
B4U (Rising Sun mix) / NAOKI with J-RAVERS

Simfile General Information
TypePadB4U (Rising Sun mix)
Last Activity2.6 months ago (2024-05-07 09:42pm)
Last Updated ByTikalFan9000
Simfile File Download
ZIPZIP (6.56 MiB) 2.6 months ago
SM SM (9.89 KiB) 2.6 months ago
OGG OGG (5.36 MiB) 1.7 years ago
Banner Banner (109.92 KiB) 1.7 years ago
Jacket Jacket (380.14 KiB) 1.7 years ago
Background Background (761.33 KiB) 1.7 years ago
Simfile Progress Information
Single BeginnerNoneDouble BeginnerNone
Single BasicNoneDouble BasicNone
Single DifficultNoneDouble DifficultNone
Single ExpertNoneDouble ExpertNone
Single ChallengeDone - Level 9Double ChallengeDone - Level 9
Single EditNoneDouble EditNone
Audio QualityPerfect (High Quality)
Banner QualityPerfect
Background QualityGeneric
Other Information
Comments[SPEED RAVE]
from DanceDanceRevolution HOTTEST PARTY (Japan).
xscale: 14 / 14
update log
2024-05-07 09:42PM UTC - double chart added
2022-10-28 04:34PM UTC - initial upload
RatingNo Rating
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