
[AC] StepManiaX produced by Kyle Ward

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Post #761 · Posted at 2024-04-03 03:39:22pm 3.8 months ago

Offline SomethingRandom
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Game Center Nickname: blearymoos
"bootylicious "
Quote: Sigrev2
absolutely unsurprising that forced and random are saying wack shit

never said the song was trash but it is sus

Post #762 · Posted at 2024-04-03 07:25:47pm 3.8 months ago

Offline eataninja
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Last updated: 2024-04-03 07:26pm
Quote: MissingUTAH
i don't know a HUGE amount about dr. bombay but he kinda gives me minstrel vibes, but i haven't heard backlash over it so maybe i'm wrong

the iidx version of sos is a guilty pleasure but still

It's very minstrel, he's literally in brownface for the Dr. Bombay videos. I'm assuming this is why SMX added the newer Dr. Bombay song and not Rice and Curry.

Carlito is more racist in a stupid way than "holy fuck how did this get greenlit" racist, but surely there are better Indie Latin songs to license? Does there need to be 3 songs by a Swedish man cosplaying as a Mexican?

Post #763 · Posted at 2024-04-03 07:37:12pm 3.8 months ago

Offline forcednature
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""Captain uwu""
cut them some slack, that's all they can get & boomers like that stuff apparently

Post #764 · Posted at 2024-04-04 02:59:18am 3.8 months ago

Offline Quickman
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"five minute white boy challenge"
It's really just a bit of 2000s nostalgia, I dunno what to tell people
Quote: Quick Man
Approximately nobody asked for this song to be included. Least popular decision by the Japanese since Nintendo released the Wii U.

Post #765 · Posted at 2024-04-04 04:53:21am 3.8 months ago

Offline Sigrev2
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"suffering from success"
BoOmErS lIkE tHaT sTuFf ApPaReNtLy

Post #766 · Posted at 2024-04-04 10:29:43am 3.7 months ago

Offline OliverExists
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Quote: Smugbob
Quote: LightningXCE

March's Update

Beat It / from20
Electronic City Pops / TOKYO twilight scene
Heaven On Earth / HELLO GLOOM
Music Is Moving / Tatsunoshin
My Salsa / Carlito

Alright fess up who keeps asking for these Carlito/Dr Bombay songs

You guys are saying this as if we haven’t had Naoki over the past 3 updates

Post #767 · Posted at 2024-04-04 05:56:18pm 3.7 months ago

Offline Quickman
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"five minute white boy challenge"
Quote: Sigrev2
BoOmErS lIkE tHaT sTuFf ApPaReNtLy

honestly when it comes to Forced's taste the fact that he has to fall on the ol' "only boomers like this" techinque probably means the devs are doing everything right
Quote: Quick Man
Approximately nobody asked for this song to be included. Least popular decision by the Japanese since Nintendo released the Wii U.

Post #768 · Posted at 2024-04-04 06:35:44pm 3.7 months ago

Offline SomethingRandom
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Game Center Nickname: blearymoos
"bootylicious "
> You guys are saying this as if we haven’t had Naoki over the past 3 updates
naoki is not comparable to dr bombay

Post #769 · Posted at 2024-04-04 06:46:12pm 3.7 months ago

Offline Ben Speirs
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"era {nostril mix}"
Wait wait wait, why are we looking past casual racism because it's some "2000s nostalgia".

This guy has made a career out of portraying Indian stereotypes in blackface, when people got bored of that he stuck on a kilt and imitated Scotsmen which is less of a problem but still, c'mon, when that failed he adopted this racist Mexican persona.

As eataninja said, it's more "stupid racist" than "this is utterly offensive" racist, but does it belong in a commercial rhythm game in 2024? If he had just the one song in here you could roll your eyes and be like "fine, it's dumb, whatever", but 3?? Can we just stop giving this guy money LOL use that on getting new artists in the game or something, ANYTHING.

On top of that all his songs are the same one-note garbage anyway.

Post #770 · Posted at 2024-04-04 07:20:59pm 3.7 months ago

Offline forcednature
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""Captain uwu""
Quote: Quickman
Quote: Sigrev2
BoOmErS lIkE tHaT sTuFf ApPaReNtLy

honestly when it comes to Forced's taste the fact that he has to fall on the ol' "only boomers like this" techinque probably means the devs are doing everything right

~excusing racism because it annoys the zoomers~ is not the own that you think it is but given your past that is not surprising ;D

Post #771 · Posted at 2024-04-04 07:35:31pm 3.7 months ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
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"F***ing exhausted."
There are a lot of "that's racist/problematic" issues that get glossed over largely because the people it would be racist against either aren't bothered or love the shout out, so to speak. Like I'm Jewish and if someone tried telling me Weird Al is a problem because of Pretty Fly For A Rabbi I'm telling them they're an idiot, and if you think his Jewish caricature for that isn't the same thing as what Dr. Bombay is doing you're jumping through mental hoops. A bunch of white people got all up in a moral panic over Mario in a poncho and hat in Odyssey, the people they got offended for saw it as the opposite of a problem. The mud mask episode of Golden Girls got taken off of Hulu because of "blackface". Mr. Game & Watch got some animations changed in Smash that had an "offensive" Native American stereotype. None of this was because the people those things are about were bothered.

