
DDR X2 (AC) (International)

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Post #7021 · Posted at 2011-03-02 03:06:57am 13.4 years ago

Offline zeioIIDX
zeioIIDX Avatar Warned
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Argh, I was supposed to be going on leave this month and coming back home to Chicago Sad That X2 better still be in good condition by the time I get to GameWorks Evil Puppy Last time I was there, ITG pads were horrible, one Extreme had a really bold/dark screen, and the other Extreme was great.
If it ain't no natural law, then you can keep your regulations. 'Cause if I like it, I do it.

Post #7022 · Posted at 2011-03-02 03:37:12am 13.4 years ago

Offline Kon
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Quote: zeioIIDX
Argh, I was supposed to be going on leave this month and coming back home to Chicago Sad That X2 better still be in good condition by the time I get to GameWorks Evil Puppy Last time I was there, ITG pads were horrible, one Extreme had a really bold/dark screen, and the other Extreme was great.

Well in the groove was thrown away like a year ago. DDR EXTREME was thrown out just about a week and a half ago. We were only able to save the header (Marquee, lights, speakers, plexiglass and frame) from being destroyed/thrown away (The marquee and plexiglass is now on my machine since it was destroyed while being moved). So now Gameworks only has a DDR SuperNOVA, DDR X and DDR X2.

Picture from December 26th 2009...

Picture from Friday...
So sad to see the asian DDR machine scrapped Sad

Post #7023 · Posted at 2011-03-02 04:56:49am 13.4 years ago

Offline zeioIIDX
zeioIIDX Avatar Warned
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Oh my Shocked Yeah, I haven't been there since probably...'05 or '06 back when lilq/gabe/windeu were there all the time. Anyway, how is it playing next to other machines like that? Thanks for the pics!
If it ain't no natural law, then you can keep your regulations. 'Cause if I like it, I do it.

Post #7024 · Posted at 2011-03-02 06:17:31am 13.4 years ago

Offline dominatorstrangeman8
dominatorstrangeman8 Avatar Member+
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Back on Valkyrie Dimension lyrics, I believe I've figured out the words.

"Valkyrie Dimension"
"This is a Damned Nation"
"I wasn't sure, but this is going to happen"
"Perhaps, this is Damnation"
"But this is where I am"

Does that sound right to anyone else?

Post #7025 · Posted at 2011-03-02 06:18:49am 13.4 years ago

Offline Aegis
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I'm not sure about the "I wasn't sure, about what is going to happen" part.

Post #7026 · Posted at 2011-03-02 06:21:22am 13.4 years ago

Offline dominatorstrangeman8
dominatorstrangeman8 Avatar Member+
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Quote: Aegis
I'm not sure about the "I wasn't sure, about what is going to happen" part.

I'm thinking either that or "I wasn't sure but this is going to happen".

Either one sounds pretty close to me.Neutral

Post #7027 · Posted at 2011-03-02 10:13:22am 13.4 years ago

Offline Kon
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Quote: zeioIIDX
Oh my Shocked Yeah, I haven't been there since probably...'05 or '06 back when lilq/gabe/windeu were there all the time. Anyway, how is it playing next to other machines like that? Thanks for the pics!
Its not bad, but it obviously gets annoying sometimes. None of those players go to Gamewroks anymore either Tongue

Post #7028 · Posted at 2011-03-02 10:56:54am 13.4 years ago

Offline Dilemmakoi
Dilemmakoi Avatar Member
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What happened to the DDR Extreme machine there?

Post #7029 · Posted at 2011-03-03 05:10:06pm 13.4 years ago

Offline TimeSpaceMage
TimeSpaceMage Avatar Member
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Oh wow, so they're all against the window now. When I visited, the SN1 and Extreme were back-to-back in the middle of the floor.
Play my game Arcana Seal of Rimsala (SNES)!

Post #7030 · Posted at 2011-03-03 11:22:36pm 13.4 years ago

Offline al2k4
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
Do we have anywhere hi-res photos of all the Chinese banners anywhere in one place?

If not, can I ask those that has access to an Asian DDR X2 that's connected to e-AMUSE, to play and take high resolution photos of:


Post #7031 · Posted at 2011-03-04 03:26:39am 13.4 years ago

Offline -Viper-
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3DS Friend Code: 1091-8797-8693
Quote: dominatorstrangeman8
Back on Valkyrie Dimension lyrics, I believe I've figured out the words.

"Valkyrie Dimension"
"This is a Damned Nation"
"I wasn't sure, about what is going to happen"
"Perhaps, this is Damnation"
"But this is where I am"

Does that sound right to anyone else?

