
SUNKiSS♥DROP (English-Japanese Mix) / jun with Alison

Simfile General Information
TypePadSUNKiSS♥DROP (English-Japanese Mix)
Last Activity15.7 years ago (2008-11-08 06:35am)
Last Updated ByKKiONI
Simfile File Download
MP3 MP3 (3.92 MiB) 8.8 years ago
Banner Banner (39.88 KiB) 8.8 years ago
Simfile Progress Information
Single BeginnerDone - Level 2Double BeginnerNone
Single BasicDone - Level 4Double BasicDone - Level 3
Single DifficultDone - Level 5Double DifficultDone - Level 5
Single ExpertDone - Level 7Double ExpertDone - Level 7
Single ChallengeNoneDouble ChallengeNone
Single EditNoneDouble EditNone
Audio QualityPerfect (High Quality)
Banner QualityPerfect
Background QualityPerfect
Other Information
CommentsSame official steps but I changed the MP3. You will have jun's side come out of one speaker and Alison's side come out the other. For people who wish they could have the english and japanese song in one simfile, it is finally here. Also in order for this to work you at least need stereo spaekers. Mono speakers will not work. Enjoy!
Rating5.7★ (Based on 3 ratings)
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Muhammad Avatar
Muhammad Nice mix but no sm file.
1.4 years ago · Comment #2

sayaka-seira999 Avatar
sayaka-seira999 Nice mixing, that will be great.
16.2 years ago · Comment #1

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