
FS: All PS2 IIDX Styles + Konami ASC

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Post #1 · Posted at 2016-03-11 04:14:19am 8.6 years ago

Offline zackmoney
zackmoney Avatar Member
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Reg. 2016-02-10

Nintendo Network ID: zmoneyGame Center Nickname: trillzackmoney

Last updated: 2016-03-11 04:14am
As I'm gaining new, expensive hobbies, and planning on moving at some point in the near future, I figure it might be time to downsize some of my collection. And so I guess where I'll start is my PS2 IIDX collection. I have every style, 3rd through Empress, with box and instructions and all in good condition, a sealed copy of beatmania: Sound of Tokyo for PSOne, and a Konami ASC with the (somewhat beat up) box, and I think I still have the manual and bags inside. If you need/want one, I'd also be willing to sell you my trusty white slim Japanese PS2 with a set of component cables and the AC adapter for an additional charge.

To be honest, I'm not in a huge hurry to sell this, and I'm not sure what it's all worth, but I do know I'm not interested in breaking up the lot at this time. I'd prefer someone buy it all at once. I can try to get some pictures up tonight, and I know that I'm new around here, but I've done hundreds of trades on NeoGAF (my username there is Lambtron) and I did quite a few on Bemanistyle many moons ago, and I'm willing to send along that feedback.

If you're interested, send me an offer for the lot before shipping. And I guess note if you want the PS2 or not. Smile Since this will be incredibly cumbersome to ship, I'll get you a quote and charge you actual shipping on your shipping method of choice.

Any questions or whatever, I can answer, too. Just let me know. Thanks for taking a look!

Uh, this took me forever but hey! Here are some pictures. More are available in this album: http://imgur.com/a/MGyju



And a price to work from: I'd be willing to sell just the games for $450 + shipping, or the KASC for $250 + shipping. $600 + shipping if you want both.

Post #2 · Posted at 2016-09-16 03:03:06am 8.1 years ago

Offline Baud Modem
Baud Modem Avatar Member
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Reg. 2015-09-23

Last updated: 2016-09-16 03:03am
Is this all still available?

Very interested in the ASC and potentially a few of the IIDX titles provided you'd be willing to sell them individually - if not, then I'm very, very interested in the ASC.

Trying to send you a PM, it's being a little finicky.
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