
Battler's Great Girl Advice (Tetris with Lyrics) / brentalfloss

Simfile General Information
TypePadBattler's Great Girl Advice (Tetris with Lyrics)
Last Activity9.5 years ago (2015-01-02 11:10pm)
Last Updated ByTimer Rabbit
Simfile File Download
ZIP (Custom)ZIP (3.09 MiB) 8.8 years ago
DWI DWI (2.03 KiB) 8.8 years ago
SM SM (42.12 KiB) 8.8 years ago
OGG OGG (0.46 MiB) 8.8 years ago
Banner Banner (109.89 KiB) 8.8 years ago
Jacket Jacket (112.51 KiB) 8.8 years ago
Background Background (161.01 KiB) 8.8 years ago
AVI AVI (2.34 MiB) 8.8 years ago
CD Title CD Title (6.53 KiB) 8.8 years ago
Simfile Progress Information
Single BeginnerNoneDouble BeginnerNone
Single BasicDone - Level 4Double BasicNone
Single DifficultDone - Level 5Double DifficultNone
Single ExpertDone - Level 8Double ExpertNone
Single ChallengeNoneDouble ChallengeNone
Single EditNoneDouble EditNone
Audio QualityPerfect (High Quality)
Banner QualityPerfect
Background QualityPerfect
Other Information
Comments[Seacats YouTube Poop] Battler's Great Girl Advice (Tetris with Lyrics) by brentalfloss
L=4 | S=5 | H=8

Oh hell yes. It has returned. Again credit to MentosCupcake for this creation. Steps are now "Tetris" inspired, so be carefull with some surprises! Read Me file in the Custom Zip for extra info obviously.

12/30/14: Repaired the file to work at OpenITG2! File may "glitch" on SM5 Beta! I prefer a older version to play the file!
1/2//15: Okay removed the unnecessary 'files' at OpenITG. That can be the reason why I got spare Edit files when importing "2.0" to SM5.
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