
SM5 crashing help.

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Post #1 · Posted at 2016-11-05 01:55:40am 7.6 years ago

Offline MadkaT
MadkaT Avatar Member
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Reg. 2009-11-24

Hello, I was creating today a select dificulty screen in SM 5.0.9, but when I've enabled the cursor line "ShowCursor=true" Stepmania crashes immediately, If I remove the cursor files (ScreenSelectDifficulty CursorP1 and ScreenSelectDifficulty CursorP2) There is a prompt that says the files are missing, but when I add a file and test the screen it crashes. This is the generated crashlog:

StepMania5.0.9 crash report (build 7, 20150620 @ 02:40:39 FLE Daylight Time)

Crash reason: Access Violation

Thread: Main thread
RageSurface_Load_PNG.cpp:22 Reading the png file.
RageSurface_Load_PNG.cpp:22 Reading the png file.
RageSurface_Load_PNG.cpp:22 Reading the png file.
RageSurface_Load_PNG.cpp:22 Reading the png file.
RageSurface_Load_PNG.cpp:22 Reading the png file.
Thread: Decode thread
RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available.
RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available.
RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available.
RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available.
RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available.
Thread: Mixer thread
Thread: Music thread
RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:227 D:/Bckp-p/SM5/Adicional/Announcers/DDR Extreme/*
RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:227 D:/Bckp-p/SM5/Wide/Announcers/DDR Extreme/title menu game name/*
RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:227 D:/Bckp-p/SM5/Adicional/Announcers/DDR Extreme/title menu game name/*
RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:227 D:/Bckp-p/SM5/Wide/Announcers/DDR Extreme/select style intro/*
RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:227 D:/Bckp-p/SM5/Adicional/Announcers/DDR Extreme/select style intro/*
Thread: Worker thread (MemoryCardWorker)
Thread: Worker thread (/@mc1int/)
Thread: Worker thread (/@mc2int/)
Thread: DirectInput thread

00520737: bool GetXMLInternal(class XNode const *,class RageFileBasic &,bool,int &) [00400000+1204c1+276]
004be0da: void Profile::GetGrades(class Song const *,enum StepsType,int * const)const [00400000+be080+5a]
001bd1dd: StepMania!000e0000
0051d36c: void ScoreKeeperNormal::Load(class std::vector<class Song *,class std::allocator<class Song *> > const &,class std::vector<class Steps *,class std::allocator<class Steps *> > const &,class std::vector<struct AttackArray,class std::allocator<struct AttackArray> > const &) [00400000+11ce71+4fb]
0022a3dd: StepMania!000e0000
0022c9e4: StepMania!000e0000
0022ce8a: StepMania!000e0000
0022c290: StepMania!000e0000
001dda4a: StepMania!000e0000
001ddb35: StepMania!000e0000
00464fd8: void LuaEditState(struct lua_State *) [00400000+64e60+178]
001bc682: StepMania!000e0000
001bcac5: StepMania!000e0000
001c36f6: StepMania!000e0000
63d0ee0f: MSVCR120!unlock [63d00000+edfc+13]
0054277b: int LunaBanner::LoadFromSortOrder(class Banner *,struct lua_State *) [00400000+142773+8]
00542456: int LunaBanner::GetPercentScrolling(class Banner *,struct lua_State *) [00400000+14244c+a]
005ba739: void Convert8bitToFloat(void *,int) [00400000+1ba722+17]
77b29ea5: ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain [77af0000+39e6f+36]

