
Z-I-v Summer Contest 2022

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Post #1 · Posted at 2022-05-29 06:09:38pm 2.1 years ago

Offline KexMiX
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"I do DDR things sometimes"

Last updated: 2022-05-29 06:09pm

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It’s that time of year once again….

Time for Z-I-v Summer Contest 2022, hosted by forcednature and yours truly! Summer Contest is an annual contest where participants are given a week to create each simfile in accordance to a given theme. Each week, the theme is revealed, and it’s up to the participants to create a file that meets the requirements. Then, following that week, while submissions open for next week’s theme, participants rate each file by quality, on a scale of 1-10! The results for that week follow its voting period.

As per the usual, the main contest will run for 10 weeks, meaning 10 different themes. At the end of these 10 weeks, the top 15 participants will go toe-to-toe in the VIP Room, where they battle it out in 3 VIP weeks to determine the winner of Summer Contest 2022!

Just to let new and returning participants know right away, this is the first time the contest itself will be run on the Z-I-v Contest Discord! The category in Z-I-v will still be used for file submissions, but the themes and rating submissions will all be handled in the Discord.

To enter into the contest, join the Discord by clicking the icon below and send a message in the #contest-general channel under the Z-I-v Summer Contest 2022 category letting us know you intend to join!


So, what are the contest rules?

1. Only ONE simfile per author can be uploaded a week.
2. The simfile must meet that week’s theme requirements.
3. The name of that week’s theme must be entered in the Section field when submitting a simfile for that week.
4. All simfiles must be uploaded to the Z-I-v Summer Contest 2022 simfile category, which is linked above.
5. Entries MUST be uploaded by the submission deadline (Sundays at 6PM UTC / 2PM EST). If there were difficulties with this, contact either me or forcednature.
6. If a duplicate song upload occurs, please put your Z-I-v username in parentheses next to the song title, like so:

TAMAM TAMAM (tsugaru7reveng)

7. If you've been banned from a contest in the past, we reserve the right to reject your entry into the current contest.

How about simfile rules?

1. Steps must not be auto-generated in your file.
2. All submissions must have charts rated on the DDR X scale (1-20).
3. Each file must have at least 1 single (SP) chart. Double charts can be included. However, if your hardest chart is a lv. 16 or higher, a lower chart rated lv. 15 or lower must also be included.
4. Songs must be shorter than 2:30 and longer than 1:00 unless the theme states otherwise.
5. All charts must be pad charts, no keyboard charts.
6. Only simfiles not previously released may be entered in this contest. Your file cannot have been previously critiqued. If you are unsure about your file, contact me or forcednature about it.

What is the VIP Room?

The VIP Room consists of the final 3 weeks and final 3 themes of the contest. Only the top 15 participants once the main 10 weeks have ended participate in this final battle. In the VIP Room, everyone starts back at 0 points, so if you make it in, give it your all to get the highest point total in these 3 weeks and claim victory!

How do I rate files and submit my file ratings?

Once a voting period starts for a week (which starts immediately following the submission deadline for that week), participants then start playing/looking through the files and rating them based on personal judgment of quality. Participants go through each file (that isn’t their own) and rate each file on a scale of 1-10. These ratings then will be sent to either me or forcednature through Discord DM.

DO NOT PUBLICLY RELEASE YOUR FILE RATINGS PRIOR TO THE VOTING DEADLINE. This could lead to the disqualification of your file.

Prior to the voting deadline, you may adjust ratings by contacting either me and forcednature and letting us know what you intend to change.

If you submit a file for a week, you must submit ratings for the files for that week. Otherwise, your file will be disqualified for that week. If you don’t submit a file for a week, you may still submit file ratings. This applies in the VIP Room as well.

How is file scoring handled?

When the voting period for a week ends, the average of all ratings for each file will be calculated to 2 decimal places (the average of all ratings you gave to other files will also be factored into your own file score to prevent abuse of the rating system). 1 point will be awarded to you for every 0.01 that your file scores above the overall file median score of that week.

For example, if your file gets an average of 7.72, and the overall median score ends up being 7.42, you will end up with 30 points for that week.

This also means that if your file score falls below the median score for that week, you will not be awarded any points. Put in your best effort!

What’s the schedule look like?

