
The Truth Hurts! ~ZIv 2nd style~ (Rotation 2)

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Post #21 · Posted at 2013-12-18 09:29:35am 10.7 years ago

Offline KNS-17
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Last updated: 2013-12-18 09:45am
Quote: SM MaxX
1. how did you get into saltybet exactly?
2. kinda random but how are dawn and april doing now?
3. any other rhythm games you play besides ITG/DDR/stepmania (or would like to play were it available)?

1) Sometime in mid-June, I was looking around twitch for a 3rd Strike stream someone was doing, and I stumbled upon a channel that was streaming M.U.G.E.N., and I was like "The fuck is this?". I popped in there, and the randomness of the matches was unbelievable, but the whole idea of betting on random AI vs AI matches with "salty bucks" was kind of cool, so I stuck around. After a while I started introducing friends and random people to it, cause I thought it would be cool if other people could check it out. I forgot my original username a while ago, so i've been using my current one ever since. It's a very addicting site.
It also produces some of the greatest matches ever:

2) They're doing well. It's taken a while for both of them to really adjust to living here, as I knew it would, but they seem comfortable now.

3) I dabble in stuff like Rock Band, Guitar Hero, DJ Hero, Pawn Shop Hero, and also random indie rhythm games. If I could, I would definitely check out stuff like jubeat and IIDX.

KNS: outside of Miss Fortune, who else do you love to play with on Skullgirls? And do you have it on PC or PS3/360?
Had to do it.

In Skullgirls, I either go Solo with Ms. Fortune or Peacock, or I do a Two-man team with a)Cerebella/Ms. Fortune, or b) Peacock/Squigly (Peacock/Valentine on PS3 until Squigly is added). Ms. Fortune is my favorite overall because she is a nice mix of rushdown and shoto, so quick bursts of damage while being very versatile as far as movement goes. Right now I have Skullgirls on PS3, until it gets removed by Konami and replaced with Skullgirls Encore, and I also have it on PC, although I find myself playing it more often on my friend's computer whenever we get together.

Post #22 · Posted at 2013-12-18 10:15:31am 10.7 years ago

Offline Silverhawke
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KNS-17: Is there a fact about you that nobody expects when you revealed about it online? (weird question but idk)
Also where did KamikazeNinjaStriker came from?
my homepage → silverhawke.xyz

Post #23 · Posted at 2013-12-18 10:17:22am 10.7 years ago

Offline warpdr!ve
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Quote: SM MaxX
is florida weather as awful...

Wow, I'm dumb, ignore my shit haha.


Anony: What inspires you to make music? Your closer to techno stuff sounds pretty cool (ie: Watch my every sound), do you plan on making more? (This probably made no sense, sorry.)

Oni: You mean the N64 version's stunt mode then? Taking the rock out of the main mode was slightly disappointing, it made a more interesting high speed track than Marina/track 1. This isn't really a question but from someone else who isn't the most hopeful about relationship stuff, I may not understand the extent of how you feel firsthand, but stay strong (If you ever need to talk about it I'm all ears but I'm kind of just popping up out of nowhere saying this so once again, ignore my shit, I'm dumb.)

Quote: KNS

Aegis: No one has directly asked, so sure, what about the no aegis machine?

Thanks to Lord Toon for the wonderful sig image!

If you'd like a review on a contest chart, PM me! (Reviews will probably be given on or around the Friday after the PM fyi.)

Post #24 · Posted at 2013-12-18 10:43:39am 10.7 years ago

Offline KNS-17
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Quote: Silverhawke
KNS-17: Is there a fact about you that nobody expects when you revealed about it online? (weird question but idk)
Also where did KamikazeNinjaStriker came from?

When I told a bunch of teachers from my highschool online in a chatroom that I cheated throughout my whole senior year and never did any work and still graduated, they all kinda freaked out about it, understandably. One of them wanted to find a way to punish me for doing that, but whatever nigga, i'm gone from yo ghetto ass schoolhouse.
Yeah, that's not really an exciting example, but I couldn't really think of anything else.

KamikazeNinjaStriker came from when I was thinking of a username for youtube, and was drawing a blank. I picked a bunch of words at random, and mashed them together. It worked well enough, so I said "fuck it" and that's how I picked that name.

