
DDR Hottest Party Work Thread

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Post #1 · Posted at 2008-02-11 10:22:31am 16.4 years ago

Offline silenttype01
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Last Update: 2008-07-02 20:06 GMT
Dancing Stage Hottest Party was released today and unfortunately, there's no Edit mode. So completing the simfiles will be very tedious. If you want to help, get the packs that are found in this thread. Credit to those packs go to Archer.

All simfiles for the NA release are complete! Just take a look at the link below.

Simfiles completed
Let's take a look

Post #2 · Posted at 2008-02-11 04:34:59pm 16.4 years ago

Offline al2k4
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
Just to add:

Use these mp3s. They come directly from the soundtrack apart from the four songs that weren't on the Japanese version which are 128kbps lineout quality.

Post #3 · Posted at 2008-02-25 02:30:16am 16.4 years ago

Offline hooky
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What simfiles need to be worked on?

Post #4 · Posted at 2008-02-25 03:05:17am 16.4 years ago

Offline Archer
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Basically, I have no problem transcoding the steps from the videos. The big problem I have is I can't get the timing information right for syncing it.

If someone was willing to go through and set the timing data up for each of the files (big job, I know), then I could hammer my way through and get the steps in.

Post #5 · Posted at 2008-02-25 05:19:54am 16.4 years ago

Offline silenttype01
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All of them needs work. If you want to help, just download the simfiles that archer has. The link to it is in the first post.

And Archer, I don't understand what you're saying. Can you re-word it?:3

Post #6 · Posted at 2008-02-25 05:22:30am 16.4 years ago

Offline Oni-91
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-3445-5569-17913DS Friend Code: 008736577880
"Popular bisexual disaster"
Basically, he can't get the BPM and GAP spot-on, and he can't start stepping them until he gets it right. I'll give it a shot.
ZIv Mod Squad: "I'm a trash panda now, don't worry about it"
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Post #7 · Posted at 2008-02-25 06:00:18am 16.4 years ago

Offline Archer
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--- STILL TO DO ---

Better banners than the resized ones from Konami's website for all songs except:
Lesson by DJ (English)
Lesson by DJ (Japanese)

Backgrounds for all songs except:
1, 2 Step
1998 (Sparky 2006)
B4U (The Acolyte mix)
B4U (Rising Sun mix)
Blue Monday
Buried A Lie
Disco Inferno
Far Away
Here I Go Again
Hot Stuff
I Don't Feel Like Dancin'
I'm Flying Away
Moving on
Nothing But You
Such A Feeling
the beat
The Sign
Too Little, Too Late
We Will Live Together


B4U (Rising Sun mix) - BeginnerLightHeavy
DOUBLE TORNARD - BeginnerLightStandard
Pluto The First - Beginner
TRUE LOVE (Clubstar's True Club Mix) - BeginnerLightStandard

Post #8 · Posted at 2008-02-28 09:31:49pm 16.4 years ago

Offline Oni-91
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-3445-5569-17913DS Friend Code: 008736577880
"Popular bisexual disaster"
I've got a Pluto the First bg over at the Simfile Background thread for ya.
ZIv Mod Squad: "I'm a trash panda now, don't worry about it"
Can you make music? ZENIUS -I- MANIA 2023 NEEDS YOU

Post #9 · Posted at 2008-02-28 11:52:18pm 16.4 years ago

Offline Archer
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Quote: Oni-91
I've got a Pluto the First bg over at the Simfile Background thread for ya.

Grabbed it, thanks. Smile

Post #10 · Posted at 2008-02-29 06:24:02am 16.4 years ago

Offline Kyzentun
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"I'm honestly pissed off."
For those recording your own videos and stepping off of those: Use gamecube controllers to get it into 4 player mode, so that you have all 4 charts next to each other. It's much easier to put the lone arrows in the beginner chart in the right place when you have the expert chart right next to it to compare with. I did that last night, and it only took me two hours to get the steps for Blue Monday. Not synced correctly, but that can be fixed later.

Edit: Too busy dancing last night to sync, but I've uploaded the steps anyway.
silenttype01: Kyzentun is never harsh. He says it how it is.

