
WTB: IIDX games

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Post #1 · Posted at 2017-09-25 06:24:20am 7.2 years ago

Offline monocleswong
monocleswong Avatar Member
14 Posts
United States
Reg. 2013-09-22

I got a controller awhile back and haven't really played with it. Just wanted to buy some games so I can try and see if I like the game. I am definitely not interested in Empress or any of the other higher priced games as of yet.

Post #2 · Posted at 2017-09-25 08:00:23am 7.2 years ago

Offline Aegis
Aegis Avatar Member
9,371 Posts
United States
Reg. 2009-04-16

Hey there.
I know you want to buy games. They are fantastic and solid purchases and I won't stop you from doing that.

This will sound a tad off topic, but maybe try bemuse.ninja in the mean time if you wanted to try out the game?
Works with a dao just fine.

It's not as fancy as the iidx cs games (part of the reason why they are good is because of the themes and the other half being the iconic song lists), but it helps the pain in between waiting for someone to sell the game/ship it/etc.
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