
[SM5.0.5+ Theme] Obelisk

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Post #1 · Posted at 2015-01-14 06:24:19am 9.5 years ago

Offline Lirodon
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Reg. 2009-01-14

Nintendo Network ID: liroxiiv3DS Friend Code: 3196-5274-6831
"canadian red-haired ninja"

Last updated: 2015-06-06 05:03am

Download (1.4)

Version 1.4
- Preview videos displayed on music select
- Held counter on evaluation screen fixed

Version 1.3
- Refreshed typography
- Footer colour tweaks
- Difficulty colours now shown under difficulty meter
- Difficulty display on gameplay screen tweaked

Version 1.1
- Bug fixes (such as missing color variables, next song transition on courses)
- Fit and finish on difficulty display
- Song counter and SM version display on main menu screen

Version 1.0
- Course mode is FINALLY here!
- Song/course selector now has a highlight around the active item
- Arrows back to normal vertical position because I was told that breaks certain scripted courses (and I wouldn't want to be breaking courses NOW would I?)
- Difficulty now displayed on gameplay screen (I really didn't want to do this, but I had to fill in the gap formed by the move back down somehow)

Post #2 · Posted at 2015-01-14 03:15:30pm 9.5 years ago

Offline Th3_Ov3rHell_3XoduZ
Th3_Ov3rHell_3XoduZ Avatar Member
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"ITG, The Best Dance Machine!"

Last updated: 2015-01-14 03:16pm
I Like It, you know I always prefer the Simples Styles in Theming and this one looks very nice... But idk it looks like I have seen a similar design, maybe the colors idk...

Anyway, I like it
Quote: Released Themes for SM5 Beta 3
Quote: Released Themes for SM5 Beta 4 & 5.0.7
Quote: Simfles Packs Released

Post #3 · Posted at 2015-01-16 05:20:04am 9.5 years ago

Offline Lirodon
Lirodon Avatar Member
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Nintendo Network ID: liroxiiv3DS Friend Code: 3196-5274-6831
"canadian red-haired ninja"
Made an initial release, download link's in the first post. Basic functionality/stuff is there, but I disabled Course mode until I get that optimized/working right.

Post #4 · Posted at 2015-01-16 06:45:53am 9.5 years ago

Offline SoulEdge5000
SoulEdge5000 Avatar Member
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Would you mind re-uploading it? When I downloaded it, it was missing an extension.

Post #5 · Posted at 2015-01-16 12:00:00pm 9.5 years ago

Offline reiaya
reiaya Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2015-01-16 12:20pm
Quote: SoulEdge5000
Would you mind re-uploading it? When I downloaded it, it was missing an extension.

Re-name de file to obelisk.rar and extract.

edit: Very nice theme good job, only one thing, you can add in option player the arrow size please.

Post #6 · Posted at 2015-01-16 03:04:17pm 9.5 years ago

Offline Lirodon
Lirodon Avatar Member
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Reg. 2009-01-14

Nintendo Network ID: liroxiiv3DS Friend Code: 3196-5274-6831
"canadian red-haired ninja"
It's supposed to be a 7z file, not RAR.

Post #7 · Posted at 2015-01-16 03:11:58pm 9.5 years ago

Offline reiaya
reiaya Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-08-18

^^ jeje im extracted put the RAR extension and don't have any error.

Post #8 · Posted at 2015-01-17 12:43:38am 9.5 years ago

Offline Lirodon
Lirodon Avatar Member
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Nintendo Network ID: liroxiiv3DS Friend Code: 3196-5274-6831
"canadian red-haired ninja"
Download link has been fixed

Post #9 · Posted at 2015-01-17 03:01:21am 9.5 years ago

Online chewi
chewi Avatar Member+
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I'm using a numerical score and it doesn't appear correctly.

Also, there's an error that appears after choosing a song "RunCommands: command is unset or nil".

This theme's design is really simple, I like it. The screenshots don't really do it justice.

Post #10 · Posted at 2015-01-21 05:27:38am 9.5 years ago

Offline Lirodon
Lirodon Avatar Member
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Reg. 2009-01-14

Nintendo Network ID: liroxiiv3DS Friend Code: 3196-5274-6831
"canadian red-haired ninja"

Last updated: 2015-01-21 05:27am
Just posted 0.6; it fixes that and another minor oversight.

I also switched to a ZIP file just because.


Okay, we got a new version, 0.8; the new download link is in the first post.

I did some tweaks here and there, squashed a few more bugs and inconsistencies. Course mode will be officially enabled on a later version, for those who are curious.

Post #11 · Posted at 2015-01-22 12:57:38am 9.5 years ago

Offline ohaiimian
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I finally downloaded the theme and I really like it! I'm excited to see the final release.

There are a few things I'd like to say: when I first got to the music select I got a little confused where the selected song was on the songwheel. I think a highlight of the song that flashes to the BPM would add a nice touch. Another addition would be to add a "current stage" or "event mode" screen after the options screen (the blank screen was a little bland). Lastly, I would change the "PASS" screen to show "CLEARED" instead in green.