Post #25 · Posted at 2013-12-18 10:50:39am 10.7 years ago

Offline Sigrev2
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Last updated: 2013-12-18 11:37am
Quote: Max
AnonWolfMan: How did you get introduced into Tim and Eric? (I may be asking the wrong question to the wrong person, don't know but feel free to answer if you have).
Well, I remember watching an episode of Tim And Eric way back in 2009 (the "Chan" episode, to be exact), but I never actually got into it until 2011 when my friend (whom I will refer to as Montblanck4, his PSN name*) played some episodes of the show when we were hanging out one day. Ever since then, I've kept up as much as I could with Tim & Eric and their adventures; aside from Tom Goes To The Mayor, the Awesome Show Chrimbus special, and half of Check It Out Season 2, I think I've done a good job.........
*You're welcome for the plug, Monty.
Quote: warpdr!ve
Anony: What inspires you to make music? Your closer to techno stuff sounds pretty cool (ie: Watch my every sound), do you plan on making more? (This probably made no sense, sorry.)
You like this? Oh dear. Sad Seems to me that you haven't heard this glorious remix. /sarcasm
Anyway. Inspiration. It's usually the atmosphere around me. If it's depressive, then I create music accordingly. If it's bright and uplifting, I work accordingly. It all depends on what's around me and what it brings upon me.
As for your second question... I don't really know what you're asking.
Are you asking me if I'm planning on making more music in general? If so, then yes; I'm currently working on a new album, which will hopefully definitely blow everything else I've done out of the water. Much more professional, much less repetitive.
Are you asking me if I plan on making more music like the "Watch My Every Sound" remix? If so, then no. That was just a one-time thing, and I still didn't bother taking it seriously. EDM and dubstep just aren't my thing, and I made it simply because an online friend asked me to remix one of his songs.

Post #26 · Posted at 2013-12-18 11:34:18am 10.7 years ago

Offline Max
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Quote: AnonyWolf

Well, I remember watching an episode of Tim And Eric way back in 2009 (the "Chan" episode, to be exact), but I never actually got into it until 2011 when my friend (whom I will refer to as Montblanck4, his PSN name*) played some episodes of the show when we were hanging out one day. Ever since then, I've kept up as much as I could with Tim & Eric and their adventures; aside from Tom Goes To The Mayor, the Awesome Show Chrimbus special, and half of Check It Out Season 2, I think I've done a good job.........
*You're welcome for the plug, Monty.

Post #27 · Posted at 2013-12-18 08:25:13pm 10.7 years ago

Offline Aegis
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Last updated: 2013-12-18 08:25pm
Quote: SM MaxX

1. is it a stretch to say you're the most loved and hated person here?
2. most played rhythm game? most played game in general?
3. is florida weather as awful as people make it out to be or is it adjustable?

1.) Not a stretch. I kind of don't even know if the people I think like me hate me or the people who hate me like me. I gave up thinking about it a long time ago.

2.) DDR, surprisingly...soon to be iidx (only known for about 2-3 years or so whereas I've known DDR for 6-7 I think). Most played game...DDR. It's growing dull to me for that many years... If not DDR then Super Smash Bros Brawl. Played 24/7 when it was just high school/middle. Lost friends from it, so I lost the point to play. :<

3.) No. It's great. We just don't have anything like mountains to view. Trust me, it makes the world of a difference. The question isn't about mountains, yeah, but the weather without them isn't the same. It's flat. Most depressing.... You see snow and rain with the mountains- beautiful. Almost like poetry.

I'll get the other questions answered later.. . ..

Quote: Max

Aegis: What was one of your favorite cartoons growing up?

I really love cartoons. Like, I would rather watch them over anything live-action (real people acting out). Growing up, I was blesssed with this awesome contraption called a VCR, so whenever a show passed on, it was "hey hey, time to make my own Tivo or whatever". Looney Tunes never grew old to me and stuff like Courage the cowardly dog scared the piss out of me, but I always watched for more. Watched reruns and recordings everyday and I wouldn't have it any other way (though I got super excited whenever they released a new episode of any cartoon).

With cartoons, you can really exaggerate and visually put up whatever you want the viewer to see. With drawn animation, you are able to push the limits of the character with their squashing, stretching, and overall emotion. 3d kind of has a limitation to this as you can't cheat it too much (you can, but then people notice your thumbs going through your dress). The rig of the character has to be setup to have that kind of thing going on...I got side tracked...

To list a favorite cartoon out of 50 breaks my heart, to be honest, but I have to do what I have to do...

Tom and Jerry directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. The good times.
Now, I like some of Chuck Jones and his style, but it's best when he does it with the Looney Tunes characters such as Roadrunner. With Tom and Jerry...the timing is to robotic, the formula doesn't kind of go together, and seeing repeated animation was the biggest turn off as a kid watching. It's ok to repeat, but not on the selling point in slap stick comedy.

