
DDR Graphics Variation & For Non-256x80 conversions

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Post #1 · Posted at 2017-07-09 04:31:25pm 7.4 years ago

Offline dancervic
dancervic Avatar Member
184 Posts
Reg. 2008-05-29

Last updated: 2021-06-03 06:45am
I making this thread to contribute some of my stuff (rips and collections) which are still missing in ZIV's DDR Info Page for each DDR song. Also, to contribute some of my converted 256x80 banners which I used especially for those songs that were never revived in "DDR 7thMIX", "DS EuroMIX2", etc. onwards. Conversion to 256x80 in a proper way which I applied these principles:

(1) Resizing to 80px and cropped/justify at the center.
- this principle applied to most revived KONAMI original songs in "DDR 7thMIX" from "DDR 4thMIX PLUS" and below. Including those "PARANOiA" series with transperancy before.

(2) Resizing to 256px or 80px and add additional pixels/graphics at the top and bottom or at the left and right respectively.
- this principle applied to some revived Konami Original songs in "DDR 7thMIX", most revived songs in "DS EuroMIX2" and "DDRMAX" (PS2 USA) from "DDR 4thMIX" and below.

(3) Forced resized to 256x80 (distorted).
- this principle applied to most revived Dancemania Licensed songs and even KONAMI original songs in "DDR EXTREME" from "DDR 4thMIX PLUS" and below. Including those with transparencies before for the songs from "DDR 1.0" to "DDR 2ndMIX" by replacing BG graphics from their transparencies after force resizing to 256x80.

You will see these principles later on as we go on for Graphics variation. Ok, let's start!

"Dance Dance Revolution (1.0)"
Variations from the System
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 4thMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 5thMIX"
Variations from "DDRMAX2 (Dance Dance Revolution 7thMIX)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X2"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (System only)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2013"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution A"

Home Versions
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN) RECORDS Section
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution GB" (GB JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 5thMIX" (PS JAPAN) Gallery Mode
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution KONAMIX" (PS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX3" (XB USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution S+" (iOS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution DANCE WARS" (iOS USA)

Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX"
Variations from "Dance Maniax (1.0)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Solo BASS MIX"
Variations from "DDRMAX (Dance Dance Revolution 6thMIX)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Party Collection" (PS2 JAPAN)

From "DDR EXTREME" (256x80 Principle #3 using "DDR 2ndMIX"):

Because I don't like the distorted 256x80 banner from "DDR EXTREME" and for the upcoming/relation to "butterfly [2008 X-edit]" from "DDR X", combination from "DDR X" and "DDR S+" (iOS USA):

Or this (256x80 Principle #2):

Jump to other DDR series/categories:


https://github.com/dancervic/DDR-Graphics/blob/master/DDR%20ULTIMATE%20Version/Genre/DS%20feat.%20DREAMS%20COME%20TRUE%20(PS%20JAPAN).png?raw=true https://github.com/dancervic/DDR-Graphics/blob/master/DDR%20ULTIMATE%20Version/Genre/OHA-STA%20DDR%20(PS%20JAPAN).png?raw=true
DDR THE ULTIMATE VERSION (System Only Songs & official with some modification/variation)
DDR Missing Arcade/Home Version Songs & Official Steps
DDR Official Step Variations (No Duplication. All step variations in one song simfile)
For more details and other graphics variation check this thread:
DDR Graphics Variation & For Non-256x80 conversions
"BU DAM"-NCERVIC banner by "Lord Toon"

Post #2 · Posted at 2017-07-09 08:23:19pm 7.4 years ago

Offline bmhedgehog
bmhedgehog Avatar Banned+
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Hey dancervic long time no see. Awesome work as always.

Post #3 · Posted at 2017-07-10 01:15:40pm 7.4 years ago

Offline dancervic
dancervic Avatar Member
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Reg. 2008-05-29

Last updated: 2020-04-07 05:27am
Quote: bmhedgehog
Hey dancervic long time no see. Awesome work as always.
Thank you, I'm just kinda busy because I'm no longer a student anymore unlike before with lots of free time. Even my YOUTUBE channel I have lots of pending DDR video uploads. Anyway, I'm glad for making this thread and enjoy at the same time. I'm excited to share these to you guys and also some of my discoveries soon.

