
moon dance / Akino

Simfile General Information
TypePadmoon dance
Last Activity9.5 years ago (2015-01-02 11:38pm)
Last Updated ByTimer Rabbit
Simfile File Download
ZIP (Custom)ZIP (8.11 MiB) 8.8 years ago
DWI DWI (4.35 KiB) 8.8 years ago
SM SM (124.66 KiB) 8.8 years ago
OGG OGG (1.95 MiB) 8.8 years ago
Banner Banner (29.39 KiB) 8.8 years ago
Jacket Jacket (66.61 KiB) 8.8 years ago
Background Background (197.74 KiB) 8.8 years ago
CD Title CD Title (6.53 KiB) 8.8 years ago
Simfile Progress Information
Single BeginnerNoneDouble BeginnerNone
Single BasicDone - Level 2Double BasicNone
Single DifficultDone - Level 4Double DifficultNone
Single ExpertDone - Level 7Double ExpertNone
Single ChallengeNoneDouble ChallengeNone
Single EditNoneDouble EditNone
Audio QualityPerfect (High Quality)
Banner QualityPerfect
Background QualityPerfect
Other Information
Comments[Lunatic Reel] moon dance by Akino
L=3 | S=4 | H=7

"moon dance" by Akino from Pop'n Music 17 THE MOVIE. DMAxel is not a fan of "moon dance", so I decide to do my take on this with the help of DMAxel himself for the song and the graphics+vector. (Thank you so much DMAxel!) For me... You can guess why I like this song... Haha!

This was my second re-make after I gave a try at ITG2 cabinet and failing so bad at the first chart. I never played "slow" songs before, so I have to look up "JANEJANA" since it's the most played "slow song" of DDREX. You can guess that the steps were taken inspiration from it. Standard could have been a 5, but the BPM makes it kind of slow and easy to catch (if used speed mods right), so I downgraded it. Same for Light with some jumps that could make a 3, but BPM downgrades the ratings I guess. There are some key elements that I kept from the original plan...


Please downlaod the Custom .ZIP for the background movies!
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