
FS: SINOBUZ AC size Poster

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Post #1 · Posted at 2017-11-16 05:55:02am 6.6 years ago

Offline inveken
inveken Avatar Member
9 Posts
South Korea
Reg. 2015-09-26

Ship from South Korea.
Via DHL or EMS. (Approximately 50USD)

Post #2 · Posted at 2017-11-16 06:47:34am 6.6 years ago

Offline omglonghair
omglonghair Avatar Member
516 Posts
United States
Reg. 2012-07-22

3DS Friend Code: 3239-4491-9632
you want $200 for a poster?
What the hell does U1 smoke to come up with EGOISM 440?

Post #3 · Posted at 2017-11-16 07:31:11am 6.6 years ago

Offline DJjeff2010
DJjeff2010 Avatar Member
607 Posts
United States
Reg. 2010-06-09


Last updated: 2017-11-16 07:33am
Quote: omglonghair
you want $200 for a poster?

You have no idea about bemani poster values do you? It depends on the popularity and what it's going for on Yahoo Auctions Japan. $200 is a fair price for this poster. And considering how rare they are because Konami only gives them to arcade operators, they don't sell them on Konamistyle or any other place and they are very limited time print. So yes $200 for this poster is a fair price for it.
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