"Dance Dance Revolution (1.0)"
Variations from the System
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 4thMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 5thMIX"
Variations from "DDRMAX2 (Dance Dance Revolution 7thMIX)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X2"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (System only)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2013"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution A"

Home Versions
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN) RECORDS Section
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution GB" (GB JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 5thMIX" (PS JAPAN) Gallery Mode
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution KONAMIX" (PS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX3" (XB USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution S+" (iOS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution DANCE WARS" (iOS USA)

Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX"
Variations from "Dance Maniax (1.0)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Solo BASS MIX"
Variations from "DDRMAX (Dance Dance Revolution 6thMIX)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Party Collection" (PS2 JAPAN)

===== 256x80 undistorted conversion ====

In relations to upcoming "HAVE YOU NEVER BEEN MELLOW [MM GROOVIN MIX]" from "DDR 4thMIX", I use the banner from "DDR 4thMIX" as a source and apply Principle#2:

In relations to upcoming "KUNG FU FIGHTING [MIAMI BOOTY MIX]" from "DDR Solo BASS MIX", I use the banner from "DDR 4thMIX" as a source and apply Principle#2:
DDR THE ULTIMATE VERSION (System Only Songs & official with some modification/variation)
DDR Missing Arcade/Home Version Songs & Official Steps
DDR Official Step Variations (No Duplication. All step variations in one song simfile)
For more details and other graphics variation check this thread:
DDR Graphics Variation & For Non-256x80 conversions
"BU DAM"-NCERVIC banner by "Lord Toon"

Post #4 · Posted at 2017-07-10 09:19:33pm 7.4 years ago

Offline bmhedgehog
bmhedgehog Avatar Banned+
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Is it just me or is that Dancemania X1 CD Title from DDR (1.0) says Dancemania 11?

Post #5 · Posted at 2017-07-11 12:51:35pm 7.4 years ago

Offline dancervic
dancervic Avatar Member
184 Posts
Reg. 2008-05-29

Last updated: 2017-07-11 12:55pm
Quote: bmhedgehog
Is it just me or is that Dancemania X1 CD Title from DDR (1.0) says Dancemania 11?
yes that was "Dancemania 11" a.k.a. "Dancemania X1" and mistaken featured for "KUNG FU FIGHTING" song 'til this was fixed in "DDR 2ndMIX" then "DDR (1st)" (PS JAPAN). "X" is a Roman Numeral for "10" and "11" is "X1" for "Dancemania"
DDR THE ULTIMATE VERSION (System Only Songs & official with some modification/variation)
DDR Missing Arcade/Home Version Songs & Official Steps
DDR Official Step Variations (No Duplication. All step variations in one song simfile)
For more details and other graphics variation check this thread:
DDR Graphics Variation & For Non-256x80 conversions
"BU DAM"-NCERVIC banner by "Lord Toon"

Post #6 · Posted at 2017-07-11 10:03:29pm 7.4 years ago

Offline bmhedgehog
bmhedgehog Avatar Banned+
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oh okay. i wasn't sure.

Post #7 · Posted at 2017-07-12 01:05:58pm 7.4 years ago

Offline dancervic
dancervic Avatar Member
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Reg. 2008-05-29

Last updated: 2020-04-07 05:28am
"Dance Dance Revolution (1.0)"
Variations from the System
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 4thMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 5thMIX"
Variations from "DDRMAX2 (Dance Dance Revolution 7thMIX)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X2"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (System only)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2013"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution A"

Home Versions
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN) RECORDS Section
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution GB" (GB JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 5thMIX" (PS JAPAN) Gallery Mode
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution KONAMIX" (PS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX3" (XB USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution S+" (iOS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution DANCE WARS" (iOS USA)

Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX"
Variations from "Dance Maniax (1.0)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Solo BASS MIX"
Variations from "DDRMAX (Dance Dance Revolution 6thMIX)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Party Collection" (PS2 JAPAN)

From "DDR EXTREME" (256x80 Principle #3 using "DDR 2ndMIX"):

From "DDR EXTREME" (256x80 Principle #3 using "DDR 4thMIX"):

Undistorted 256x80 conversion by Principle #2 from "DDR X3" (2ndMIX MODE):

