never lead my own successful collab so I'll put effort in this.

There's no deadline, I'm looking at 20 files max due to video size, but I might push for 25.

Post #6 · Posted at 2012-01-23 12:45:04pm 12.6 years ago

Offline warpdr!ve
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Well, I'll do my best! You make a good point about the pack thing though; it looks a lot more impressive that way. I'd rather give myself a deadline so that I feel like I have to finish. And besides, a few more files up would hopefully encourage a few other people to get on board. That being said, I am making some progress, so hopefully I can get a lot done before I have a bunch of work again.

Thanks to Lord Toon for the wonderful sig image!

If you'd like a review on a contest chart, PM me! (Reviews will probably be given on or around the Friday after the PM fyi.)

Post #7 · Posted at 2012-01-23 01:05:11pm 12.6 years ago

Offline Braeden47
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"X scale 20"

Last updated: 2012-01-23 01:05pm
I'd be interested in joining this project.
I've stepped: Marshmallow by IV
and am planning on stepping: SHINee- Ring Ding Dong.

You should make a simfile category on here like I did with N64 collab if you intend for this to be a collaborative project. People can upload their files, and you could make the category private until release if you want. You could also ask if anyone would like to help make graphics.

What are the requirements for these files in terms of difficulty, graphics, and song length?

Post #8 · Posted at 2012-01-23 03:41:24pm 12.6 years ago

Offline ddrXero64
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"Feeling like a closeted otaku ;P"

Last updated: 2012-02-01 09:47am
...good idea on the category. One thing you might've seen about me is how incredibly laid back I can be xD Would you like to make the category? Although that makes me seem lazy...well just to make sure I do it right how would one go about properly making one? Do I need to get it approved?

As for rules? Well I can lay it down simply, I plan to edit the original post. Ring Ding Dong is a great choice by the way haha.

-Fully charted, pad only, keyboard optional.
-Full songs accepted, no preference.
-Cut songs are preferred to be cut in one section rather than in parts that are mixed together.
-No limit on submissions.
-No GFX required, but encouraged to get own GFX.

Due date:
When we get 20 files. May push to 25 depending on how long it takes to get done.

Fully charted, pad only. Fully charted is defined by at least three charts, light, medium, and heavy. I don't mind stepping beginner charts if I have to, I find it relatively easy and somehow still manage to associate pitch relevancy. I might also tweak some just to scatter a decent amount of 1, 2, and 3 footers. Challenge charts are accepted and encouraged.

Optional - A keyboard chart. I come from a community that plays many keyboard charts. I will be adding keyboard charts to many of my songs, including (probably) the 2PM song I made already. If you aren't used to making keyboard charts don't sweat it. And if you don't mind me making one as an Edit chart to your file, specify. I will try to add some to some of the songs before release.

Full songs are accepted and neither encouraged nor discouraged. Simple cuts are preferred though if you decide to do a cut, a cut from one section of the song rather than different parts mixed. This is to accommodate for music videos. I would suggest though to look at a song and see if a warrants a full step, if the song seems highly repetitive it might be better as a cut. You can always ask me or someone else for that opinion, but it's your call. I can also provide cuts if necessary, I try to cut with as little shift as possible in offset (assuming I'm cutting in more than one place).

I do indeed need GFX help. I have many and multiple I can ask for help from though, so if only one person decides to help with GFX I can reach for help from others in communities like SMO and Vocamania. I can already think of 5 people off the top of my head, so don't sweat it too much. But GFX help is needed and appreciated. You're not required to send all files with GFX, I'd never fault your stepping abilities due to inability to send in a file with proper GFX.

As for GFX requirements...it's something I'd have to tell you as I see the GFX. I look for legible and easy to read color schemes, minimalistic approaches work well too. But I'll have to look at individual GFX first, I'm not picky at all though. I'm looking for conventional GFX more than flashy ones.

There are no limits to the number you can send in, but you must be willing to subject to review on technical aspects. I only mean that unless you purposely double step I will review for body direction and just awkward inconsistencies. Like if you use triplets for the whole song on a certain pattern and at one point you use a gallop it makes the chart feel awkward. I don't think I will go and alter your chart, but I do like cooperation. But this community seems like they know pad charts very well, like I said I come from more keyboard based communities who don't have as much of a grasp on pad charting etiquette.

I'm completely open to suggestions as well, I don't consider myself some expert or think of myself highly at all. So let me know if there's something more you'd like to see or something you don't agree with!

