
poll: which platform do you play on the most and why?

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Post #1 · Publicado en 2012-02-15 01:56:26am Hace 12.6 años

Offline sh4dow
sh4dow Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2012-03-12 11:01pm
alright, since one can't actually do polls here, i'll have to count manually and hope some people will participate Smile

please copy/paste one of the following answers as the first line into your posting. feel free to elaborate below that line, just leave a little room please Smile (i'll put the count of votes at the end in parenthesis)
should've mentioned that this was not supposed to be multiple choice... but the one platform you play most on.

1. arcade - the only way to play DDR (2)
2. arcade - other reason
3. stepmania - the song lists of console versions suck! (3)
4. stepmania - other reason (5)
5. console - it's all i need / i like these songs better anyway
6. console - other reason (3)
7. other in general

personally, i am 3.

i was wondering about this because for the first time in years, i have the chance to play DDR again and since the stupid ps2-360 adpater doesn't work with my metal pad, i got myself DDR universe for stepmania instead. i scrolled through the songs and couldn't help but be reminded of all the complaints i read online beforehand. about how awful the song selection is and that the home versions have become increasingly worse compared to the arcade ones.
then i downloaded DDR SuperNova2 and DDR X (both AC), looked through the songs and there they all were... those great euro dance and happy hardcore songs that got me into playing DDR in the first place and i would never want to go back to console. [edit]i just got DDR X2... oh man, those songs are even more awesome! my legs are gonna hurt so bad! Green Grin [/edit]

and that made me wonder whether it is just me and a couple of people complaining or whether the poor song lists contributed to the decrease in sales (maybe people just got bored of the concept too but i wonder whether the poor song choices have scared away much of the rest that remained). i guess there may not be enough active members here to really get a good representation of it but... this is the most active DDR forum i found.

Post #2 · Publicado en 2012-02-15 02:18:09am Hace 12.6 años

Offline DMAxel
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4. StepMania - other reason

The last AC DDR here (a 4thMIX cab) got removed a couple of months ago (it was replaced by a GH AC cab). I don't have a working PS2 anymore, and while I have a Wii, I don't use it that much for different reasons.
So I'm stuck with StepMania. There's a SM cab in my city, on which I play sometimes (when I have time).

Songlist wisely, I'm generally fine with most of DDR releases. Even on the SM cab mentioned above, I play almost just DDR songs.

Post #3 · Publicado en 2012-02-15 02:23:53am Hace 12.6 años

Offline PaperSak
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"Take your hater shades off."
...6? Console (PS2) / Arcade.

I tried Stepmania but I could never get a good setup (couldn't get my good mat to work, nor way my dinky laptop at the time fast enough to run it and the monitor was way smaller than a TV).

Started on the arcade and I love playing at the arcade to meet random people and whatnot. But I sort of needed console version to improve at all, because spending like $100 to get from beginner to expert sounded like a bad idea at the time... until I did the math about consoles but hey, now I'm stuck with them, and because arcades around America are shameful, I'm highly supportive of consoles. Tongue

The only reason I got a PS2 to begin with was for DDR. I highly prefer the graphics on the PS2 over... basically any system. Except maybe on DDR II. Yes, some Xbox 360 games and the PS3 look like they would give me a headache...

Post #4 · Publicado en 2012-02-15 02:25:43am Hace 12.6 años

Offline Tyma
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6. console - other reason

I play on the Wii, because I like DDR games to be presented as complete packages, where I'm not overwhelmed with choice, and can easily challenge myself to do things like passing all the songs, or AA'ing all the songs.

Post #5 · Publicado en 2012-02-15 03:37:06am Hace 12.6 años

Offline Daniel_BMS
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3. Stepmania

There just isn't enough offered by the commercial games. Musical games are better when directly connected to the fans.

Post #6 · Publicado en 2012-02-15 04:16:09am Hace 12.6 años

Offline bari
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6. other reasons

Well at least until a few months ago. DDR is actually why I have a PS2 in the first place. It made it much more accessible for me and actually cheaper (compared to the arcades) when you consider how many songs you can play over the years if you get a good pad that lasts the whole time. Recently my control box appears to be broken and I'm limited to going to a local bowling alley with a fairly broken Supernova. So it's now that and keyboarding or stepping along with stepmaina until I can get a new control box.

Post #7 · Publicado en 2012-02-15 05:00:28am Hace 12.6 años

Offline 3x3qui3l
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"Ice Bear believed in you."
3. stepmania - the song lists of console versions suck!

Post #8 · Publicado en 2012-02-15 05:09:39am Hace 12.6 años

Offline Aegis
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8. None.

Post #9 · Publicado en 2012-02-15 05:23:22am Hace 12.6 años

Offline seishinbyou
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1. arcade - the only way to play DDR

I'm in Asia (Japan), it is the only way to go. Console versions never sold well in this region anyways. I enjoyed the pattern of playing the arcade version at home with the older mixes when they didn't come out long after the arcade version was stale (up until around 5th mix), but DDR has always been an arcade experience here. (I even wrote a book about it...a book that has writing/grammar that need improvement/update but a book nonetheless)

Post #10 · Publicado en 2012-02-15 06:25:44am Hace 12.6 años

Offline Fruitegable
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"girl is very beautifu"
2 and 5.
I enjoy playing the Arcade versions I have near by, but they're too outdated at this point. Of course, there's nothing wrong with playing Extreme and Supernova, but I have DDRMAX through DDR II, and that's a pretty damn large selection of songs. I used to play Stepmania, but I kind of just stopped (I do play FFR though!)