Where are there lyrics in Valkyrie?

Post #7032 · Posted at 2011-03-04 03:29:18am 13.4 years ago

Offline dominatorstrangeman8
dominatorstrangeman8 Avatar Member+
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Around the :50 to 1:00 mark. Listen closely and you'll hear the words.

Quote: -Viper-
Quote: dominatorstrangeman8
Back on Valkyrie Dimension lyrics, I believe I've figured out the words.

"Valkyrie Dimension"
"This is a Damned Nation"
"I wasn't sure, but this is going to happen"
"Perhaps, this is Damnation"
"But this is where I am"

Does that sound right to anyone else?

Where are there lyrics in Valkyrie?

Fixed my lyrics post.Smile

Post #7033 · Posted at 2011-03-04 04:10:26am 13.4 years ago

Offline Kon
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Quote: Dilemmakoi
What happened to the DDR Extreme machine there?
As I posted the machine was thrown away... Like you know... Gutted, torn apart, destroyed and thrown into the trash. I know they kept parts from the machine and we were able to save the header as I stated before which we used on my arcade machine.

Quote: TimeSpaceMage
Oh wow, so they're all against the window now. When I visited, the SN1 and Extreme were back-to-back in the middle of the floor.
Oh god you really have not been to Gameworks in forever. For a while they kept getting moved upstairs then back down. I think before they got DDR X all three machines were downstairs by the stairs and then when they got X they were all moved upstairs again. I personally liked it better more downstairs because it was fun always getting a crowd and the house music wasn't so obnoxious as it is upstairs. Ah... so many memories Smile

Post #7034 · Posted at 2011-03-04 09:10:00am 13.4 years ago

Offline TimeSpaceMage
TimeSpaceMage Avatar Member
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Yeah, they were upstairs when I was there. (Hey, I did say 2006).
Play my game Arcana Seal of Rimsala (SNES)!

Post #7035 · Posted at 2011-03-04 10:14:27am 13.4 years ago

Offline chewi
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Quote: Valkyrie dimension "lyrics"
This is a forbidden place
Pieces of shit like you should die
Perhaps this is damnation
This is where we are
This is what I hear,lol Roll Eyes

Post #7036 · Posted at 2011-03-04 11:29:14am 13.4 years ago

Offline Pandemonium X
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Nintendo Network ID: PandemoniumEJPNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2916-7192-8116
I hear...

Valkyrie dimension. you are worthless.
A dimension where this is goodbye.
Watch and come at this.
Valkyrie dimension now this is your end.

Post #7037 · Posted at 2011-03-04 12:08:55pm 13.4 years ago

Offline Telperion
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3DS Friend Code: 2019-9683-3181
My guess:

I am Valkyrie, I will show you what is damnation
Sure of my destiny, but unsure I recollect this
Damnation, this I am
+9ms or Null? a simfile unbiasing utilitySimfile Creation Resources
20:20:51 · Blinded_No_More: LOL, I can sum it up like this:     20:20:55 · Blinded_No_More: Eurobeat = Steppable power metal

Post #7038 · Posted at 2011-03-05 04:55:26am 13.4 years ago

Offline yindesu
yindesu Avatar Member
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Seattle Gameworks has 6 DDR machines now?

Post #7039 · Posted at 2011-03-05 05:43:40am 13.4 years ago

Offline s3phy
s3phy Avatar Member
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As I was on holiday this last week, I went on a "little" road trip and stopped by the multiple arcades in the south of France, an anime con, a games festival and... the DDR X2 machine of Chambéry. The only known X2 in France at the moment afaik, the one Greaf was talking about here.


Annnnd... it sucks. The software version is JDX:E:A:A:2010120700, but I found the machine definitely offsync (I know I'm out of shape, but less than 2 hours later I was passing songs at 90%+ on an ITG2 so...)

It seems to be a DDR X upgrade: The e-Amusement readers are still present, as well as DDR X stickers... Plus the owners of the arcade told me themselves the machine was upgraded.

(Almost) Everything is indeed translated in french... even Shock Arrows Laughing Hard

Now I'm wondering... americans/europeans X2 can't be this bad, I've seen AA or even AAA scores on this thread... What's going on? Is it because this machine is an upgrade? The local arcade here in Bordeaux has a japanese SuperNova 2, I (and other players) have been asking the owner (a friend) to replace it by an X2, but now that I tried it I'm not so sure anymore...

Post #7040 · Posted at 2011-03-05 05:53:10am 13.4 years ago

Offline Greaf
Greaf Avatar Member
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Thanks for the information.... This looks very bad... I think the english language "talks" more than French for game xD
Thanks to Lord Toon !
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