
WTS: DDR Supernova Cabinet Parts

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Post #1 · Posted at 2017-08-11 04:30:25am 7.1 years ago

Offline altierelite
altierelite Avatar Member
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Reg. 2011-08-19

I decided to rebuild/replace most of the stuff in my cabinet, so there are a ton of parts I don't need any more! I'll be throwing these up on Ebay soon, but wanted to see if anyone here needed anything first.

Here's what's available:

- Python 2 (Running Supernova)
- 2x Pad IOs
- 8x Pad neon + inverter + mounting boards
- Service Panel
- Coin Mechanism
- Coin Door
- Transformer
- Inverter
- Power Supply
- Amp
- Back panel security mechanism
- Wiring (for everything)

(It's possible there are things I'm forgetting, so if you need a piece that isn't listed, let me know and I can check to see if I have it.)


Post #2 · Posted at 2017-08-11 11:06:03am 7.1 years ago

Offline bmhedgehog
bmhedgehog Avatar Banned+
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Just curious how much for the python 2?

Post #3 · Posted at 2017-08-14 09:47:37pm 7.1 years ago

Offline Blizzrdball
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It's not listed, but I'm curious to know if all of the internal screws from the pads are available/usable. I've picked up a machine in this past year but nearly every single screw had to be drilled out due to rust and damage.

Additionally I am curious about price on the Python 2 as well.

Post #4 · Posted at 2017-08-18 08:08:15am 7.1 years ago

Offline altierelite
altierelite Avatar Member
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Reg. 2011-08-19

The Python is $500 or best offer right now, and still available.

As for the screws, there are really only a few different types to worry about - M6 and I think M4 were the major ones. I ended up just purchasing a ton of replacements, plus a few mixed kits that contained M1 through M6 of various sizes and lengths. (For 90% of them, length didn't matter at all though. Plenty of clearance most of the time)

Post #5 · Posted at 2017-08-23 12:43:28pm 7.1 years ago

Offline quadkiller
quadkiller Avatar Member
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How much are you asking for the Pad I/O's and the amp?

Post #6 · Posted at 2018-07-08 04:49:43am 6.2 years ago

Offline LABcrab
LABcrab Avatar Member
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I know this post is nearly a year old, but I ordered from altierelite on December 15, 2017. I am completely satisfied with the Python 2 (DDR SuperNOVA, but I did not order the EXTIO) and parts included. I recommend this seller for future purchases.

Here is a video of the Python 2 in action. It works very well, and I use it almost every day!

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