Static log:
Compiled 20150620 @ 02:40:39 FLE Daylight Time (build 7)
Log starting 2016-11-04 20:44:37
Loading window: win32
Windows 6.1 (Win7) build 7601 [Service Pack 1]
Memory: 4095mb total, 4095mb swap (4095mb swap avail)
Video driver: Intel(R) HD Graphics [Intel Corporation], 1-30-2015 [pci\ven_8086&dev_0102]
WARNING: RegOpenKeyEx(80000002,HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\Scsi) error (El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado.)
Sound device 0: Altavoces (Realtek High Definit, 6.1, MID 1, PID 100
Sound device 1: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek, 6.1, MID 1, PID 100
WaveOut software mixing at 44100 hz
Sound driver: WaveOut
Lights driver: SystemMessage
Lights driver: Export
WARNING: Video renderer list has been changed from 'd3d,opengl' to 'opengl'
Video renderers: 'opengl'
Mode: ICD 32 (888) 8 alpha 16 depth 64 accum
Paletted textures disabled: GL_EXT_paletted_texture missing.
OGL Vendor: Intel
OGL Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 2000
OGL Version: 3.1.0 - Build
OGL Max texture size: 8192
OGL Texture units: 8
GLU Version: Microsoft Corporation
OGL Extensions:
GL_ARB: color_buffer_float, compatibility, copy_buffer, depth_buffer_float, depth_clamp, depth_texture,
draw_buffers, draw_buffers_blend, draw_elements_base_vertex, draw_instanced, explicit_attrib_location,
fragment_coord_conventions, fragment_program, fragment_program_shadow, fragment_shader, framebuffer_object,
framebuffer_sRGB, half_float_pixel, half_float_vertex, instanced_arrays, map_buffer_range, multisample,
multitexture, occlusion_query, occlusion_query2, pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, point_sprite,
provoking_vertex, sampler_objects, seamless_cube_map, shader_bit_encoding, shader_objects,
shading_language_100, shadow, sync, texture_border_clamp, texture_buffer_object_rgb32, texture_compression,
texture_compression_rgtc, texture_cube_map, texture_env_add, texture_env_combine, texture_env_crossbar,
texture_env_dot3, texture_float, texture_non_power_of_two, texture_query_lod, texture_rectangle, texture_rg,
texture_rgb10_a2ui, timer_query, transpose_matrix, uniform_buffer_object, vertex_array_bgra,
vertex_array_object, vertex_buffer_object, vertex_program, vertex_shader, vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev,
GL_EXT: abgr, bgra, blend_color, blend_equation_separate, blend_func_separate, blend_minmax, blend_subtract,
clip_volume_hint, compiled_vertex_array, draw_buffers2, draw_range_elements, fog_coord, framebuffer_blit,
framebuffer_multisample, framebuffer_object, gpu_program_parameters, multi_draw_arrays, packed_depth_stencil,
packed_float, packed_pixels, rescale_normal, secondary_color, separate_specular_color, shadow_funcs,
stencil_two_side, stencil_wrap, texture3D, texture_array, texture_compression_s3tc, texture_edge_clamp,
texture_env_add, texture_env_combine, texture_filter_anisotropic, texture_integer, texture_lod_bias,
texture_rectangle, texture_sRGB, texture_shared_exponent, texture_snorm, texture_swizzle, transform_feedback
GL_INTEL: map_texture, performance_queries
GL_NV: blend_square, conditional_render, primitive_restart, texgen_reflection
GL_SGIS: generate_mipmap, texture_edge_clamp, texture_lod
OpenGL Windowed 854x480 32 color 32 texture 60Hz NoVsync NoSmoothLines
DInput: Enumerating device - Type: 0x00000413 Instance Name: "Teclado" Product Name: "Teclado"
DInput: Enumerating device - Type: 0x00000112 Instance Name: "Mouse" Product Name: "Mouse"
Found 2 DirectInput devices:
0: 'Teclado' axes: 0, hats: 0, buttons: 256 (buffered)
1: 'Mouse' axes: 3, hats: 0, buttons: 5 (buffered)
Players joined: P1
Lost focus to: StepMania.exe
Top Screen: ScreenSelectDifficulty
Language: en
Current renderer: OpenGL
Theme: Aoi

Partial log:
00:07.118: 512x512 ( 1) _open sans semibold 24px [alt-stroke] 10x10.png
00:07.118: 512x512 ( 1) _open sans semibold 24px [alt] 10x10.png
00:07.118: 1024x1024 ( 1) _open sans semibold 24px [main-stroke] 15x15.png
00:07.118: 1024x1024 ( 1) _open sans semibold 24px [main] 15x15.png
00:07.118: 32x 32 ( 2) _ui chars 16px [main-stroke] 1x1.png
00:07.118: 32x 32 ( 2) _ui chars 16px [main] 1x1.png
00:07.118: 8x 8 ( 4) _blank.png
00:07.118: 1x 1 ( 7) __blank__
00:07.118: total 19770497 texels
00:07.118: PushScreen: "ScreenSelectDifficulty"

-- End of report

I've checked everything, also I have replaced, created and using redir files, but I can't get what is the error Sad . I'll be glad if someone could help me Very Happy

Post #2 · Posted at 2016-11-05 12:50:59pm 7.6 years ago

Offline Quickman
Quickman Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2013-08-17

"five minute white boy challenge"
Personally, I can't help you, but expect some snarky comment that tells you to use 5.0.12.
Quote: Quick Man
Approximately nobody asked for this song to be included. Least popular decision by the Japanese since Nintendo released the Wii U.

Post #3 · Posted at 2016-11-05 01:19:26pm 7.6 years ago

Offline leadbman
leadbman Avatar Member
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Reg. 2016-02-01

"Working On: 5thMix BGA bgchanges"
Hmm, I'm not 100% sure what it could be but, have you tried running just that code within a fresh copy of the default theme? Maybe something else in your current theme is causing the error.

I'm curious too, what sort of file are ScreenSelectDifficulty CursorP1/ScreenSelectDifficulty CursorP2? Are they lua files calling image files or are they pure image files. Throughout the themes I've used/delved into, there are many ways to call the ScreenSelectDifficulty CursorP# files so it might be worth trying to access them differently.

Let me know the file types and I'll see if I can find a similar scenario in the themes I have and I'll try to troubleshoot it more.
Really need to add my scores to the tracker soon.
Always learning, always trying to push the boundaries of SM.

