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Post #1 · Posted at 2018-02-04 02:45:48am 6.6 years ago

Offline playe
playe Avatar Member
89 Posts
United States
Reg. 2014-04-23

Nintendo Network ID: ReimuHakureiTV

Last updated: 2018-02-23 06:27pm
Bought this when I was first getting into IIDX and have since then upgraded to an FP7, and I'm just now getting ready to let this go to someone who'll use it instead of just continuing to collect dust on my shelf.

The controller is both cardboard modded under the keys and wax-paper turntable modded. If you want to play something like LR2 or similar with this, then it'll work perfectly fine with those. Just need the right adapter. And of course, it works perfectly with the CS IIDX games for PS2.



Please excuse the shitty quality. My phone's like 10+ years old so camera on it is ancient.

I'm asking for $75 shipped OBO. I'm based in VA and am only selling within the country. Controller will be shipped in a USPS Priority mail flat-rate board game box. (Because the post office doesn't have anything smaller that'll fit this thing)

Also let me know if you'd rather the controller be set-up for the 2P side. It's easy to switch, but for your convenience I'll flip the keys around before I send it out. Otherwise it'll come as a 1P controller.

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