"MY FIRE [UKS Remix]"
256x80 undistorted conversion. Using banner from "DDR 4thMIX" as a source and apply Principle#2:
DDR THE ULTIMATE VERSION (System Only Songs & official with some modification/variation)
DDR Missing Arcade/Home Version Songs & Official Steps
DDR Official Step Variations (No Duplication. All step variations in one song simfile)
For more details and other graphics variation check this thread:
DDR Graphics Variation & For Non-256x80 conversions
"BU DAM"-NCERVIC banner by "Lord Toon"

Post #8 · Posted at 2017-07-12 10:57:25pm 7.4 years ago

Offline Lord Toon
Lord Toon Avatar Member
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2326-5874-6891Origin: LordToon_LTI
I want to thank you for this...This is really amazing!//

Post #9 · Posted at 2017-07-15 03:02:15am 7.4 years ago

Offline dancervic
dancervic Avatar Member
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Reg. 2008-05-29

Last updated: 2020-04-07 01:26pm
"MY FIRE [UKS Remix]" was the hidden FINAL SONG for "Dance Dance Revolution (1.0)" under NORMAL MODE Selection and if you want EXTRA STAGE you must choose this song with Grade "B", "A" or "S" result .

"Dance Dance Revolution (1.0)"
Variations from the System
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 4thMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 5thMIX"
Variations from "DDRMAX2 (Dance Dance Revolution 7thMIX)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X2"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (System only)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2013"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution A"

Home Versions
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN) RECORDS Section
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution GB" (GB JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 5thMIX" (PS JAPAN) Gallery Mode
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution KONAMIX" (PS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX3" (XB USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution S+" (iOS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution DANCE WARS" (iOS USA)

Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX"
Variations from "Dance Maniax (1.0)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Solo BASS MIX"
Variations from "DDRMAX (Dance Dance Revolution 6thMIX)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Party Collection" (PS2 JAPAN)

"PARANOiA" (the FIRST KONAMI Original Music)
hidden FINAL SONG for "Dance Dance Revolution (1.0)" under HARD MODE Selection and if you want EXTRA STAGE you must choose this song with Grade "B", "A" or "S" result.

From "DDR 7thMIX" (256x80 Principle #1 using "DDR 2ndMIX"):

From "DDR X":

"PARANOiA" BG using jacket from "DDR A":

256x80 undistorted conversion.
This song was removed in "DDR 3rdMIX PLUS" and never revived in "DDR 4thMIX" and onwards so officially the banner for this song didn't received any non-transparency version. I applied these principles one by one::
(1) Using the banner from "DDR X3" System as the source.
(2) Turning transparency into black ("DDR 4thMIX" banner principle).
(3) Applying Principle #1 for 256x80 resolution.

DDR THE ULTIMATE VERSION (System Only Songs & official with some modification/variation)
DDR Missing Arcade/Home Version Songs & Official Steps
DDR Official Step Variations (No Duplication. All step variations in one song simfile)
For more details and other graphics variation check this thread:
DDR Graphics Variation & For Non-256x80 conversions
"BU DAM"-NCERVIC banner by "Lord Toon"

Post #10 · Posted at 2017-07-15 04:29:39am 7.4 years ago

Offline LuzianoZOMBI3
LuzianoZOMBI3 Avatar Member
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Reg. 2017-07-05

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2309-0175-8708
"Fly off to the right and explode"
This is great!
Made by the smexy Lord Toon!

Post #11 · Posted at 2017-07-15 04:47:28am 7.4 years ago

Offline dancervic
dancervic Avatar Member
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Reg. 2008-05-29

Last updated: 2017-07-16 06:37am
Sorry, I forgot under "PARANOiA" section (edit the previous post) which are from "DDR KONAMIX" (PS USA), "DDR S+ (iOS USA)" and "DDR DANCE WARS (iOS USA)"
DDR THE ULTIMATE VERSION (System Only Songs & official with some modification/variation)
DDR Missing Arcade/Home Version Songs & Official Steps
DDR Official Step Variations (No Duplication. All step variations in one song simfile)
For more details and other graphics variation check this thread:
DDR Graphics Variation & For Non-256x80 conversions
"BU DAM"-NCERVIC banner by "Lord Toon"

Post #12 · Posted at 2017-07-15 08:29:11pm 7.4 years ago

Offline SimpleNick
SimpleNick Avatar Member
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Reg. 2009-08-18

"DDR Lover ♪"
All DDR X3 vs. 2ndMIX CDTitles


Credits: Inorizushi's DDR X3 Theme
DanceDanceRevolution FOREVER

Post #13 · Posted at 2017-07-16 04:35:16am 7.4 years ago

Offline jch02140
jch02140 Avatar Member
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Reg. 2007-08-08

Is the PARANOiA banner for the Dance War iOS in the original size? It looks pixelated...

