
Virus Funk / Nhato

Simfile General Information
TypePadNo Banner Found
Last Activity1.5 years ago (2023-01-09 11:55pm)
Last Updated ByTikalFan9000
Simfile File Download
ZIPZIP (7.33 MiB) 1.5 years ago
SM SM (5.1 KiB) 1.5 years ago
OGG OGG (7.35 MiB) 1.5 years ago
Simfile Progress Information
Single BeginnerNoneDouble BeginnerNone
Single BasicNoneDouble BasicNone
Single DifficultNoneDouble DifficultNone
Single ExpertNoneDouble ExpertNone
Single ChallengeDone - Level 10Double ChallengeNone
Single EditNoneDouble EditNone
Audio QualityPerfect (High Quality)
Banner QualityMissing
Background QualityMissing
Other Information
from beatmania IIDX 27 HEROIC VERSE.
x scale: 15
COMMENT - tikal. ........................................................................................................................
2021 summer contest reject
finally decided to upload it [publicly] now after it's been sitting in my rejects folder for a while
still no graphics yet though
RatingNo Rating
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