
Download/View Counts for Simfile Category Page

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Post #1 · Posted at 2012-08-10 04:51:12am 11.9 years ago

Offline NXCProduction
NXCProduction Avatar Member
1,770 Posts
Reg. 2011-03-01


Last updated: 2012-08-10 04:52am
will be nice if we can see the counts for downloads and views without opening the respective simfile, we only need to look at the category page and see the counts.

dunno if it's even possible, but if it's possible, it would be nice Big Grin
thanks before. Very Happy
Simfile on progress! 2nd Generation: beat#0 | beat#1 | beat#2 | beat#3 |
thanks a lot Lord Toon! Very Happy

Post #2 · Posted at 2022-02-19 03:42:19pm 2.4 years ago

Offline meb_mmm
meb_mmm Avatar Member
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United States
Reg. 2006-11-27

Last updated: 2022-02-19 03:44pm
I am in the middle of uploading a bunch of new simfiles and I too am curious to see how many views/downloads each one has. I think it will help guide me on which types of songs/genres are more popular and I can pick new songs to do accordingly.

At the risk of oversimplifying, can this be put on the category page since the data is already being collected anyway?

It looks like this post is 9.5 years old, so... *bump*?
Check out my simfile categories here:
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