Post #14 · Posted at 2017-07-16 04:11:41pm 7.4 years ago

Offline dancervic
dancervic Avatar Member
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Reg. 2008-05-29

Last updated: 2020-04-07 01:29pm
Quote: SimpleNick
All DDR X3 vs. 2ndMIX CDTitles
Thank you "SimpleNick", because of these I updated my previous postings.

Quote: SimpleNick
Is the PARANOiA banner for the Dance War iOS in the original size? It looks pixelated...
Original Size and yes its crappy. All I'm gonna post here are in Original/native resolutions. You will see others soon but not all them are crappy. Even for those converted 256x80 has crappy versions also which you will encounter soon. Ok, we are still very far ahead. Next Song....

"Dance Dance Revolution (1.0)"
Variations from the System
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 4thMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 5thMIX"
Variations from "DDRMAX2 (Dance Dance Revolution 7thMIX)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X2"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (System only)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2013"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution A"

Home Versions
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN) RECORDS Section
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution GB" (GB JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 5thMIX" (PS JAPAN) Gallery Mode
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution KONAMIX" (PS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX3" (XB USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution S+" (iOS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution DANCE WARS" (iOS USA)

Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX"
Variations from "Dance Maniax (1.0)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Solo BASS MIX"
Variations from "DDRMAX (Dance Dance Revolution 6thMIX)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Party Collection" (PS2 JAPAN)

256x80 undistorted conversion. Using banner from "DDR X3" 2ndMIX Mode as a source and apply Principle#2:

"Dance Dance Revolution (1.5) (INTERNET RANKING Ver.)"
Variations from the System
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 4thMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X2"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution A"

Home Versions
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN) RECORDS Section
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution S+" (iOS USA)

From "DDR EXTREME" (256x80 Principle #3 using "DDR 2ndMIX"):

If only the 256x80 banner from "DDR EXTREME" applies Principle#2 and not Principle#3, the banner should look like this....

This KONAMI song replace the previous "MY FIRE [UKS Remix]" (DDR 1.0) as hidden FINAL STAGE song under NORMAL MODE Selection and this is also hidden FINAL STAGE under HARD MODE selection as well besides "PARANOiA" (DDR 1.0). If you want EXTRA STAGE you must choose this song with Grade "B", "A" or "S" result .
From "DDR EXTREME" (256x80 Principle #1 using "DDR 4thMIX"):

From "DDR X":

256x80 undistorted conversion by Principle #2 and added custom BG to replace transparencies:
DDR THE ULTIMATE VERSION (System Only Songs & official with some modification/variation)
DDR Missing Arcade/Home Version Songs & Official Steps
DDR Official Step Variations (No Duplication. All step variations in one song simfile)
For more details and other graphics variation check this thread:
DDR Graphics Variation & For Non-256x80 conversions
"BU DAM"-NCERVIC banner by "Lord Toon"

Post #15 · Posted at 2017-07-16 04:50:54pm 7.4 years ago

Offline TikalFan9000
TikalFan9000 Avatar Member
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Reg. 2015-02-13

3DS Friend Code: 1134-9915-6680
"c r e b"
Here's AM-3P's background in DDR Universe.↓

Post #16 · Posted at 2017-07-17 04:42:37pm 7.4 years ago

Offline dancervic
dancervic Avatar Member
184 Posts
Reg. 2008-05-29

Last updated: 2019-06-04 04:44pm
Thank you very much but we still need its respective banner with text on it. Actually I had it before, but my storage drive was corrupted and I wasn't to be able to retrieve them. All UNIVERSE Series revivals :(

"Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX"
Variations from the System
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX LINK VERSION"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX CLUB VERSiON2"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX CLUB VERSiON2" (System)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 4thMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Solo BASS MIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Solo BASS MIX" (System)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 5thMIX"
Variations from "DDRMAX2 (Dance Dance Revolution 7thMIX)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME"
Variations from "Dancing Stage Fusion"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA2"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X2"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (System)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2013"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution A"

