
Dance Dance Revolution Supernova Tournament in San Antonio, TX

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Post #1 · Posted at 2015-07-22 09:32:34pm 9.4 years ago

Offline A2Z
A2Z Avatar Member
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Reg. 2015-07-18

Hello! Sorry for posting this so close to actual tournament day, but those in San Antonio or close enough to make a drive, we are having a Supernova tournament Monday, August 3rd, 2015 at Ultra Arcade in San Antonio, TX. $100 pot bonus, with a $15 entry fee getting you entry, commemorative badge, free console play, and free play on our second DDR Extreme machine. The whole event will be live streamed with guest commentators. Qualifying starts at 9am with the tourney starting around 11am. For those who might be going to San Japan this will be the day after the final day of the convention. We know the day might be a little rough for some people to put into their schedule, but for those that can make it we would love to see you there! We also have $5 guest passes for those who would like to attend and play games/ hang out but don't wish to compete, and we are also offering a $1 discount on the tournament fee for those who wish to pre-qualify the night before. More details below, or post a comment below.

Here's some links:

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1593464877593314/

Livestream: http://www.ultraarcade.com/live-stream/

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