
coloris / she

Simfile General Information
Last Activity13.7 years ago (2010-10-31 09:21am)
Last Updated Bysilenttype01
Simfile File Download
ZIPZIP (1.87 MiB) 8.8 years ago
SM SM (30.3 KiB) 8.8 years ago
MP3 MP3 (1.83 MiB) 8.8 years ago
Banner Banner (9.14 KiB) 8.8 years ago
Background Background (47.27 KiB) 8.8 years ago
CD Title CD Title (5.22 KiB) 8.8 years ago
Simfile Progress Information
Single BeginnerDone - Level 2Double BeginnerDone - Level 2
Single BasicDone - Level 4Double BasicDone - Level 4
Single DifficultDone - Level 7Double DifficultDone - Level 7
Single ExpertDone - Level 8Double ExpertDone - Level 9
Single ChallengeNoneDouble ChallengeNone
Single EditNoneDouble EditNone
Audio QualityPerfect (High Quality)
Banner QualityPerfect
Background QualityPerfect
Other Information

DJ OMiY: This was a neat, but difficult simfile to work with. The stops and tempos made placing steps a real challenge. When silent approached me to do the Heavy chart, I also attempted to whip up some graphics as well. These graphics are definitely old, mind you. I'd redo that banner in a heartbeat, but the bg turned out pretty ok. I initially had it based around basic colors, but silent didn't particularly care for it. Eventually, I tried grayscale, and he liked that a lot more. So I went with it. Looking back, there are definitely things I would've done differently with the simfile. This was made a long time ago, and I know the step placement is going to be a little awkward, but it is still very playable. Please enjoy it!

silenttype01: well, this simfile had an interesting production time. This simfile originally came from Amorite's Pulsemix simfile pack. This all started around the time that I volunteered to beta test his simfiles. This song came up on the list and I was hooked. I asked to make some of the singles charts and he obliged, though he did not specify if he would use them in the final build or not. Later on, he decided it would be better to keep my charts as a separate simfile since he chose this song as the Extra Stage song for his pack. He also asked me to use a different set of graphics to differentiate between the two versions. I used the Z-I-v simfile contest to show a preview of this simfile and to gauge the interest on this song. Unfortunately, it didn't grab as much views/downloads as I hoped it would, but that is to be expected since the simfile was used for "Doubles Week" - a shot in the foot, that one. So after about a year and a half, this simfile is ready to be released in its entirety. I hope you enjoy


Amorite: base for the simfile, sync
DJ OMiY: S-Heavy, Graphics
silenttype01: S-Beginner S-Light S-Standard D-Beginner D-Light D-Standard D-Heavy

2011-04-18, 17:28: CDtitle added
2010-10-30, 22:21: simfile released; major updates from Z-I-v's simfile contest counterpart
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