The contest’s first week starts on June 5th! Here’s the schedule:

- Main Contest -
June 5th - June 12th: Week 1 Submissions
June 12th - June 19th: Week 1 Voting, Week 2 Submissions
June 19th - June 26th: Week 2 Voting, Week 3 Submissions
June 26th - July 3rd: Week 3 Voting, Week 4 Submissions
July 3rd - July 10th: Week 4 Voting, Week 5 Submissions
July 10th - July 17th: Week 5 Voting, Week 6 Submissions
July 17th - July 24th: Week 6 Voting, Week 7 Submissions
July 24th - July 31st: Week 7 Voting, Week 8 Submissions
July 31st - August 7th: Week 8 Voting, Week 9 Submissions
August 7th - August 14th: Week 9 Voting, Week 10 Submissions
August 14th - August 21st: Week 10 Voting

- VIP Room -
August 21st - August 28th: VIP Week 1 Submissions
August 28th - September 4th: VIP Week 1 Voting, VIP Week 2 Submissions
September 4th - September 11th: VIP Week 2 Voting, VIP Week 3 Submissions
September 11th - September 18th: VIP Week 3 Voting
September 18th: Final Results

DEADLINE - Sundays at 6PM UTC / 2PM EST

That should be everything! If you have any questions, be sure to DM me on Discord! If you have not entered the Discord yet and have questions involving the Discord, PM me here on Zenius!

Looking forward to this year’s Summer Contest!

SMALL ADDENDUM: When messaging in the Discord that you intend to join, it would help to include your Zenius ID so it's easier to get you in the category. Thanks!

Post #2 · Posted at 2022-05-29 06:11:20pm 2.1 years ago

Offline vonafroa
vonafroa Avatar Member
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Post #3 · Posted at 2022-05-29 06:20:47pm 2.1 years ago

Offline Ben Speirs
Ben Speirs Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2011-03-09

3DS Friend Code: 3368-1299-8020
"era {nostril mix}"
Imagine being a member of this site for about 12 years AND a simfile author AND still never contributing to a Zenius contest, couldn't be me.

I'm IN.

Post #4 · Posted at 2022-05-29 06:22:53pm 2.1 years ago

Offline tsugaru7reveng
tsugaru7reveng Avatar Member+
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Post #5 · Posted at 2022-05-29 07:31:52pm 2.1 years ago

Offline TonyAkita
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You know I am so in. >:3

Post #6 · Posted at 2022-05-29 07:44:10pm 2.1 years ago

Offline Air12567
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Quote: Ben Speirs
Imagine being a member of this site for about 12 years AND a simfile author AND still never contributing to a Zenius contest, couldn't be me.

I'm IN.

Same <3 (but 16 years) tho, I did submit something as anonymous last year to throw people off.

I have a nice summer style song I may contribute Big Grin

Post #7 · Posted at 2022-05-29 07:54:53pm 2.1 years ago

Offline _|/-\43D
_|/-\43D Avatar Member
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Sometimes, you just gotta say "what the hell." I'm in.
deez nuts

Post #8 · Posted at 2022-05-29 07:58:42pm 2.1 years ago

Offline Sigrev2
Sigrev2 Avatar Member+
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Nintendo Network ID: Sigrev2Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2884-7660-37993DS Friend Code: 3883-7652-3160
"suffering from success"
I'm in, with my own jacket art to celebrate. Thanks to Tak for providing the base image and for t7r for the logo.

Post #9 · Posted at 2022-05-29 08:06:57pm 2.1 years ago

Offline eataninja
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Just to let new and returning participants know right away, this is the first time the contest itself will be run on the Z-I-v Contest Discord! The category in Z-I-v will still be used for file submissions, but the themes and rating submissions will all be handled in the Discord.

To enter into the contest, join the Discord by clicking the icon below and send a message in the #contest-general channel under the Z-I-v Summer Contest 2022 category letting us know you intend to join!

This is like a social experiment to see who actually reads OP's post before commenting XD

Post #10 · Posted at 2022-05-29 08:08:03pm 2.1 years ago

Offline Sigrev2
Sigrev2 Avatar Member+
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Nintendo Network ID: Sigrev2Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2884-7660-37993DS Friend Code: 3883-7652-3160
"suffering from success"
Quote: eataninja

Just to let new and returning participants know right away, this is the first time the contest itself will be run on the Z-I-v Contest Discord! The category in Z-I-v will still be used for file submissions, but the themes and rating submissions will all be handled in the Discord.

To enter into the contest, join the Discord by clicking the icon below and send a message in the #contest-general channel under the Z-I-v Summer Contest 2022 category letting us know you intend to join!

This is like a social experiment to see who actually reads OP's post before commenting XD
joke's on you, i already confirmed it in the server. was just making it public here as well. also wanted an excuse to post my jacket.

