
CIGARETTE / plazma

Simfile General Information
Last Activity1.4 years ago (2023-02-25 04:01am)
Last Updated By幸福一家王小龙
Simfile File Download
ZIPZIP (6.1 MiB) 1.4 years ago
SM SM (18.45 KiB) 1.4 years ago
OGG OGG (5.51 MiB) 1.4 years ago
Banner Banner (40.96 KiB) 1.4 years ago
Jacket Jacket (189.41 KiB) 1.4 years ago
Background Background (408.34 KiB) 1.4 years ago
Simfile Progress Information
Single BeginnerDone - Level 4Double BeginnerNone
Single BasicDone - Level 5Double BasicDone - Level 5
Single DifficultDone - Level 7Double DifficultDone - Level 7
Single ExpertDone - Level 11Double ExpertDone - Level 11
Single ChallengeNoneDouble ChallengeNone
Single EditNoneDouble EditNone
Audio QualityPerfect (High Quality)
Banner QualityPerfect
Background QualityGeneric
Other Information
CommentsNOTE: DDR S+ was The song has no longer available, Songs is missing
This Audio is cut by me
Audio, Banner: Official data
Background: Generic
Jacket: me
Chart by me
Single Beginner
Single Basic
Single Difficult
Single Expert
Double Basic
Double Difficult
Double Expert

Chart Official is missing
RatingNo Rating
Rate Simfile


KurodaOkiayu Avatar
KurodaOkiayu Could you make cuts for "Joy", "Aloe dreams", and "feeling in my mind"
2 weeks ago · Comment #4

幸福一家王小龙 Avatar
幸福一家王小龙 I'm tired, but I want to make.
1 year ago · Comment #3

KurodaOkiayu Avatar
KurodaOkiayu Will you continue making the rest of the the S+ songs?
1 year ago · Comment #2

幸福一家王小龙 Avatar
幸福一家王小龙 tomorrow update SWEET CUBE - plazma
1.4 years ago · Comment #1

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