If people have nostalgia for a bad song just let them.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #772 · Posted at 2024-04-04 07:36:02pm 3.7 months ago

Offline SomethingRandom
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Game Center Nickname: blearymoos
"bootylicious "

Last updated: 2024-04-04 07:36pm
Quote: forcednature
~excusing racism because it annoys the zoomers~ is not the own that you think it is but given your past that is not surprising ;D

Post #773 · Posted at 2024-04-04 07:54:24pm 3.7 months ago

Offline extraordiberry
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The song is very uncomfortable and could set a very bad precedent, especially considering its target audience. Are we really willing to defend something blatantly racist just to epically own forced?

Post #774 · Posted at 2024-04-04 09:04:01pm 3.7 months ago

Offline Lisek
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Quote: extraordiberry
The song is very uncomfortable and could set a very bad precedent, especially considering its target audience. Are we really willing to defend something blatantly racist just to epically own forced?

What? Can you tell me which part of this song is very uncofortable?

Verse 1:
Gather 'round now and listen carefully
And I will tell you the secret recipe
Very old coming from my family
This is what my grandmother told me

Blend a little bit of this
And a little bit of that
Mix it all together in your sombrero hat
Yeah, blend a little bit of this
And a little bit of that

My salsa makes the party going hot, hot, hot
So everybody, give me all you got, whoa
My salsa makes the world so hot, hot, hot
For you and for me, everybody's feeling free
For you and for me, everybody's feeling free

Verse 2:
You feel the fire burning in your eyes
Now it's time for you to be cool as ice
When it's chunky, spicy, and looks nice
Don't relax 'cause you have to taste it twice

Chorus x 2

I honestly think that this song is... fun and uplifting? I have simmed it in past (and other Carlito songs) and I think that some people here are trying to stir drama for the case of stirring drama.

Post #775 · Posted at 2024-04-04 09:31:18pm 3.7 months ago

Offline extraordiberry
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I wish I didn't have to explain this... It is based on a widespread and harmful stereotype that reduces an entire population of individuals to "sombrero hat" and "salsa," made by a person who himself is not affected by the stereotype, and leads to said individuals being treated as less than human by those who believe it. The presence of this song in the game will make those affected by this stereotype uncomfortable and not safe playing it, and a move away from content that functions by putting other people down will make the game better and more popular for everyone. It wasn't any better back when songs like this were widespread; people were just less aware of its harms back then.

It doesn't matter how much you like it if it is hurting other people.

Post #776 · Posted at 2024-04-04 09:38:24pm 3.7 months ago

Offline about:blank
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Quote: Lisek
Quote: extraordiberry
The song is very uncomfortable and could set a very bad precedent, especially considering its target audience. Are we really willing to defend something blatantly racist just to epically own forced?

What? Can you tell me which part of this song is very uncofortable?

i think posts like these intentionally just try not to understand the point because it's also literally just in the thread. i think the pearl clutchers in this conversation should also try to better understand why this is having the reaction it is: because why is literally everyone and their mother trying to die on this hill? it almost reads like ragebait from most of the "hurr this isn't racist" crowd. be so serious
bruh imagine playing arrow game .

Post #777 · Posted at 2024-04-04 09:49:05pm 3.7 months ago

Offline Mrsmash64
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can we not use this argument 🤭 you could literally use this to excuse any behavior from any time period ever. imagine defending blackface because "it's a bit of 1900s nostalgia-" oh wait thats already what youre doing by defending this guy's Dr. Bombay related works.

Quote: Quickman
It's really just a bit of 2000s nostalgia, I dunno what to tell people

Post #778 · Posted at 2024-04-04 09:51:45pm 3.7 months ago

Offline eataninja
eataninja Avatar Member
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Black/brownface has a much worse historical connotation in the US than it does elsewhere, to give context as to why some people think this is questionable.

Post #779 · Posted at 2024-04-04 09:52:40pm 3.7 months ago

Offline Astroman129
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" ♫~~ I'm wired to the world ~~♫"
I think from an American lens (and SMX is an American game), we need to be cautious of how we portray minoritized groups. Have minoritized groups said they aren't offended? If not, don't assume they aren't. Until then, I think it's fair to bring it up as a potential cause for concern, and we shouldn't have to wait for people in the derogated group to comment on it to know it isn't offensive. I don't see why this is such an issue.

Post #780 · Posted at 2024-04-04 10:20:48pm 3.7 months ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
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"F***ing exhausted."
Quote: extraordiberry
I wish I didn't have to explain this... It is based on a widespread and harmful stereotype that reduces an entire population of individuals to "sombrero hat" and "salsa," made by a person who himself is not affected by the stereotype, and leads to said individuals being treated as less than human by those who believe it. The presence of this song in the game will make those affected by this stereotype uncomfortable and not safe playing it, and a move away from content that functions by putting other people down will make the game better and more popular for everyone. It wasn't any better back when songs like this were widespread; people were just less aware of its harms back then.

It doesn't matter how much you like it if it is hurting other people.

I was right, it really is just the things people said about Mario Odyssey all over again.

Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.
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