
49 & Under

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Post #1 · Posted at 2016-07-06 06:11:51am 8 years ago

Offline Aegis
Aegis Avatar Member
9,371 Posts
United States
Reg. 2009-04-16


Last updated: 2016-11-13 06:55pm

"49 & Under" is a category where people who cannot make a category (or rather, ask to make one) can still upload their simfiles because they do not have 50 pts in order to make a category of their own.

TL;DR - PM me to add you as co-owner of the category so you can upload your simfiles to share with people.

Benefits of 49 and under:
You can upload your simfiles and just share a link or whatever to your simfile for anyone.
If you decide to make a thread, you can put up banners and if someone clicks on them, it'll go to the page for that simfile.
Example: http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/viewthread.php?threadid=3294
People will look at the banner and click it to go to the simfile page for that simfile.
You can even make it so that when they click on the banner, it'll have them download your simfile all in one shot. Amazing...

You'll be sharing the category with people.
If you make a thread with your simfiles and someone wants to look at more that you have done...it could be hard to track what you have done if they view the category. At the same time, it can help get your simfile noticed if someone stumbles on it.
I cannot make a category solely for you. ____________________

Q: Why is this here?
I'll elaborate... The purpose for the category is because it is often hard to get 50pts or some people just don't have the patience to get up to that amount of points. I've seen people get 50pts in 2 minutes for stuff, but if you have no intention of doing any of that, then this is the category for you until you hit 50pts for making good posts in the course of some time.

Q: How do I get access to upload my awesome simfiles in 49 & Under?
I can add you to the category because it takes me 1 second to add people, but I am not on 24/7, so do allow me at least 24 hours before adding you in to the category.

PM (private message) me saying you want to be added as co-owner, and I'll get you up and running to do your uploading.
For people who can't find the PM button - http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/pm.php?function=sendpm&username=Aegis

If it's been a week since your pm to me and I haven't added you in or messaged you back, then re-message me. Your pm probably didn't go through.

Q: I have access, but I don't know how to upload my simfiles...

This is the category homepage to 49 and Under:

You hit "Upload simfile" (http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/uploadsimfile.php?categoryid=768) and the page will tell you to put:
-Song Title
-Artist Name
-Difficulty Numbers
-Etc (banners and bg's are optional)
-Browse for sm file.
-Browse for music file.
-Auto Generate Zip

Then hit UPLOAD SIMFILE to submit all that info to be ready to share with people.
It can take a while for it to process, so please be patient. It can be your router, site traffic, anything.

Q: What's the catch?
None. I do this for you. I see people who ask for categories to upload their simfiles and they get turned down because they don't have 50pts. Other times I see people who are starting or people who link to mediafire or 4shared whatever and people aren't going to download your stuff (some might, but it turns a lot of people off). This at least helps you guys upload your stuff on a reliable site that won't possibly have people downloading a trojan.

Q: What are some future ideas?
I think to organize the category so people don't confuse your simfiles for other simfiles...I'll have people submit files in a format similar to the format of Zenius simfile tournaments.

So instead of the simfile name being "New Magical Definition", it would be "[Aegis] New Magical Definition".
I want to know what you guys think though before telling people to have that format.
This could help and possibly eliminate the downside of someone just giving up on searching for your simfiles on the category.

Q: Anything else you want to say?
Do not delete or adjust anyone's simfiles that are already in the category. Leave those alone and no one will harm your stuff.
Have some manners, don't touch other people.

If you guys can give me feedback on what I can expand on or fix, then feel free to post a comment.

Bump Log:
Bump (July 5, 2016): Pack has been generated. 200+ simfiles. Almost 1GB of material.
Bump (September 2, 2016): Pack has been generated. 300+ simfiles. It is 1.1GB.
Bump (November 13, 2016): Pack has been generated. 400+ simfiles. It's over 1 GB of material.

If you want the pack updated (generated), then just PM me. I'll update it if you ask. Doesn't take long.

Thank you.
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