Post #4 · Posted at 2016-11-05 10:55:18pm 7.6 years ago

Offline dbk2
dbk2 Avatar Member
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I can attempt to help if you can provide the code in your ScreenSelectDifficulty CursorP1.lua and ScreenSelectDifficulty CursorP2.lua files.

Please use a site like http://pastebin.com/ or http://pastie.org/l/lua

Post #5 · Posted at 2016-11-07 01:37:29pm 7.6 years ago

Offline MadkaT
MadkaT Avatar Member
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Reg. 2009-11-24

Hello, and thanks for your attention Big Grin

Quote: Quickman
Personally, I can't help you, but expect some snarky comment that tells you to use 5.0.12.
At start I was thinking that too, but I know that It will work, is something that I'm missing, I'm sure Tongue

Quote: leadbman
Hmm, I'm not 100% sure what it could be but, have you tried running just that code within a fresh copy of the default theme? Maybe something else in your current theme is causing the error.
I'm 100% sure that is a theme coding error, I don't create over existing themes different from the fallback, there's no "strange" coding that I have not made. Green Grin

Quote: leadbman
I'm curious too, what sort of file are ScreenSelectDifficulty CursorP1/ScreenSelectDifficulty CursorP2? Are they lua files calling image files or are they pure image files. Throughout the themes I've used/delved into, there are many ways to call the ScreenSelectDifficulty CursorP# files so it might be worth trying to access them differently.
I've used Lua files, also png files to avoid some coding error of mine, but whatever I use, is crashing in the same way. I was thinking on a bug or corruption of my PNG files, but I've exported again, and there is not difference Dead

Quote: dbk2
I can attempt to help if you can provide the code in your ScreenSelectDifficulty CursorP1.lua and ScreenSelectDifficulty CursorP2.lua files.
Thanks, I don't think that it would be a code error, but there is the p1 code, the p2 is the same code changing the filenames for the player, but the crash is indiferent from the number of joined players.


Here are my metrics too, maybe I'm missing something, but is not contempled when catching the errors.





Thanks as always for taking the time to help me Green Grin

Post #6 · Posted at 2016-11-08 10:50:13pm 7.6 years ago

Offline dbk2
dbk2 Avatar Member
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Do you have ScreenSelDiff defined in your metrics as a valid screen?

I suspect that what you want may be more like...

LoadActor(THEME:GetPathG("","ScreenSelDiff P1"))..{}

Post #7 · Posted at 2016-11-08 11:41:27pm 7.6 years ago

Offline MadkaT
MadkaT Avatar Member
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Reg. 2009-11-24

Nope, that was a test that I've made with another file and screen name Dead just to discard possible typographic errors from mine Very Happy

Post #8 · Posted at 2016-11-09 03:37:07am 7.6 years ago

Offline dbk2
dbk2 Avatar Member
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Reg. 2012-04-30

Last updated: 2016-11-09 03:40am
ScreenSelDiff doesn't need to be a valid screen defined in your metrics. That was incorrect of me to suggest that.

Looking at your code – do you have two folders in your Graphics directory?





Post #9 · Posted at 2016-11-09 01:17:31pm 7.6 years ago

Offline MadkaT
MadkaT Avatar Member
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Reg. 2009-11-24

Yes, initially that was the prefix of the file, the file with the underscore was the image that appears when you make a choice, later I've divided in folders Roll Eyes one with the normal cursors and the folder with the underscore prefix with the selected cursor, I was testing multiple alternatives to create the screen Laughing Out Loud

Post #10 · Posted at 2016-11-09 08:51:36pm 7.6 years ago

Offline Mad Matt
Mad Matt Avatar Member
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Reg. 2011-10-26

Last updated: 2016-11-09 09:12pm
Try this.

Explanation: The crash you are experiencing is a result of Lua's Tail Call mechanism combined with LoadActor's use of debug info.

Lua scripts/files are read, parsed, and then executed as a single lua function. From the function that your script represents, you are returning Def.ActorFrame{}, which is a function call( that returns a table ). Lua tries to save memory by ending the first function before executing the second function.

LoadActor uses debug info, which is a way of looking at some properties of functions on the lua call stack, such as the file path from which they were executed. In this case, LoadActor is not executed until after the lua file's function has been terminated, so when it access the debug info to get the file path, it does not find what it is looking for.

If you've ever tried a straight "return LoadActor( <path> )" you've noticed that it doesn't work. This is the same thing just hidden inside an Def.ActorFrame call.

Post #11 · Posted at 2016-11-10 03:23:47am 7.6 years ago

Offline MadkaT
MadkaT Avatar Member
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Reg. 2009-11-24

Hi Matt, thanks for your help, but that is not working too Dead to make it easy, I've uploaded my theme, that makes it easy to check it and test what I'm doing wrong Tongue


I think it could be a metric related issue, I've used a cursor from another theme that is working, but in mine it still crash. Thanks for the help. Very Happy
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