
TAG and SUPER STAR 満-MITSURU- Backstory?

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Post #21 · Posted at 2018-07-28 03:47:14am 6.2 years ago

Offline Morning Blue
Morning Blue Avatar Member
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What great taste in songs you have.

Post #22 · Posted at 2018-07-28 03:48:58am 6.2 years ago

Offline PureBlue
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Post #23 · Posted at 2018-07-28 04:00:17pm 6.2 years ago

Offline vistastructions
vistastructions Avatar Member
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Quote: Morning Blue



One irritating thing about TAG was that when he creates a popular song, he ends up rehashing it like five times more (Yes Alstroemeria is a good song, but when you do like three sequels to it it loses its edge). He used to be a little more creative when he had regularly had vocalists or worked with 96 in GITADORA...
I find NEW GENERATION to be a result of a phase when TAG was still trying to carve his style. The synths aren't really indicative of his later works. roppongi EVOLVED sounds very much like ALL MY TURN and THANK YOU FOR PLAYING.

Honestly, all I want is for TAG to reveal himself as the SUPER STAR and make more of such songs. He hasn't made a song under SUPER STAR MITSURU since NO LIMIT in IIDX Copula. Maybe I'm just obsessed with his type of sound at this moment...

Post #24 · Posted at 2018-07-28 08:12:48pm 6.2 years ago

Offline mageman17
mageman17 Avatar Member
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Uhh, who exactly was the other guy at the end of SAYONARA Superstar again?

Thank you so much, Lord Toon!

Post #25 · Posted at 2018-07-31 04:14:26pm 6.1 years ago

Offline vistastructions
vistastructions Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2018-07-31 04:14pm
Quote: mageman17
Uhh, who exactly was the other guy at the end of SAYONARA Superstar again?
I think the guy that appears after which everyone's shocked (including the famous TAKA face) is SUPER STAR or TAG himself. Why would everyone be shocked if otherwise?

What do you guys think about TAG being really secretive about SUPER STAR MITSURU? I find that annoying since it's kinda obvious that it's alter ego and he comes across badly for trying to hide it at this point. Or maybe he hasn't given in yet as he plans to release future stars under that alias...
I've found a piece of circumstantial evidence that TAG is SUPER STAR MITSURU. If you compare She is my wife and this song, the voices are basically the same.

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