If not Tom and Jerry, then Transformers anything. The fan I was... I remember going "omg i wondurr how a live-action movie of this would be like...". Years and years later we got the abomination that you already know about. It killed Transformers for me...but I still like IDW making their comics based on the old characters and whatnot. That's the way they should go. My childhood is most pleased.

Quote: warpdr!ve

Aegis: No one has directly asked, so sure, what about the no aegis machine?

It's an honor to have them name their cab with my username.
Almost feel like going to see if they have a banner of it up there or if they cooled off and forgot about the whole thing.

Post #28 · Posted at 2013-12-18 11:19:45pm 10.7 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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Quote: Max
....ok, a question for Blocko: once you are done with the DDRMAX-EX visualizations, what are you planning on doing next?

Working on a cartoon show involving Pokémon and other kinds of animals.

(Man, I woke up early...)

Post #29 · Posted at 2013-12-19 03:05:31am 10.7 years ago

Online Oni-91
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Last updated: 2013-12-19 03:05am
Quote: SM MaxX
1. any race games to suggest to start out with? As someone who's only racing games are mario kart and CTR (and like half an hour of NFS: most wanted) I'm kinda curious on what stuff I'm overlooking.
2. places you've visited/want to visit?
3. what do you think you're gonna do now after all this (don't want to seem pestering, it just kills me seeing you so broken up and seeing people in situations they don't deserve)?
1) Riiight, this is tricky because there's two distinct camps of racing, arcade and sim. And from there there's a ton of other things that depend on what you have. Which consoles do you have?

2) The most exotic place I've visited has been Giza, with the pyramids and Sphinx et al. Egypt isn't a very nice place, sadly. It looks all Lawrence of Arabia-y in the pictures, but if you turn the camera five degrees right you can see the city of Giza in all its 'glory', such as the tons of traders making a quick buck, and the City of the Dead, where homeless people basically make houses out of anything they can find, like garden furniture and that. Toulouse in France was nice (got to go to the Airbus A380 factory too), shame about them installing a IIDX 17 about a year after I went. Also it looks all pretty with their pink buildings, but you turn the corner and there's a beardy guy taking a shit behind a parked car.

My parents go on about three exotic holidays a year (my dad retired in 2010, so he's been doing this off the payout), to places like Thailand, Mauritius, the Maldives and Dubai. They like Malaysia a bit, particularly how the Kuala Lumpur airport is a walk from the Formula 1 circuit, so I'd love to head down there and attend my first real race.

3) I wish I could tell you. I need to get 2013 over and done with and just start with a clean slate.

Quote: Max
Oni: Do you Max Tune?
If it's Wangan Midnight, I dabble in it occasionally. Having a working WMMT3 (WITH A BROKEN BLOODY CARD SLOT) doesn't help much.
ZIv Mod Squad: "I'm a trash panda now, don't worry about it"
Can you make music? ZENIUS -I- MANIA 2023 NEEDS YOU

Post #30 · Posted at 2013-12-19 05:19:03am 10.7 years ago

Offline SM MaxX
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the most recent consoles I have: ps2 (really should get a ps3 at some point heh), wii, 360, ds, and well PC if that matters.

Post #31 · Posted at 2013-12-22 10:54:18pm 10.7 years ago

Online Oni-91
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Last updated: 2013-12-22 10:54pm
If it's a decent PC and you want a sim racer, words can't stress enough how much you should look into GTR 2 or 3. Forza 4 is your best bet on 360, on PS2, either Gran Turismo 4 or TOCA Race Driver 3. There's LOADS of different driving styles in TOCA. Wii isn't very good for racing games that aren't Mario, same really with DS (though I had a bit f fun with GRiD on DS). Also on PS2, Enthusia. It's a sim racer by Konami that's really quite unheard of (come out about a week before GT4). It's really a bit of an underrated gem, has a load of clever ideas, and recently has had a technical arcade 'sequel' with arcade handling, the tracks from Enthusia, and also the music from Bemani (RoadBattlers or something? One of you guys will know.)

Arcade style, on 360 you should look into Burnout Paradise, and possibly also Ridge Racer 6. Any of the Burnouts on PS2 were good. For Need for Speed, on 360, pretty much every one except for Undercover and The Run (Shift 1 and 2 are very sim and have quite difficult handling, but if you stick with it you are in for a treat).

Quote: Spirit of Nightmare
Oni-91: What is/are your favourite Eurovision entry/entries overall?

I know it's really late, but I finally have an answer.

France 2011. Brilliant song, still gripping 2 years on. If Amaury held it as well as he should have done on the night it would have Top 5'd. Easily.
ZIv Mod Squad: "I'm a trash panda now, don't worry about it"
Can you make music? ZENIUS -I- MANIA 2023 NEEDS YOU
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