GENERATION 24: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

Post #11 · Posted at 2008-02-29 06:32:51am 16.4 years ago

Offline Oni-91
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-3445-5569-17913DS Friend Code: 008736577880
"Popular bisexual disaster"
OK, if DDR:UK are right, Dancing Stage Hottest Party should be out on Saturday. If so, I can get to work on steps really quickly (thanks, Edit Mode!). I'll be able to do all the ones on the EU version. What songs they actually are though...we don't know.
ZIv Mod Squad: "I'm a trash panda now, don't worry about it"
Can you make music? ZENIUS -I- MANIA 2023 NEEDS YOU

Post #12 · Posted at 2008-03-01 06:21:10pm 16.4 years ago

Offline Lord Toon
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2326-5874-6891Origin: LordToon_LTI
User Image

Thought anyone might want this...//

Post #13 · Posted at 2008-03-03 01:04:39am 16.4 years ago

Offline al2k4
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
Haha nice, doubt we're gonna get any exclusive songs though. Confused

Post #14 · Posted at 2008-03-04 01:18:06am 16.4 years ago

Offline Kyzentun
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"I'm honestly pissed off."
Well, I've copied the steps for "1998 (Sparky 2005)", unsynced, and I forgot to bring them to work, so I can't upload them anyway. Going to make another go at Pluto, so I probably won't get around to trying to sync it until tomorrow night at the soonest. Anyone watching, don't waste time getting down the steps for 1998 or Blue Monday, I have those steps.
silenttype01: Kyzentun is never harsh. He says it how it is.

GENERATION 24: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

Post #15 · Posted at 2008-04-28 08:24:22am 16.2 years ago

Offline Archer
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Hey guys,

Whatever files I have that are completed, or sent to me completed I'll upload onto my server. The files will be stored in http://ddr.locusincompertus.com/HP/

I just completed B4U (The Acolyte mix), but I still need a banner for it if anyone knows where one can be found (it's not on the Konami website like the others were). I've also finished up BREAK DOWN (World Version).

--- ADDED ---

Is anyone other than me still working on these? Confused

If anyone is... I have a lineout for the secodn version of tokyoEVOLVED, and a youtube audio rip for the third version of it... along with the corresponding Expert steps for both of them stepped.

Post #16 · Posted at 2008-04-29 05:56:44pm 16.2 years ago

Offline silenttype01
silenttype01 Avatar Member+
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I'm still working on them, just very slowly.Blushing I've been getting ready for college and schoolwork and band practice has been taking up most of my time.

Post #17 · Posted at 2008-05-03 07:35:38am 16.2 years ago

Offline TimeSpaceMage
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I can step whichever others need it, but I'm no prayerwarrior so it's not gonna have godly syncing. I'm just glad all those banners look so good, because the best I could BS them to was an uneven resize and Paint.NET's Sharpen tool X)

Progress so far:
Super Samurai
Heavy tweaked (7th arrow in measure 21) using bigfootkevin's vid as a reference. The arrow was moved back a 16th to red.

Beautiful Inside (Cube::Hard Mix)
BeginnerLightStandardHeavy done. Apparently colons can't go in song titles, so I used a hyphen rather than make character (picture) files.

Blue Monday
BeginnerLightStandardHeavy done. That BPM is definitely not 131-even; it's somewhere around 130.58. The Heavy chart for this is awesome.

You Spin Me 'Round (Like a Record)
BeginnerLightStandardHeavy done. That's another fun chart.

Remember to rename these TXTs to SMs when using them! Geocities is nice for providing a quick text file, but it doesn't like weird file types =P
Play my game Arcana Seal of Rimsala (SNES)!

Post #18 · Posted at 2008-05-03 07:57:10am 16.2 years ago

Offline Kyzentun
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"I'm honestly pissed off."
I'll see if I can summon the will to do a couple over the weekend. I can't sync well at all though, so they won't be synced correctly (not a AAA player).
silenttype01: Kyzentun is never harsh. He says it how it is.

GENERATION 24: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

Post #19 · Posted at 2008-05-03 11:06:48am 16.2 years ago

Offline Archer
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silent, no worries there. I've been busy with work myself, along with the never-ending debugging of the Stepmania 3.9+ project. I was just hoping that I wasn't the only one, because I looked at the remaining work to be done and cringed at having to do all of that.

Mage, awesome. As soon as I finish playing around with HL2 Ep 2 tonight (Orange Box ftw!) I'll grab those and update the listing on my site.

Kyzentun, no worries on syncing. If you can step them and send them to me, I'd be happy to sync them up for you. Smile

Also, I have a mem card reader on the way, so I'll finally be able to dump a fully unlocked save file onto my Wii and get a lineout for the third and final variation of tokyoEVOLVED (not to mention grab the missing steps for all the variations... I can get it on Free Play random but it only plays the jump-step-jump variation that way [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcf0iFiRdco]).

Post #20 · Posted at 2008-05-03 01:10:45pm 16.2 years ago

Offline TimeSpaceMage
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Yeah I'm really looking forward to 3.9+, but I think I'll wait until the debugging gets finished. I don't want to overlay my current version yet (too much stuff to keep track of) or have two concurrent SM versions installed at once.

Great to hear you're getting a reader! I think that will leave just the JP songs to get... sure wish there were Youtube videos for those =p
Play my game Arcana Seal of Rimsala (SNES)!
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