Post #9 · Posted at 2012-01-29 07:23:37am 12.6 years ago

Offline warpdr!ve
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So I finished Hate You and Lollipop recently aside from the graphics. The thing is, I don't have the chance to go to an arcade to test them like I wanted to yet, so I'm going to try to do that next weekend. Since I prefer not to release them without a legit pad test or two, I'll try to have Shut Up finished by then to compensate. Then again, at this point, I may end up just releasing them next weekend anyway with or without the test (I already look through the charts for technical issues, but I still like pad testing to see if it feels fun to play).

Sorry about the delay.

Thanks to Lord Toon for the wonderful sig image!

If you'd like a review on a contest chart, PM me! (Reviews will probably be given on or around the Friday after the PM fyi.)

Post #10 · Posted at 2012-01-30 01:17:31pm 12.6 years ago

Offline ddrXero64
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"Feeling like a closeted otaku ;P"
No worries man, I've been taking my time.

I'm currently finishing up Lucifer by SHINee, contemplating adding a kb chart to I'll Be Back. I've been trying to get artwork from other people. I'm going to work on a Super Junior song next, a sort of gag one, and then go on from there. If I have like my 3 songs completed and 3 from you we might be able to kick start this a bit and get more people interested.

But I'm in no rush, and feel free to test my files as they come and give them critique too. Fine tune the offset as best you can~

Post #11 · Posted at 2012-01-31 12:41:20pm 12.6 years ago

Offline warpdr!ve
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I don't mind working with the offsets and critiquing once files get done (Actually, if you get them done by Friday evening I can bring them to pad test as well). On the topic of artwork, I have some artwork for my files that you can do what you want with once I submit them. I don't really consider myself much of an artist so I don't really mind either way.

Thanks to Lord Toon for the wonderful sig image!

If you'd like a review on a contest chart, PM me! (Reviews will probably be given on or around the Friday after the PM fyi.)

Post #12 · Posted at 2012-01-31 12:51:50pm 12.6 years ago

Offline ddrXero64
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"Feeling like a closeted otaku ;P"

Last updated: 2012-01-31 12:54pm
By Friday? That might be possible, I'll see what I can do. If I get lucky I might be able to pull off giving you Lucifer and Oh! by Girls Generation, fully charted from beginner to heavy/oni. I also fixed my error in I'll Be Back. These three are full length songs though, be prepared for that. I might add some cuts for the sake of shorter simfiles, but later on in the pack.

By the way do I need to make a section for it in the simfile categories? I'm more used to just holding the files and then releasing a songpack with multiple mirrors. I hope you don't mind if I do it that way.

Post #13 · Posted at 2012-01-31 01:16:22pm 12.6 years ago

Offline warpdr!ve
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You don't have to worry about making a section if you don't want. I have a section I can hold mine in so you can take them, and you can hold yours, so don't sweat it. And don't fret about what the files are if you do finish by Friday (or even if you don't, it's fine). As long as they aren't long version 13s I should be able to handle them without too much difficulty, and even if they are, all the more fun! Also, if you want, you could just do heavy/oni this week if you are pressed for time (so I can test those) and you can come back to the rest later.

Thanks to Lord Toon for the wonderful sig image!

If you'd like a review on a contest chart, PM me! (Reviews will probably be given on or around the Friday after the PM fyi.)

Post #14 · Posted at 2012-02-03 10:13:12am 12.6 years ago

Offline ddrXero64
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"Feeling like a closeted otaku ;P"

Last updated: 2012-02-03 10:13am
I'm getting a little more serious about this now.

Check original post, updated. Also you'll see a list of songs in progress, I'd like you to give me your current list and progress on each one (sort of follow my format/template) so I can add it in.

I finished two in full, I've never worked sp fast in order to spruce up two files in less than two days, I basically created Lucifer in two days with hours of work on it. I've been working on learning to make my own GFX too...

well I'll PM you a link. I'll also PM you a link to my Oh! - Girls' Generation file because I'll be going to work and getting out at 3pm (EST time zone). So it has no GFX and an incomplete heavy chart, but the challenge chart is finished. It's a little tough, be warned. If I make more progress though I'll send you the most updated version of it when I can.

I'm on a bit of a pace here, so I'll probably be updating more and trying to spit out more files quicker. Thanks!

@Braeden47, did you have any files you could submit now? Or are you working on any? Give me the list if you can, close to this format from my original post:

Song List:
I'll Be Back - 2PM(Fully Completed: GFX done, KB Edit Chart added) [ddrXero64]
Lucifer - SHINee (Fully Completed: GFX done, KB Edit Chart added) [ddrXero64]
Oh! - Girls Generation (Only Challenge completed, needs GFX, needs KB Edit) [ddrXero64]

Let me know if you need GFX, and any filler charts you need me to do (Novice, I don't mind doing Easy if you do Medium/Hard/Challenge, if you need me to do the KB Edit let me know, etc.)