Post #11 · Publicado en 2012-02-15 07:07:40am Hace 12.6 años

Offline Silver Spirit
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"i was born at a very young age"
4 and 6, both because I don't have a DDR machine within 30 minutes of me now (RIP Game World Sad).

Post #12 · Publicado en 2012-02-15 08:28:05am Hace 12.6 años

Offline Nightime
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19 = 2 + 4 + 6 + 7

2. I play arcades for the controllers, and because up until DEGRS, there was some level of quality filter on the titles. Then the X-Specials came along, and... bleah. I still play arcades, because you can't really do some things like slide-stepping Abyss and still scoring in the A-AAA zone. And metal home pads have always been in my range of "prohibitively expensive/if I have that much money, I have something better or more important to do with it."

Plus arcading in general - not just with DDR - is an outgoing, openly social experience, the kind you're likely *not* going to "find" at your house. And it wouldn't be very wise if it were. Problem is, it's expensive as fuck. Betson cabs live up to their reputation. And arcade DDR machines - even Solo cabinets - are really expensive too, so pricing isn't about to change on them anytime soon.

4. Stepmania is great, and for many reasons other than simply being freeware. You can customize FEATURES of SM, not just the tracklists. You can access (and course) your entire library of songs, instead of just the per-disc options. Heck, if you're really savvy, you can edit metrics so that options lists has only the lines you care about modifying, so you can whip through them quickly if you'd like. You can also adjust timing windows and scoring preferences to make a tighter/looser experience at your own accord; although fucking with them too much clearly has it's drawbacks. It's also cool how modern TV's can accept PC visual input.

SM is a very solo experience most of the time, however; and the 3-keys-at-a-time issue of keyboards can make some tricks and equal-level Versus play very bothersome without supplimental gamepads. A lot of that customization takes time and effort too, and for that matter, so does tracking down BG vids and BGA's, or coding some properly. Did you know you can take your "random movies," copy or move them to the BGAnimations folder (enable that setting in Options), and use the coding tags for BGA's to distort/animate your streaming videos!? It is SO cool.

You can make and play 6-panel charts for songs that don't have them. You aren't limited in your number of edits.

There are also some pretty kickass fanmixes out there you basically *must* have Stepmania to experience.

It does take *some* self-control to not overgrow your SM library to the point where finding the song you want to play takes 45 seconds between every song, even with ABC sort/grouping on. ~.~'

In short, anything you get out of it is something you have to put into it.

6. I have a good chunk of the DDR console versions, throughout the ages. The Japanese and American PS1 titles, PS2 titles, Ultramix 2-3 (and I'd like 4) - although sadly I have no X-Box to play them on, Universe 1-3, a DDR II I can only play at friends' on their Wiis, and the horridly disappointing DDR 2010 for PS3 (my current main console Blushing and the only one sorely lacking in DDR content!). Heck, I would hand-produce 2010 DLC content if I could. I'm sure many of us would.

On top of usually offering pretty solid tracklistings and charting, most of them also offer more metagame modes that you can experience with it. Surprisingly (or not?), none of these additional modes - even basic Mission/Challenge Mode - have been implemented into SM beyond the standard Course modes; and especially the PS2/X-Box/360 titles bring a good grip of more potential to the game.

The reason I like JP versions isn't always the tracklistings, surprisingly. It's because their additional modes (and execution) are more expert-friendly - they don't assume you're a rookie at the game, like every new NA release does.

Console versions are also the only 3/4-player option in existence right now, and there are times where that can be quite a kick. Not even Stepmania lets you do that.

On the downside, tracklisting limitations can be limiting where course creation/song selection is concerned, and there's always some snoozer-loser songs that I think they purposely throw into every game, *just* so hitting it on Random/Roulette induces this "HAAH HAA!!" effect (and maybe a make-you-fail dick level like PtF, now). There's also ~always~ gonna be some good content - stuff you'll see and crave to play for reals - that will ALWAYS elude your reach.

And I dunno if it's just me, but it makes me REALLY wish it possible to create a custom console version of the game with all of the absolutely can't miss hits and modes on it... not one limited by budgeting, content production constraints, or marketing potential... But now, considering how much of that there is, that could be pushing Blu-ray/HD-DVD limits now.

Finally, I can't begin to tell you how many Ultramix/Universe songs I *really* wish I could play on an arcade machine! And even some of the Party Modes for it. Heck, at this point, I'd even settle for more PS2 semi-ports of them. (Kinda like how FESTIVAL/STR!KE were.) The KDEA team got off to a rough start, but they got really freaking good at high-quality stepcharting.

