

Simfile General Information
Last Activity1.4 years ago (2023-02-18 03:28pm)
Last Updated ByDaffa212162
Simfile File Download
ZIPZIP (31.61 MiB) 1.4 years ago
SM SM (16.81 KiB) 1.4 years ago
SSC SSC (17.81 KiB) 1.4 years ago
OGG OGG (4.47 MiB) 1.4 years ago
Banner Banner (169.55 KiB) 1.4 years ago
Jacket Jacket (447.77 KiB) 1.4 years ago
Background Background (567.85 KiB) 1.4 years ago
AVI AVI (26 MiB) 1.4 years ago
CD Title CD Title (12.63 KiB) 1.4 years ago
Simfile Progress Information
Single BeginnerDone - Level 3Double BeginnerNone
Single BasicDone - Level 5Double BasicNone
Single DifficultDone - Level 10Double DifficultNone
Single ExpertDone - Level 13Double ExpertNone
Single ChallengeDone - Level 15Double ChallengeNone
Single EditNoneDouble EditNone
Audio QualityPerfect (High Quality)
Banner QualityPerfect
Background QualityPerfect
Other Information
CommentsOriginally submitted on Z-I-v Summer Contest 2018 for VIP Room Round 1 week, with some following changes:
- Now in X-Scale Rating.
- New S-CHA chart.
- Some tweaks on the S-BEG to S-EXP charts.
- New graphics.
- More high quality video.

The first opening theme of the first season of the Yowamushi Pedal (弱虫ペダル) anime series. Also appeared in pop'n music éclale and REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2. A great theme song for a series about cycling.

S-CHA had lower notecounts than S-EXP, but it rated higher due to being more technical.

Should I step that Hime Hime song? Probably.

2/18/2023: Released.

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