
TyTigeriku's Simfiles

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Post #1 · Posted at 2006-08-26 07:10:31pm 17.9 years ago

Offline TyTigeriku
TyTigeriku Avatar Member+
393 Posts
United States
Reg. 2006-08-26

"Magic Parade with me!"
Hey everyone, this is where I'll post updates that I've released a new simfile (other than DDRUK)! Green Grin

Bemanistyle Simfiles
Zenius Simfiles

Newest 4 Simfiles:

BPM: 170

User Image
BPM: 160

User Image
BPM: 144

User Image
BPM: 135

I hope you guys enjoy them! Please Rate and Comment, tell me if something is not that great so I can avoid making the same mistakes in the Future! Big Grin

E. TN Machines!

Post #2 · Posted at 2006-08-28 01:42:09pm 17.9 years ago

Offline TyTigeriku
TyTigeriku Avatar Member+
393 Posts
United States
Reg. 2006-08-26

"Magic Parade with me!"
New Zenius Simfile! Big Grin

User Image
BPM: 132
SOLO "Practice" Edit: 6

Go check it out in the Simfile Database! Green Grin

E. TN Machines!

Post #3 · Posted at 2006-09-03 04:17:55pm 17.9 years ago

Offline TyTigeriku
TyTigeriku Avatar Member+
393 Posts
United States
Reg. 2006-08-26

"Magic Parade with me!"
THREE new simfiles in the database! Go check them out! Big Grin

E. TN Machines!

Post #4 · Posted at 2006-09-14 04:13:56am 17.8 years ago

Offline TyTigeriku
TyTigeriku Avatar Member+
393 Posts
United States
Reg. 2006-08-26

"Magic Parade with me!"
New Zenius Simfile! Big Grin

User Image
BPM: 150

Go check it out in the Simfile Database! Green Grin

E. TN Machines!

Post #5 · Posted at 2006-09-14 01:51:09pm 17.8 years ago

Offline TyTigeriku
TyTigeriku Avatar Member+
393 Posts
United States
Reg. 2006-08-26

"Magic Parade with me!"
New Simfiles! Big Grin

User Image
BPM: 102

User Image
BPM: 128-211

Go check them out in the Database! Green Grin

E. TN Machines!

Post #6 · Posted at 2006-09-14 06:56:40pm 17.8 years ago

Offline Air12567
Air12567 Avatar Member
642 Posts
United Kingdom
Reg. 2006-05-27

Quote: TyTigeriku
New Zenius Simfile! Big Grin

User Image
BPM: 150

Go check it out in the Simfile Database! Green Grin


i made an edit
i uploaded it on youtube
i deleted the simfile in the end though coz its too repetetive

Post #7 · Posted at 2006-09-15 01:07:25am 17.8 years ago

Offline TyTigeriku
TyTigeriku Avatar Member+
393 Posts
United States
Reg. 2006-08-26

"Magic Parade with me!"
Quote: AaronRoberts
Quote: TyTigeriku
New Zenius Simfile! Big Grin

User Image
BPM: 150

Go check it out in the Simfile Database! Green Grin


i made an edit
i uploaded it on youtube
i deleted the simfile in the end though coz its too repetetive

Heh, yeah, I tryed my darndest to avoid that, but it's in the song!...Confused
E. TN Machines!

Post #8 · Posted at 2006-09-23 04:55:00pm 17.8 years ago

Offline TyTigeriku
TyTigeriku Avatar Member+
393 Posts
United States
Reg. 2006-08-26

"Magic Parade with me!"
New Zenius Simfile! Big Grin

User Image
BPM: 145-150

Go check it out in the Simfile Database! Big Grin
E. TN Machines!

Post #9 · Posted at 2006-10-01 02:07:36pm 17.8 years ago

Offline TyTigeriku
TyTigeriku Avatar Member+
393 Posts
United States
Reg. 2006-08-26

"Magic Parade with me!"
New Simfile everyone! Big Grin

User Image
BPM: 25-600

Check it out in the Database! Big Grin

al2k4 Edit: You accidently left a closing table HTML tag in here. Tongue
E. TN Machines!

Post #10 · Posted at 2006-10-04 05:23:02am 17.8 years ago

Offline TyTigeriku
TyTigeriku Avatar Member+
393 Posts
United States
Reg. 2006-08-26

"Magic Parade with me!"
Hey everybody, New sim! Green Grin

User Image
BPM: 122-244

It's in the database, Enjoy! ;)
E. TN Machines!

Post #11 · Posted at 2006-10-11 01:29:37pm 17.8 years ago

Offline TyTigeriku
TyTigeriku Avatar Member+
393 Posts
United States
Reg. 2006-08-26

"Magic Parade with me!"
New sim! Green Grin

User Image
BPM: 129.5

You know where to go. Please Comment, and Enjoy! ;)
E. TN Machines!

Post #12 · Posted at 2006-10-22 10:49:40am 17.7 years ago

Offline TyTigeriku
TyTigeriku Avatar Member+
393 Posts
United States
Reg. 2006-08-26

"Magic Parade with me!"
>New sim! Green Grin

User Image
BPM: 129.5

You know where to go. Please Comment, and Enjoy! ;)
E. TN Machines!
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