
Swiss thread

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Post #1 · Posted at 2017-06-23 08:30:42am 7 years ago

Offline Beta
Beta Avatar Member
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United Kingdom
Reg. 2017-06-22

Grüezi! Bonjour! Bon giorno!

So, is anyone from Switzerland here?

Apropos DDR, it seems like there are two working cabs in the country - one of them being the Dancing Stage with openITG in Lausanne (Packs ITG, ITG2, most of EX Pack and some pop songs). The cab is playable but you have to stomp pretty hard if you don't want to get pad misses. In addition, I wouldn't recommend playing there in the early afternoon as there use to be kids around who contribute to the state the cab is in and keep going on the pads while someone else is playing.
I've not yet been to the other cab in Rennaz, but planning to visit it soon as well!

As for the German-speaking part of the country, well... the most recent DDR activity in Zurich at least was related to geriatric research... https://www.deepdyve.com/lp/elsevier/204-the-effect-of-dance-dance-revolution-gaming-compared-to-LNoYzN7kVs

Post #2 · Posted at 2017-06-28 08:19:19pm 7 years ago

Offline Lucianavee
Lucianavee Avatar Member
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Reg. 2015-04-25

I used to live in Switzerland and I visit a couple of times a year to Zurich and Davos! Unfortunately there isn't much going on from what I've seen with music games but it's nice to see that there are a few DDR fans in Zurich Tongue

Post #3 · Posted at 2018-07-03 01:42:44pm 6 years ago

Offline T Master
T Master Avatar Member
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Reg. 2008-05-29


I'm from Switzerland (Bienne) Smile

For arcades locations, you can check my website : http://www.initial-team.com/initmaster/post/les-bornes-ddr-en-suisse/ (last update 1 year ago)
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