
Your Status, But Without A Character Limit

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Post #1 · Posted at 2020-03-31 02:37:17am 4.3 years ago

Offline AppleArcade120
AppleArcade120 Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2017-08-02

"Wish I could change my username"
The title explains itself. Here, I'll even go first, if that makes it any easier.

ddr is just osu!mania but with your feet instead of your hands

Post #2 · Posted at 2023-09-14 11:42:26pm 10.5 months ago

Offline 1033Forest
1033Forest Avatar Member
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Reg. 2016-05-08

Game Center Nickname: 1033Forest
"Spot Paints Purple"
"What I'm trying to say, is is it so much to ask for my two favorite people to see what I see? How well you fit together?!"

Post #3 · Posted at 2023-09-15 02:12:45pm 10.5 months ago

Offline Sigrev2
Sigrev2 Avatar Member+
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Nintendo Network ID: Sigrev2Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2884-7660-37993DS Friend Code: 3883-7652-3160
"suffering from success"

Post #4 · Posted at 2023-09-15 02:20:53pm 10.5 months ago

Offline Oni-91
Oni-91 Avatar Moderator+
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"Popular bisexual disaster"

Last updated: 2023-09-15 02:22pm
"Right, OK, that's it, turn the music down. You can stop smoking your drugs, I'm making tea and toast, I'm putting on Radio 4, everything's normal. I'm not really high on drugs so you can stop talking your nonsense on my time. You're not a bad person but I'm afraid to say you are a moron. Now pull your socks up and get your shoes on. Come on, all of you. And listen, while we're at it, there are systems for a reason in this world. Economic stability. Interest rates. Growth. It's not all a conspiracy to keep you in little boxes, all right? It's only the miracle of consumer capitalism that means you're not lying in your own shit, dying at 43 with rotten teeth. And a little pill with a chicken on it is not going to change that. Now come on, fuck off!"

(Turns out I thought my status was in this bit of Peep Show. I've been living a lie the last 17 years.)
ZIv Mod Squad: "I'm a trash panda now, don't worry about it"
Can you make music? ZENIUS -I- MANIA 2023 NEEDS YOU

Post #5 · Posted at 2023-09-15 04:36:52pm 10.5 months ago

Offline RGTM
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"BBCode Not Allowed"
ZIv Mod Squad: "shark jumpscare"

Post #6 · Posted at 2023-09-16 12:22:30pm 10.4 months ago

Offline Quickman
Quickman Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2013-08-17

"five minute white boy challenge"
Mishima was bloody done dirty in Persona 5. Give him all the screen time. Give him main character status. Fuck it, Yuuki Mishima for Tekken, come up with some bullshit reason as to why he's related to Kazuya, I don't bloody care.
Quote: Quick Man
Approximately nobody asked for this song to be included. Least popular decision by the Japanese since Nintendo released the Wii U.

Post #7 · Posted at 2023-09-17 07:35:34pm 10.4 months ago

Post #8 · Posted at 2023-09-18 03:22:45pm 10.4 months ago

Offline Sigrev2
Sigrev2 Avatar Member+
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Nintendo Network ID: Sigrev2Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2884-7660-37993DS Friend Code: 3883-7652-3160
"suffering from success"
you were given no character limit and you still chose to say nothing at all
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