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Post #41 · Posted at 2017-05-07 07:43:51pm 7.2 years ago

Offline midone
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http://puu.sh/vILuC/ca0b664292.mp3 just a wip starmine remix that i'll probably submit to Z4U if there's ever another entry.

Post #42 · Posted at 2017-05-08 01:42:43pm 7.2 years ago

Offline Quickman
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"five minute white boy challenge"
I know that Sig dabbles in it, but if there's anyone else on this website who makes music that isn't just electronic, let me know. I feel like I'm drifting away from the style of something like Apollo lately.
Quote: Quick Man
Approximately nobody asked for this song to be included. Least popular decision by the Japanese since Nintendo released the Wii U.

Post #43 · Posted at 2017-05-08 05:58:51pm 7.2 years ago

Offline Sigrev2
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"suffering from success"
There are genres other than electronica???

Post #44 · Posted at 2017-05-08 09:39:28pm 7.2 years ago

Offline midone
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Post #45 · Posted at 2017-11-15 06:03:24am 6.7 years ago

Offline Nezemarth
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"Two milkmen go comedy"
I hope nobody minds me bumping this thread too much., since I recently started creating music compositions for an after-school class of mine. I was hoping on getting some feedback for this song in particular- it was originally intended to be a gentle stress ripoff, but even though it deviated a little from my vision, I still feel like it's a few fixes away from being a decent song... (Especially the chord progression- I'm not too sure how to make that sound pleasant...)
Quote: xXMokou98Xx
If I spend an hour or so to make a [..] beautiful standard chart and a fun light chart and it's required for the comp, play it, or at least look it over other wise I don't see the point anymore[.]
~DDR Supernova 3 Stepper~
~Profile Picture from MeriNY~

Post #46 · Posted at 2017-11-17 05:19:48am 6.6 years ago

Offline midone
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Last updated: 2017-11-17 05:19am
So far so good! Yeah, some chord progression tweaks would be good, and maybe increase the bass volume just a little bit, but it's coming along really well!

I've been working on a healing vision remix, here's what i've got so far: http://puu.sh/ynJYB/6ed3523faf.mp3

Post #47 · Posted at 2017-12-09 05:49:27pm 6.6 years ago

Offline Nezemarth
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"Two milkmen go comedy"
^The link you've posted is now offline, so there's no way to see what you have.

I hope I don't bother too many people by bumping this thread again, but I've got yet another song that I'd like to hear feedback on, since there are a few areas that I think could use some improvements (Chord progressions, though they aren't as jarring as my last work, some sound effects, pacing, drum patterns, etc.).
Quote: xXMokou98Xx
If I spend an hour or so to make a [..] beautiful standard chart and a fun light chart and it's required for the comp, play it, or at least look it over other wise I don't see the point anymore[.]
~DDR Supernova 3 Stepper~
~Profile Picture from MeriNY~

Post #48 · Posted at 2018-02-12 03:45:46am 6.4 years ago

Offline TonyAkita
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Here is something I did as an homage to Naoki Maeda and his earlier style in DDR.

Post #49 · Posted at 2018-02-15 03:04:23am 6.4 years ago

Offline Damox
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"a.k.a. iNFECTiON"
I just made quite possibly the most brutalist Speedcore track I ever made.
PENTA-KOCiUS, which is a concept DDR Boss Song.

DDR concept charts for this song coming later.
Retired since 2022.

Post #50 · Posted at 2018-02-15 11:57:13pm 6.4 years ago

Offline TonyAkita
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I made a drum'n bass song; an expy of G2 by Aya from DDR STRIKE/ULTRAMIX 2. I am still working on it, but let me know how it sounds. I think it's one of my better works.

Post #51 · Posted at 2018-02-16 09:57:13am 6.4 years ago

Offline paperpeach
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"weenie hut general"
Made this song for my music composition class. We have to make a 3-minute+ piece using only recorded/found sounds, so I took samples from various objects such as a plastic bag, a glass bottle, and a fire alarm. As it's the first time I've ever composed an entire song, there's plenty of things I'm not satisfied with, but I don't know how much I'll be able to fix before the deadline.

Post #52 · Posted at 2018-02-17 09:44:18pm 6.4 years ago

Offline Nezemarth
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"Two milkmen go comedy"

Last updated: 2018-02-18 01:46am
Hmm... did I cause more people to open up? Well, I'm glad for that, at least.

I wanted to create a cover of this song, so if there's any helpful advice you could give me (please excuse the vocals, I know they're not that good) in the future, or for this song, please feel free to do so.
Quote: xXMokou98Xx
If I spend an hour or so to make a [..] beautiful standard chart and a fun light chart and it's required for the comp, play it, or at least look it over other wise I don't see the point anymore[.]
~DDR Supernova 3 Stepper~
~Profile Picture from MeriNY~

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