Home Versions
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN) RECORDS Section
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndReMIX" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution GB" (GB JAPAN)
Variations from "OHA-STA Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution EXTRA MIX" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution USA" (PS USA) System
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution KONAMIX" (PS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PC USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Party Collection" (PS2 JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X" (PS2 JAPAN)
Variations from "DDRMAX" (PS2 USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Disney CHANNEL EDITION" (PS2 USA)
Variations from "Dancing Stage Fever" (PS2 EUROPE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX3" (XB USA) DLC
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX4" (XB USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX4" (XB USA) System
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX4" (XB USA) DLC
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution UNIVERSE" (XB360 USA) DLC
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution UNIVERSE3" (XB360 USA) DLC
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution HOTTEST PARTY3" (Wii JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution FULL-FULL PARTY" (Wii JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution S" (iOS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution S+" (iOS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution DANCE WARS" (iOS USA)

Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Solo BASS MIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (System)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Party Collection" (PS2 JAPAN)

From "DDR 7thMIX" (256x80 Principle #1):


256x80 undistorted conversion. Using banner from "DDR X3" 2ndMIX Mode as a source, turning transparency into black ("DDR 4thMIX" banner principle) and apply Principle#2:
DDR THE ULTIMATE VERSION (System Only Songs & official with some modification/variation)
DDR Missing Arcade/Home Version Songs & Official Steps
DDR Official Step Variations (No Duplication. All step variations in one song simfile)
For more details and other graphics variation check this thread:
DDR Graphics Variation & For Non-256x80 conversions
"BU DAM"-NCERVIC banner by "Lord Toon"

Post #17 · Posted at 2017-07-17 11:01:19pm 7.4 years ago

Offline Sigrev2
Sigrev2 Avatar Member+
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Nintendo Network ID: Sigrev2Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2884-7660-37993DS Friend Code: 3883-7652-3160
"suffering from success"
this thread is giving me life
shame you couldn't get the UNI banner for AM-3P though, i've been craving rips of the original UNI/UNI2 revival/DLC graphics

Post #18 · Posted at 2017-07-22 01:29:44am 7.3 years ago

Offline dancervic
dancervic Avatar Member
184 Posts
Reg. 2008-05-29

Last updated: 2019-05-19 02:06pm
Quote: AnonyWolf
shame you couldn't get the UNI banner for AM-3P though, i've been craving rips of the original UNI/UNI2 revival/DLC graphics
I had it before and the other revivals but I lost them since my external HD was corrupted :(
I want to rip them out by myself because I have these games but I don't know how in terms of XBOX and XBOX360 versions

"Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX"
Variations from the System
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX LINK VERSION"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX CLUB VERSiON2"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX CLUB VERSiON2" (System)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 4thMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Solo BASS MIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Solo BASS MIX" (System)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 5thMIX"
Variations from "DDRMAX2 (Dance Dance Revolution 7thMIX)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME"
Variations from "Dancing Stage Fusion"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA2"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X2"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (System)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2013"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution A"

Home Versions
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN) RECORDS Section
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndReMIX" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution GB" (GB JAPAN)
Variations from "OHA-STA Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution EXTRA MIX" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution USA" (PS USA) System
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution KONAMIX" (PS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PC USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Party Collection" (PS2 JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X" (PS2 JAPAN)
Variations from "DDRMAX" (PS2 USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Disney CHANNEL EDITION" (PS2 USA)
Variations from "Dancing Stage Fever" (PS2 EUROPE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX3" (XB USA) DLC
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX4" (XB USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX4" (XB USA) System
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX4" (XB USA) DLC
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution UNIVERSE" (XB360 USA) DLC
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution UNIVERSE3" (XB360 USA) DLC
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution HOTTEST PARTY3" (Wii JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution FULL-FULL PARTY" (Wii JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution S" (iOS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution S+" (iOS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution DANCE WARS" (iOS USA)

Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Solo BASS MIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (System)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Party Collection" (PS2 JAPAN)

"BOOM BOOM DOLLAR [Red Monster Mix]"
256x80 undistorted conversion. Using banner from "DDR X3" 2ndMIX Mode as a source and apply Principle#2:

256x80 undistorted conversion. I had 2 options:
(1) As for the upcoming/relation to "BOYS [EURO MIX]" from "DDR 4thMIX", source banner is also from "DDR 4thMIX" and apply Principle#1:

(2) As for the upcoming/relation to "BOYS [2008 X-edit]" from "DDR X", combining banners from "DDR X" and "DDR S+" (iOS USA):

From "DDR 7thMIX" (256x80 Principle #2 using "DDR 2ndMIX"):

"BRILLIANT 2U [new edit]"
Banner using "DDR S" (iOs USA) double its resolution to make 256x80:

"BRILLIANT 2U" BG using "DDR A":

"BRILLIANT 2U [new edit]" BG using "DDR HOTTEST PARTY3" (Wii JAPAN):

"BRILLIANT 2U [Orchestra-Groove]"
From "DDR 7thMIX" (256x80 Principle #3 using "DDR 2ndMIX LINK VERSION"):

If "DDR 7thMIX" use Principle #2 the banner should look like this:
DDR THE ULTIMATE VERSION (System Only Songs & official with some modification/variation)
DDR Missing Arcade/Home Version Songs & Official Steps
DDR Official Step Variations (No Duplication. All step variations in one song simfile)
For more details and other graphics variation check this thread:
DDR Graphics Variation & For Non-256x80 conversions
"BU DAM"-NCERVIC banner by "Lord Toon"

Post #19 · Posted at 2017-07-22 01:47:09am 7.3 years ago

Offline pm41224
pm41224 Avatar Member
317 Posts
United States
Reg. 2012-05-19

Nintendo Network ID: pm412243DS Friend Code: 4210-4460-8178
Quote: dancervic


Now that's what I'm talking about. Pure KONMAI quality.

Post #20 · Posted at 2017-07-22 02:38:04am 7.3 years ago

Offline dancervic
dancervic Avatar Member
184 Posts
Reg. 2008-05-29

Last updated: 2019-05-19 02:09pm
Quote: pm41224
Quote: dancervic


Now that's what I'm talking about. Pure KONMAI quality.
**Laughs** "JANGLE" and "BOON BOON". There are also comments to my "DDR 2ndMIX CLUB VERSiON2" Music list video from my YOUTUBE channel regarding this misspelled version :D

"Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX"
Variations from the System
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX LINK VERSION"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX CLUB VERSiON2"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMIX CLUB VERSiON2" (System)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 4thMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Solo BASS MIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Solo BASS MIX" (System)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 5thMIX"
Variations from "DDRMAX2 (Dance Dance Revolution 7thMIX)"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME"
Variations from "Dancing Stage Fusion"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA2"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X2"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (System)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2013"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution A"

Home Versions
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN) RECORDS Section
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 2ndReMIX" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution GB" (GB JAPAN)
Variations from "OHA-STA Dance Dance Revolution" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution EXTRA MIX" (PS JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution USA" (PS USA) System
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution KONAMIX" (PS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution" (PC USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Party Collection" (PS2 JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X" (PS2 JAPAN)
Variations from "DDRMAX" (PS2 USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Disney CHANNEL EDITION" (PS2 USA)
Variations from "Dancing Stage Fever" (PS2 EUROPE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX3" (XB USA) DLC
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX4" (XB USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX4" (XB USA) System
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX4" (XB USA) DLC
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution UNIVERSE" (XB360 USA) DLC
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution UNIVERSE3" (XB360 USA) DLC
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution HOTTEST PARTY3" (Wii JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution FULL-FULL PARTY" (Wii JAPAN)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution S" (iOS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution S+" (iOS USA)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution DANCE WARS" (iOS USA)

Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Solo BASS MIX"
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (2ndMIX MODE)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution X3" (System)
Variations from "Dance Dance Revolution Party Collection" (PS2 JAPAN)

From "DDR Party Collection" (PS2 JAPAN) (256x80 Principle#2 using "DDR 2ndMIX" in new font design):

As for the upcoming/relation to "DUB-I-DUB [2008 X-edit]" from "DDR X", combining banners from "DDR X" and "DDR S+" (iOS USA):
DDR THE ULTIMATE VERSION (System Only Songs & official with some modification/variation)
DDR Missing Arcade/Home Version Songs & Official Steps
DDR Official Step Variations (No Duplication. All step variations in one song simfile)
For more details and other graphics variation check this thread:
DDR Graphics Variation & For Non-256x80 conversions
"BU DAM"-NCERVIC banner by "Lord Toon"
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