Same for warpdr!ve.

Post #15 · Posted at 2012-02-03 11:08:35am 12.6 years ago

Offline Braeden47
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"X scale 20"

Last updated: 2012-02-03 11:10am
Marshmallow by IV
Done: Beginner-4, :lig-6:, Standard-8, Heavy-10, kb edit-18

SHINee- Ring Ding Dong
Done: Beginner-1, Light-4, Standard-6, Heavy-8, kb edit-16

Do you want Challenge? How about D-Heavy?

Post #16 · Posted at 2012-02-03 07:07:51pm 12.6 years ago

Offline ddrXero64
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"Feeling like a closeted otaku ;P"
Doubles? Well I guess you'd be fine without it, just for consistency. I wouldn't want only a few files featuring a style, and I doubt you want to step doubles for all of them (I want to learn to step doubles properly one of these days though, you should teach me xD). Also the KB Edits are being rated using the NPS system (which is more useful for keyboard play anyway), but I'll rerate them if anything. And yea, Challenge would be great. But if it pushes you to overstep the song don't bother with it, sometimes a song just doesn't warrant a challenge chart lol.

I'm guessing you need GFX? I saw your released Marshmallow doesn't have any. I can try and take care of those to the best of my ability if you need em. Other than that when you're done send over some links!

My progress: Finished GFX for Oh!, and finished KB Edit, Challenge and Hard Chart. A medium, easy and novice chart and I'm at 3 fully completed files so far. I'm uploading these finished files to my youtube as I make them too.

Post #17 · Posted at 2012-02-04 12:16:59pm 12.6 years ago

Post #18 · Posted at 2012-02-04 01:16:16pm 12.6 years ago

Offline ddrXero64
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"Feeling like a closeted otaku ;P"

Last updated: 2012-02-04 01:16pm
Alright, thanks. But for the sake of crediting..

would you like to be referred to as Braeden? Or Braeden47?

And who is Chmurek? That's what the credit is listed as in Marshmallow. I also noticed the linking to the mp3 file is not the same as the mp3 file in the folder for Ring Ding Dong, but I'm guessing you renamed the mp3 last minute. It's missing GFX as well that are in the SM file.

But I do need to know if Marshmallow is truly your file, having Chmurek as a credit would mean crediting both of you. Did you make the chart from scratch? Or did you borrow someone else's file and step all over the BPM work they did? If you did give me the artwork they had with their files, I can see they had some.

I can't assume Chmurek is you. And whoever else had work on the file must be consciously knowing it's being submitted, I can't have people taking the credit for other people's work in this pack.

Checking out the files now btw. I did try out the kb charts, and I gotta say they're awesome. Mostly because it's waaay different from my style, so it gives the pack a lot more variety in terms of KB Edits. I wouldn't have stepped some of it that way, but I thoroughly enjoy the charts, and I'm just lovin the variety I'm seeing now.

Rerating Marshmallow to 10 NPS, it's 9, and I'm fudging it up to 10 due to the bursts in the file. Ring Ding Dong is an 8 NPS. and I'm also going to edit your mp3 file for Ring Ding Dong and create a fade out for the end of the music file so the stop doesn't sound so abrupt and awkward.

I'll check out the pad files at a later time when I can, I'll rerate to keep the pack consistent if I need to. But I'm sure they're fine for the most part.

Edit: Your mp3 quality is like 128 kbps. Can you get a better quality version of the song? I'll fix the offset. But I do want good quality mp3's Braeden, thanks.

Edit 2: lol I almost forgot. I finished Oh! by Girls Generation, you can see the kb edit and the pad charts along with Lucifer's charts at my youtube. That marks 3 files fully completed now.


Post #19 · Posted at 2012-02-04 01:19:31pm 12.6 years ago

Offline Braeden47
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"X scale 20"

Last updated: 2012-02-04 01:25pm
Sorry about that, I copied the tags from another .sm file and forgot to delete some of the information from the old file. No one else worked on this file. Fixed the .sm file: http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/viewsimfile.php?simfileid=17259

You can credit me as Braeden.

Post #20 · Posted at 2012-02-04 01:22:05pm 12.6 years ago

Offline ddrXero64
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"Feeling like a closeted otaku ;P"
I don't have permission to that simfile category :>
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