7. Here, I'm gonna put the fanmixes mentioned in section 4; even though they're arguably the natural byproduct of Stepmania and it's existence. Because it still takes a lot of work and dedication to crank these out. (And not having dumb circumstances in life spitting in your face in the meantime.) And these producers deserve their own merits in that regard.

Plus, in spite of how they're a matter of taking a song - sometimes cuts of licenses, sometimes official DDR soundtracks, sometimes TV/anime and video game theme songs - and crafting a fun and fitting set of stepcharts to them - every series I've found has a distinctive feel and taste to them. They're like DDR, but they're totally unlike DDR, if you know what I mean? And occasionally, they make me feel like "an alternative world's DDR, if it were handled differently," which is often a pretty good thing.

Sure, they all get into their habits - somebody makes super-hard charts almost exclusively (hello thar BMR), some keep it all fun and simple, some like complexity and doublestepping a LOT, and each clearly develops a few genres in preferred taste. But as you delve into these mixes, you kind of get a taste of how they are. How their minds work and relate stuff like music and movement patterns, that sort of thing. Sometimes it's also a dead giveaway as to what their favorite versions/mixes are - you can tell a 2nd Mix player from a 4th Mix PLUS player, from an Extreme or X2 player now. You can also tell who's really a IIDX player, and just doesn't want to keychart that shit (...and to that I ask, why not? SM supports IIDX simulation now; keysounds or not you can still play for score/accuracy... how do we have so many Bemani simfiles that *don't* include keycharts as well?).

I think it also makes it far more obvious that official DDR titles are built by teams, rather than the individuals, because there are often groups of similar charts in a mix (usually 3-5 each?), and you can tell that *somehow* they fit together.

Post #13 · Publicado en 2012-02-15 08:37:23am Hace 12.6 años

Offline chewi
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Last updated: 2012-02-15 08:38am
3. stepmania - the song lists of console versions suck!
4. stepmania - other reason
6. console - other reason

3 because fuck DDR I/II
4 because I can have whatever songs I want
6 so I have a "real" DDR mix

Post #14 · Publicado en 2012-02-15 05:37:42pm Hace 12.6 años

Offline sh4dow
sh4dow Avatar Member
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erm... guess i should've mentioned that this was not supposed to be multiple choice... but the ONE platform you play most on Smile

i'm happy about all the impressions though Smile

@ seishinbyou

well but most importantly i guess... how many people you don't know have bought/read it?

Post #15 · Publicado en 2012-02-15 05:40:29pm Hace 12.6 años

Offline seishinbyou
seishinbyou Avatar Member
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"Wow, 4 types of corn!"
well but most importantly i guess... how many people you don't know have bought/read it?

658 sales, and the link was featured on a few gaming sites (I offer the online version free) from which I expect significantly more hits (site statistics show a few thousand accesses). I spoke with a few dozen personally about it and the impression is always the same : good content, could *really* use a grammar rewrite.

Post #16 · Publicado en 2012-02-25 07:43:29pm Hace 12.5 años

Offline sh4dow
sh4dow Avatar Member
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wow, that's very nice - congratulations!

Post #17 · Publicado en 2012-02-26 10:26:25pm Hace 12.5 años

Offline donosean
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1. arcade - the only way to play DDR

There's only one DDR cab near me (SuperNOVA1, in good enough shape too). I -would- get a pad and play at home, but actually finding where I can buy one in Ireland and also getting the money saved up for it is a problem. So I'm stuck with the local SN1 cab.

Post #18 · Publicado en 2012-02-27 01:23:34am Hace 12.5 años

Offline sh4dow
sh4dow Avatar Member
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i suppose then the reason would really be "other", huh? ;)

but couldn't you just order one from futuremax? they send from the netherlands to all over europe.
and if what they say on the website is true, there aren't many available any more and production has been discontinued.
prices seem decent too... e.g. 130€ for a tx1501... i believe i paid about 120€ for my tx1000 at lik-sang.

Post #19 · Publicado en 2012-02-27 01:47:40am Hace 12.5 años

Offline donosean
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Quote: sh4dow
i suppose then the reason would really be "other", huh? ;)

but couldn't you just order one from futuremax? they send from the netherlands to all over europe.
and if what they say on the website is true, there aren't many available any more and production has been discontinued.
prices seem decent too... e.g. 130€ for a tx1501... i believe i paid about 120€ for my tx1000 at lik-sang.

I've seen the pads on FutureMax, but even then I'm kinda broke, and by the time I've got the €130 together there's a good chance they'll be sold out entirely.

Post #20 · Publicado en 2012-02-27 02:20:30am Hace 12.5 años

Offline katamaris4ever
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"Rainbows in the Sky"
6. console - other reason

While I'm a person that doesn't really mind the licenses (I actually did enjoy most of the ones in DDR 2010 and II), it's partially due to the fact that I can't really get frequent access to a DDR cab, and when I do, it's always Extreme. I seldom see a superNOVA/2/X, and I haven't been able to experience DDR X2/X3 with my own feet. DDR II has most of the X2 songs, so I can just play with that, plus SuperNOVA 1/2 CS has a decent balance of licenses and Konami Originals, so I'm satisfied. But mostly because of access.
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