
[SM5] DanceDanceRevolution A20 Minus

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Post #21 · Posted at 2021-05-14 03:19:23am 3.6 years ago

Offline pupsi
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No worries, you're totally right. If I had had more foresight I probably would've used stock DDR A as a base instead of my recent Mini theme which has all those modes already removed. Definitely going to look into restoring those modes in the future as it shouldn't be too hard, probably just tedious to make sure I don't introduce any new bugs while merging new code/assets with old.

Post #22 · Posted at 2021-05-14 05:05:21pm 3.6 years ago

Offline BLueSS
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That smaller "now playing" is much nicer. Smile Looking forward to testing this out, and hopefully you can find a partner with coding skills to enhance this project (and mini) further!

Post #23 · Posted at 2021-05-14 11:31:57pm 3.6 years ago

Offline pupsi
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Last updated: 2021-05-14 11:32pm
Theme is now available! I hope you all get some enjoyment out of it. Smile

Post #24 · Posted at 2021-05-14 11:37:00pm 3.6 years ago

Offline DrLongmont
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Alright! lets get it on!

Post #25 · Posted at 2021-05-15 12:13:19am 3.6 years ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
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Nintendo Network ID: n00bsaib0tNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7875-2425-72033DS Friend Code: 4871-6557-4900
"F***ing exhausted."
I think what you put out is great. This is super crisp and looks a lot nicer than almost every other theme I've used because of it (I think the only other one that has assets of this quality is Starlight). Removing the slant from the jacket scroll looks very nice, and in case anyone here isn't aware if you have any jackets overlapping the folder that is a Stepmania limitation and not pupsi's fault, all themes with this song select layout have that. Everything looks nice in game, and the version released is the small now playing version. Since it's single player only I would like to see a patch for the larger version, I thought that looked quite nice myself but the finished version is very good. The judgements look great, very vibrant but being behind the notes stops them from being jarring, it works out perfect. It should be noted that some of my high AA scores (like 988k) are showing up as AAA, I'm not sure why as the DDRA theme had them as AA. I'm assuming this theme supports AA+ and that's why, but I haven't played a lot of songs so I didn't see one yet. Maybe try implementing a convert scores option like Starlight has to fix this?

Not sure if was done on purpose but the gold noteskins make jumps where only one note is a hold have the non-hold note as it's normal color (so a 1/4 note left right jump where right is a hold would have left as a red arrow and right as a gold hold). I know this isn't the only note skin to do this, ITG does it and it works well, but it looks weird with a DDR style note skin. But the note skin itself is very nice, it just pops. The gold outline on the targets is a nice touch as well. The time put into these shows.

My only real complaint is that it doesn't support course mode, it's easily a 9/10 and course mode would make it 10/10.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #26 · Posted at 2021-05-15 05:34:28am 3.6 years ago

Offline pupsi
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I'm incredibly happy to hear that! Definitely validating after the time I've spent on it to hear it's up to par. And your response is also very thorough which I particularly appreciate. I forgot to share the Larger Now Playing patch at release but it's in the first post now. Also I think I may have changed that grading system by accident ages ago and forgot about it so I'm glad you bring it up; should be an easy fix. I believe I understand what you're saying with jumps- gonna see if I can mess with the metics or lua file to get that going as well. Again, thank you for your in depth reply!

Also an exciting update: I've been in touch with a few members of STARLiGHT team recently and if all goes right, I may be able to implement some of their own code after STARLiGHT TWOpointZERO releases and is open source. This would help with development and compatibility tremendously. All the more reason to look forward to the next release of STARLiGHT. Big Grin

Post #27 · Posted at 2021-05-15 07:23:19am 3.6 years ago

Offline gene2008
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Last updated: 2021-05-15 07:24am
Your BG video looks amazing, maybe you could help me to make the PLUS BG for my A20 PLUS theme.

Post #28 · Posted at 2021-05-15 09:21:59am 3.6 years ago

Offline CN.FAKE
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Last updated: 2021-05-15 10:32am
在SM5.1中使用新的A20 minu theme里面选择专辑的封面是否可以使用BG而非老式的banner? 但奇怪的是在5.3FOXUOT中竟然是BG作为专辑封面


还有一个问题就是排列错误,是否可以修复呢?完美的方式可以是3xN的排列Big Grin




Post #29 · Posted at 2021-05-15 04:11:20pm 3.6 years ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
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Nintendo Network ID: n00bsaib0tNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7875-2425-72033DS Friend Code: 4871-6557-4900
"F***ing exhausted."
Quote: pupsi
Also I think I may have changed that grading system by accident ages ago and forgot about it so I'm glad you bring it up; should be an easy fix.

The larger now playing patch looks great, thanks for uploading that. For the grading system, this is what I'm talking about. 961k should not be a AAA. This happens because the stats.xml files saves what "tier" the grade is, so when you switch to another theme with different grade tiers (or in this case more grade tiers) then you wind up with this happening. But getting a new high score fixes it kind of. In the second screen shot you can see that I got a new high score so now my top score is AA+, but on the right side with the top 10 scores it shows the second score as AAA still. But that's going to happen any time the theme you switch to has a different grading scale, I don't think there is anything you can do to fix that. If I switched to the DDRA theme right now it would show a different grade than AA for that score. About the only way you could fix that would be a theme option for two different grading systems, those being with and without AA+. Then someone coming from a AA+ theme would be able to keep their scores and someone coming from a non-AA+ theme could keep theirs but there is no way I know of the outright convert what is saved in stats.xml. For this same reason, people coming over from an ITG theme will have all kinds of wonky grades.

Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #30 · Posted at 2021-05-15 04:42:21pm 3.6 years ago

Offline razorblade
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Last updated: 2021-05-15 04:46pm
Don't use pss:GetScore() to get the scores. Compute the score based from judgment scores and using DDR A formula. This will prevent displaying scores set via pss:SetScore(). Grades are determined based from these scores using the conditional statements,

Post #31 · Posted at 2021-05-17 12:48:36am 3.6 years ago

Offline AppleArcade120
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"Wish I could change my username"
lol what
Not sure if this is what the bigger now playing text patch did instead of showing the larger now playing text.

Post #32 · Posted at 2021-05-17 01:28:23am 3.6 years ago

Offline _|/-\43D
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Will Edit Mode be added in the future?
deez nuts

Post #33 · Posted at 2021-05-17 06:26:03am 3.6 years ago

Offline elohim
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Quote: CN.FAKE
在SM5.1中使用新的A20 minu theme里面选择专辑的封面是否可以使用BG而非老式的banner? 但奇怪的是在5.3FOXUOT中竟然是BG作为专辑封面


还有一个问题就是排列错误,是否可以修复呢?完美的方式可以是3xN的排列Big Grin



排列的问题基本上所有5.0 模拟街机的皮肤都有那个排列错误问题

Post #34 · Posted at 2021-05-17 06:31:29am 3.6 years ago

Online Curilang
Curilang Avatar Member
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THIS IS PERFECT! Thank you for it! Big Grin Big Grin

Post #35 · Posted at 2021-05-17 07:46:42am 3.6 years ago

Offline pupsi
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Last updated: 2021-05-17 07:57am
Quote: AppleArcade120
lol what
Not sure if this is what the bigger now playing text patch did instead of showing the larger now playing text.


It's not the now playing patch, just an ugly bug regarding machinerecords that I'll fix in the next update. Dead Nice score though. 👀

Quote: Curilang
THIS IS PERFECT! Thank you for it! Big Grin Big Grin

Thank you, I'm glad you like it!

Quote: _|/-\43D
Will Edit Mode be added in the future?

No, imo there are much better ways to make/edit charts available such as arrowvortex. (though if opensource STARLiGHT code is usable in the future, explained in my previous posts, it might be implemented)

Post #36 · Posted at 2021-05-21 05:34:55am 3.6 years ago

Online Curilang
Curilang Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2021-05-21 05:35am
Quote: pupsi
It's not the now playing patch, just an ugly bug regarding machinerecords that I'll fix in the next update. Dead Nice score though. 👀

Just replace the animations of PersonalRecord to MachineRecord in the Metrics.ini file. Very Happy I just did that right now. lol
Quote: pupsi
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!

Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Post #37 · Posted at 2021-06-12 01:35:55pm 3.5 years ago

Offline Sieger
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Thank you for this wonderful theme! This is one of the many i tried that i instantly like.

I noticed the option to sort by different types is not there (pressing left+right at the same time). Is it changed to different key combos or it is completely disabled?

Post #38 · Posted at 2021-06-27 02:01:45pm 3.5 years ago

Offline fayescarlet
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Last updated: 2021-06-27 02:18pm
Stupid question time... But whenever I try to hit "Scroll Lock" to check things, the game gives me these errors before crashing.

The theme element "Fonts/_Service" is missing.

ThemeManager: The redirect '/Themes/DanceDanceRevolution A20 Minus/Fonts/OptionRowService item.redir' points to the file '_service', which does not exist. Verify that this redirect is correct.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, so a bit of help is what I need. I'm sorry for the potentially dumb question. ^^;

Note: I tried installing the theme two different ways.

First, I put it directly into the Themes folder in Games/Stepmania 5/Themes, which crashed.

Currently, I tried installing the Theme into AppData/Roaming/Stepmania 5/Themes, which also crashed.


I tested a song out, but when I finished, these strings of errors showed up! @_@

/Themes/DanceDanceRevolution A20 Minus/BGAnimations/ScreenEvaluation decorations/default.lua:427: references a file "/Themes/DanceDanceRevolution A20 Minus/BGAnimations/ScreenEvaluation decorations/PFC" which has multiple matches
/Themes/DanceDanceRevolution A20 Minus/BGAnimations/ScreenEvaluation decorations/PFC (doubleres).png
/Themes/DanceDanceRevolution A20 Minus/BGAnimations/ScreenEvaluation decorations/PFC.png

If someone can help figure this out, I'd be very happy. Sorry about all this.

Post #39 · Posted at 2021-08-04 03:37:19am 3.3 years ago

Offline pupsi
pupsi Avatar Member
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Just updated with several bugfixes regarding multiple matches and code syntax among other things! Big thank you to Jose_Varela for many of the fixes! Apologies it's been so long for an update, life has been incredibly hectic for me lately and I would assume most the rest of us as well.

Post #40 · Posted at 2021-12-10 05:03:23am 3 years ago

Offline Saotome2U
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"Makin' my rounds. Happy"
Just tried this theme out and it's fantastic! I agree with someone else who said that they like it more than the official DDR A20 theme -- this one feels more organized, if that makes sense. Also love the fix of making the "now playing" section at the bottom smaller.

Too bad it's not equipped for 2 players or course play, but if that's something you're thinking of implementing, then I could see this being a theme I'd also use, along with the current Starlight v1 release. Good stuff!
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