Post #11 · Posted at 2022-05-29 08:53:26pm 2.1 years ago

Offline KexMiX
KexMiX Avatar Member
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Reg. 2019-01-25

"I do DDR things sometimes"
Quote: Sigrev2
Quote: eataninja

Just to let new and returning participants know right away, this is the first time the contest itself will be run on the Z-I-v Contest Discord! The category in Z-I-v will still be used for file submissions, but the themes and rating submissions will all be handled in the Discord.

To enter into the contest, join the Discord by clicking the icon below and send a message in the #contest-general channel under the Z-I-v Summer Contest 2022 category letting us know you intend to join!

This is like a social experiment to see who actually reads OP's post before commenting XD
joke's on you, i already confirmed it in the server. was just making it public here as well. also wanted an excuse to post my jacket.

Deserved, banger af jacket

Post #12 · Posted at 2022-05-30 01:15:52am 2.1 years ago

Post #13 · Posted at 2022-05-30 04:56:10pm 2.1 years ago

Offline KevinRocker10
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I'm In
ZIv Summer Contest 2022


Post #14 · Posted at 2022-05-30 09:27:53pm 2.1 years ago

Offline TikalFan9000
TikalFan9000 Avatar Member
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3DS Friend Code: 1134-9915-6680
"c r e b"
cannot guarantee i'll contribute to every round but sure

Post #15 · Posted at 2022-06-04 08:52:00pm 2.1 years ago

Offline Peterrw9000
Peterrw9000 Avatar Member
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I'll join in, gotta get back into simfile making anyways

Post #16 · Posted at 2022-06-05 06:09:49pm 2.1 years ago

Offline KexMiX
KexMiX Avatar Member
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"I do DDR things sometimes"

Last updated: 2022-06-05 06:35pm
So, Summer Contest has begun, and it starts with our first theme!

Usually when balancing files (at least in my case, anyway), I tend to make the second half of the charts more dense than the first half. Well, how about we throw a wrench in that?

Week 1 Theme - Watch Your Pace

So, what’s this about? Here’s what you must do.

The requirement is that the second half of your hardest chart must have fewer notes than the first half.

A bit challenging, huh? No worries though. Before I get into the explanation, I do want to mention that:
- Jumps count as 1 note
- Mines do not count as notes.

Let’s move on to the explanation!


So, how do you determine the first half and second half of the chart? Well, let’s first specify how you measure the total time.

The total time is measured from the time of the first note in the chart to the end of the last note in the chart. This means that if the last note happens to be a freeze note, the time ends when the last freeze ends.

Alrighty, so let’s get to an example. Let’s say that my chart begins at 8.21 seconds. Then, the end of the last note falls at 1:59.23. The total recorded chart time would then be 111.02 seconds.

This would mean the first half of the chart would be from 0:08.21 to 1:03.72, and the second half of the chart would be from 1:03.72 to 1:59.23. You then determine how many notes are in those two halves. Reminder, you only have to do this for your hardest chart.

If you need any help determining if this requirement is met, don’t be afraid to message me or forcednature about it. Others can also help provided they give no file feedback.

One Last Thing

One final thing I forgot to mention in my initial post.

If you happen to score a 1st place win on any of the weeks before VIP, you immediately get a spot in the VIP room.

If the 1st place winner of a week has already gotten a first place win before, the participant in 2nd place that week gets the spot in the VIP room.

That’s all for now. Let me or forced know if you have any questions!

Let the contest begin!

Also, make sure you join the Discord! Link in the initial post!


Post #17 · Posted at 2022-06-06 03:27:40am 2.1 years ago

Offline TikalFan9000
TikalFan9000 Avatar Member
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3DS Friend Code: 1134-9915-6680
"c r e b"

Last updated: 2022-06-06 03:47am
let's do this


S-Cha - 358 v 343
S-Edit - 380 v 345

Post #18 · Posted at 2022-06-06 03:29:06pm 2.1 years ago

Offline Ben Speirs
Ben Speirs Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2011-03-09

3DS Friend Code: 3368-1299-8020
"era {nostril mix}"


Post #19 · Posted at 2022-06-07 07:39:31am 2.1 years ago

Offline Lampshade
Lampshade Avatar Member
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-3776-4326-8498
"what do i put here"

Post #20 · Posted at 2022-06-07 10:29:17am 2.1 years ago

Offline tsugaru7reveng
tsugaru7reveng Avatar Member+
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