That's all for my input. Great work!

Post #12 · Posted at 2015-01-23 06:17:21am 9.5 years ago

Offline Lirodon
Lirodon Avatar Member
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Reg. 2009-01-14

Nintendo Network ID: liroxiiv3DS Friend Code: 3196-5274-6831
"canadian red-haired ninja"

Last updated: 2015-01-23 06:17am
Reiterating from chat, I intentionally subverted typical design conventions in some places. ScreenStage is supposed to be minimalistic, mainly because you're not really supposed to notice it. I also thought the arrow pointing right at the song was clear enough on its own, but I might go back and actually add a bit more of a "frame" around the selected song and maybe an additional little effect on the circle.

Or given that this is supposed to subvert conventions, maybe I'll find an idea for something even cooler.


Oh, and the Big Fat Course Mode Update is here! One, point, Oh.

Post #13 · Posted at 2015-02-28 07:31:40am 9.4 years ago

Offline LargoUsagi
LargoUsagi Avatar Member
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Love the theme, clean and simple, a few things I noticed, editing profiles causes the screen to go blank and SM to become non responsive (5.0.6).

Also the difficulties I think there could be a benefit of adding some color around what difficulty you have selected.

The only thing I feel that is missing is the grade level for a song, kinda hard to tell if you have made your goal.

Post #14 · Posted at 2015-02-28 10:46:33am 9.4 years ago

Offline Kyzentun
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"I'm honestly pissed off."

Last updated: 2015-02-28 10:52am
I woke up in the middle of the night from a dream that someone had found a weird bug when using Obelisk, and found this post. Fortunately, it's not the weird bug from my dream (which was that using the options screen somehow turned any score into AA), and is trivial to fix.

When Lirodon sees this, he can open up Scripts/02 Colors.lua in Obelisk and add this to his GameColor table:

PlayerDarkColors = {
PLAYER_1 = color("#1565C0"),
PLAYER_2 = color("#E64A19"),

If you didn't have errors disabled, you could have posted this:
Lua runtime error: /Themes/_fallback/Scripts/02 Colors.lua:143: attempt to index field 'PlayerDarkColors' (a nil value)
WARNING: /Themes/_fallback/Scripts/02 Colors.lua:143: PlayerDarkColor(pn = PlayerNumber_P1,(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = attempt to index field 'PlayerDarkColors' (a nil value))
WARNING: /Themes/_fallback/BGAnimations/ScreenOptionsCustomizeProfile overlay.lua:29: main(profile = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
It doesn't mean anything to you, but it tells me exactly where the problem occurred, and Lirodon probably understands it too.

A bit more info: Stepmania is running just fine after that error, the problem is that the error caused the screen to come up empty with nothing to interact with. You can still hit the Operator key (Scroll Lock) to get to the service menu to get out of that screen.
silenttype01: Kyzentun is never harsh. He says it how it is.

GENERATION 24: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

Post #15 · Posted at 2015-03-01 06:06:54am 9.4 years ago

Offline Lirodon
Lirodon Avatar Member
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Reg. 2009-01-14

Nintendo Network ID: liroxiiv3DS Friend Code: 3196-5274-6831
"canadian red-haired ninja"

Last updated: 2015-03-01 06:09am
I have just released Version 1.1.

It addresses the above, along with some other fit and finish tweaks.

p.s. I no longer support this theme on versions older than 5.0.5.

Post #16 · Posted at 2015-03-03 02:16:32am 9.4 years ago

Offline LargoUsagi
LargoUsagi Avatar Member
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Downloaded the updated theme. Next time I find a bug I will post the stack trace/debug log; I didn't see the error in the ui so I assumed something ate the exception, or it was unexpected behavior that didn't even produce an error.

Post #17 · Posted at 2015-03-21 05:14:04pm 9.3 years ago

Offline SilverGhost540
SilverGhost540 Avatar Member
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Can you please add a Mirror Download? MEGA is down Sad
Going to get a new PC Puppy Face YAY!

Post #18 · Posted at 2015-03-22 02:58:57am 9.3 years ago

Offline Lirodon
Lirodon Avatar Member
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Reg. 2009-01-14

Nintendo Network ID: liroxiiv3DS Friend Code: 3196-5274-6831
"canadian red-haired ninja"

Last updated: 2015-03-22 02:58am
Mega seems to be up.


Also, we've reached Version 1.3, the "change for the sake of change" and/or "20% cooler" edition!

Post #19 · Posted at 2015-03-22 03:33:34pm 9.3 years ago

Offline SilverGhost540
SilverGhost540 Avatar Member
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Oh, it's up now, Thanks! Puppy Face
Just downloaded it and it's awesome! It's minimal yet beautiful, nice work! ^^
Going to get a new PC Puppy Face YAY!

Post #20 · Posted at 2015-03-22 04:46:46pm 9.3 years ago

Offline Xavious
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Reminds me of PS2 SingStar games for some reason.
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